Regarding the TPD cartridge size limit

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Full Member
Apr 6, 2016
hello all,

New to the site but not new to vaping and certainly not new to the ongoing hassles of the upcoming TPD legislations.

Without wanting to engage people in politics (I am thoroughly opposed to the EU and every clause of that disgusting TPD document), I am interested to know how manufacturers will approach the 2ml cartridge limit?

My smallest tank is 2.5ml and this is not much bigger than a cigarette. My clearomizers go no smaller than 4 ml and I am sure that one puff at 60w will dry out and burn a 2ml cartridge within minutes.

The idea is that a smaller cartridge will prevent "poisoning" and will somehow prevent vaping's appeal to children (surely, smaller sized carts will be more appealing to teenagers). The way I see it, smaller tanks will be prone to burning and will be MORE dangerous to our mouths and lungs and might even be prone to malfunctioning under the heat.

So much for abstaining from politics. So... Question 1: how will manufacturers approach this limit? Question 2: what are the general implications of smaller tanks for our health and for the business?




Grumpy Ole Man
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Many manufacturers are working to meet requirements this way.
2Ml Bachelor


Grumpy Ole Man
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Thanks, Susan. I suppose if they make them wider like the "Bachelor" it might not be as terrible as I imagine it to be.

For the heavier Vaper, a soft case with several filled tanks would make outings simpler to deal with.
Newer Top fill designs will also ease refilling. I can fill a large TFV4 Tank in less than 30 seconds.
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Big Me

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2014
We have away our sovereignty when we joined the EU back in 1974 (or whenever it was...)

Now, there are advantages to being part of it (Gender Equality and Human Rights, Free Movement, etc) but there are disadvantages (the push for closer ties i.e. "United States of Europe", the TPD, etc).

The main problem that I can see with leaving is that will mean giving the current UK government free reign to do what they want (and after what they've done so far that doesn't bode well...)
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