Rick M Vaporalley

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New Member
Dec 3, 2011
First off vapeing now 1month love it, but I was getting frustrated with it when I only had an ego charging batts over and over poor vapor production just a hassle.Well that all changed when I received my copper q2v3 wow this thing is awesome. First off its beautiful and feels great in the hand, next but probably more important than the first it vapes like a champ, versatile throw in a 17670 3.7v wont to try 6v throw in 2 cr123's then you can use 2 16340 3.7v for 7.2v many options for someone just starting to find what works for you. Rick is also a pleasure to work with seems like a cool cat helped me with batt prob I was having no quest asked. I live in NC He is in MD when i order i usually have my package on second day fastest ever. Thanks Rick You are the man look forward to years of business.
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