So You Quit the Stinkers - But are you still hooked on Nicotine?

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Jan 24, 2014
Bottom-feeding mods with Cyclone atties on 'em. No problem. It also helps that I'm in an environment where I can vape as much as I want whenever I want.

Nicotine jitters? What's that?

ROFL!! I used to be the worst coffee and pepsi addict you've ever seen... my ex told me I could make a cup of coffee nervous! :D but then I started loving that twinings tea, and the decaf kind has no taste, so I was drinking 8-10 cups of the caffeine kind, but now only 2-3 a day, and I can really feel the caffeine now, when I drink it in the morning. And always have had to cut down my nic level around dinner time, so I'm not so jittery and pounding heart when I go to bed. My body seems to be becoming so damn pure it's sickening. :D If not for the nicotine and WTA, I'd be a candidate for sainthood! I didn't even enjoy those mild pain pills they gave me after my surgery. :shock: :facepalm: I think they're about the equiv of a tylenol 3 or something like that.

It's terrible, really. I'd start eating a lot of sugar again just to stay true to my self-destructive nature, but I'm scared to death of diabetes!



ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I honestly don't see how this is possible.

I'm thinking that has everything to do with device. I use cigalike batts with 1ml clearos. I would say most I've ever done in a day was 5 ml, and average most I have in any given month is 3 ml in a day. Otherwise, I'm somewhere between .5 and 3 ml in a day.

In my previous post on this thread I said I was averaging .5 ml a day for past week (which was about 2 weeks ago). Now, I'm up to a walloping 1.5 ml a day average.

Seems like a significant tradeoff if it is device that would cause 3 to 8 times more juice per day. Though speaking to a crowd that mostly uses 2nd and 3rd generation devices and I'm sure I'll be speaking for the extreme minority.

The device makes a lot of difference. I vape a Reo with a RDA at around 25 watts average. I also go through 6-8 ml a day and if I'm on the computer all day and vaping, 15 ml is not out of the question.

Actually, I think of the Reo as a 4'th generation device.


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
What I can't imagine are these folks that go thru 20ml per day -- or more -- because of their silly drippers. I couldn't *afford* to use that much ejuice!!! And I have no clue how they're not on the ceiling with nicotine jitters, every minute of the day.

Hey, leave my drippers alone there lady

JK Andria

Though I only go through 6 ml a day typically, I do make my own juice at around $0.06 a ml if I remember correctly the last time I added it up. I have been vaping 3 mg nic lately, but I'm going back to zero nic now because I've become really sensitive to it. Most people who vape a lot of juice do cut back on their nic levels to avoid over-nicing themselves..


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
The device makes a lot of difference. I vape a Reo with a RDA at around 25 watts average. I also go through 6-8 ml a day and if I'm on the computer all day and vaping, 15 ml is not out of the question.

Actually, I think of the Reo as a 4'th generation device.

Those 10th generation devices where people are vaping a half liter a day are going to be a doozy.

15 ml is not out out of the question? :shock:


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Hey, leave my drippers alone there lady

JK Andria

Though I only go through 6 ml a day typically, I do make my own juice at around $0.06 a ml if I remember correctly the last time I added it up. I have been vaping 3 mg nic lately, but I'm going back to zero nic now because I've become really sensitive to it. Most people who vape a lot of juice do cut back on their nic levels to avoid over-nicing themselves..

LOL! :lol: I just can't seem to like the vape from a dripper; it's so airy it seems like I'm not getting anything, then it's suddenly so intense I have an asthma attack!

But I'm starting to have a little more success with the DIY thing myself; I think I've *finally* found a Virginia flavor that really suits me, "Virginia" from Tobacco Express; their "Golden Virginia" is also not bad, but just a tiny bit smokier; tomorrow I thought I might try a mix using both; also I finally got some of that Bitter Wizard stuff, and it really makes an incredible difference! 1 drop in 5ml of juice, and wow! It's truly amazing. I also mixed up some of FlavourArts' "Apple," and the Signature "cinnamon Redhot," and those also turned out very well, though the Apple really is very light, kinda weak; I think a slightly stronger concentration might be necessary. But with getting all these particular flavors sorted out, I may finally be free of the fear that the FDA will shut down MyFreedomSmokes where I get my beloved ADV Virginia. I'll just make my own, so neener neener, FDstupidA!

But I'll keep vaping it in my kayfuns, so probably will maintain about the same level of usage, even if it's pennies per ml. :thumbs:



Super Member
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Aug 28, 2014
keyes, ca, usa
If you are still smoking because you are only using 0 mg liquids I couldn't say that's a better position to be in than only vaping liquids with nicotine in them.

You probably already know it isn't the nicotine that does your body all the damage - it's the tar and inhaling "burning stuff" that does you in.

Switching to vaping isn't just about replacing nicotine with nicotine either. You are getting a boat load of chemicals from burning processed tobacco that create a complex mix that keep you addicted to smoking, including a vicious cycle of your brain craving the MAOI's (antidepressants) you get from cigarette smoke. Except for a few rare people a "little smoking" is guaranteed to keep you craving smoking.

All I'm saying is you may be missing the point. You are using too little nicotine in your vaping to help you successfully quit smoking. Nicotine is not the big nasty dirty enemy you think it is that's keeping you hooked on cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes is what's keeping you hooked on smoking cigarettes. Quit the cigarettes first with a nic level that helps more, address anything you want to do about lowering your nic intake second.

i quit smoking to save money. im not woried about nicotine. its actually healthy in the same way caffeine is: its a stimulant, so it keeps your brain healthy and your memory intact as you get older, and its also anti-inflammatory. i vape 24 mg heavily and dont plan to ever quit. and its so much more convenient than cigarettes anyway.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2012
I stopped smoking cigarettes a few years ago. For me giving up nicotine wasn't a problem, what I really missed was the ritual of smoking. I started smoking a hookah until the British government decided to levy an enormous tax on shisha tobacco so I turned to vaping. What concerns me is, with the rise in popularity of vaping, the government will probably either tax or regulate it into oblivion.


Senior Member
Sep 1, 2014
Columbia, SC, USA
I am addicted to nicotine. That is why I am trying to switch over to vaping only, because of the accounts I have read from people switching from cigarettes to ecigs and eventually stopping altogether. I would LOVE to have no dependence on nicotine at all. But! I have tried everythig else, from The Easy Way to nicotine replacements to self harm, etc. To me vaping has been the most effective for me. I am addicted to nicotine, and I do want to stop altogether at some point in the near future. I don't think addiction is healthy at all! But I have tried "cold turkey" and I just couldn't do it. Quit cigarettes for 2 months then smoked a whole pack in about 3 hours. It's the worst.

But everyone has their path that they must travel. Good luck on yours!


Ultra Member
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Sep 4, 2014
Silver Spring, MD, USA
I have to say that the other folks are giving good advice. Use the nicotine in the e-liquid to help you get off the cigarette habit first. Then go for reducing the nicotine levels in the juice.

So what level of nicotine should you start with? Base that on your smoking habit. For instance, if you smoke a pack a day of "light" cigarettes, then either 12mg or 18mg might be a good starting point. Your body will tell you what it needs to curb the craving for cigarettes. If you are using 12mg juice and your body wants 18,you will simply vape more until the craving goes away. The reverse is also true as long as you pay attention. You will stop vaping sooner if you are using 18 and your body wants less. The nicotine level your body wants to satisfy the craving is based on total level in the bloodstream rather than on how fast (or slow) it's delivered.

That being said, it's important to pay closer attention than normal and look for the point when the craving subsides, because the delivery method and rate is different than what you are used to with smoking.

Welcome to the club of us who are struggling to quit smoking, and best of luck!


Vaping Master
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Mar 22, 2013
Las Vegas/San Francisco
I started vaping to quit the Nails, so to speak. Initially, I used 24mg, which was short lived quickly.

Now, I use either a 50/50 - 0mg, 3mg, or 6mg mix depending on what device I am using.

If I simply wish to vape for the sake of vaping, I use the 0mg. If I want to blow clouds, I use a 20/80 - 0mg. :vapor:


Senior Member
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Feb 12, 2009
I have to say that the other folks are giving good advice. Use the nicotine in the e-liquid to help you get off the cigarette habit first. Then go for reducing the nicotine levels in the juice.

So what level of nicotine should you start with? Base that on your smoking habit. For instance, if you smoke a pack a day of "light" cigarettes, then either 12mg or 18mg might be a good starting point. Your body will tell you what it needs to curb the craving for cigarettes. If you are using 12mg juice and your body wants 18,you will simply vape more until the craving goes away. The reverse is also true as long as you pay attention. You will stop vaping sooner if you are using 18 and your body wants less. The nicotine level your body wants to satisfy the craving is based on total level in the bloodstream rather than on how fast (or slow) it's delivered.

That being said, it's important to pay closer attention than normal and look for the point when the craving subsides, because the delivery method and rate is different than what you are used to with smoking.

Welcome to the club of us who are struggling to quit smoking, and best of luck!

There's lots of good advice in here and it has helped... however, apparently the cigarettes I smoked were SO LIGHT that I'm just uber sensitive to too much nicotine. I have always been really sensitive to caffeine too and gave that up (mostly) over ten years ago, so my journey with this nicotine thing and e-cigs has been a bit of a battle, and a little frustrating at times.

I started at 6mg, but after a few days that was proving to be too much. In the evenings I was getting really uncomfortable, like that "too much caffeine" feeling. I reduced to 3mg, and vaped that most of this past weekend, but even that was too much. I actually had to lay down for a while Saturday afternoon because I was feeling so crappy. In fairness though, I ate a lot of chocolate too, and that wasn't helping my issue. LOL

Right now, I'm vaping about half and half 0mg and 1.5mg. I'm not even sure I need the 1.5mg at all at this point. So far today I've only vaped about 1/2 ml of 1.5 mg and the rest has been 0mg. The big thing is that I'm still staying away from tobacco cigarettes, and I am.

I'm 8 days (I think?) completely tobacco free. I've kinda lost track of what day last week I had my last cigarette. :D


New Member
Nov 22, 2009
I smoked for 38 years . Used the pen style for 3-4 years at 24mg , then later 36mg. Was still smoking . Bought a mod (higher volume of vapor) and presto , cigs were gone. 5 months now and down about 7000 cigs. It took 5ml at 36mg per day to do it , but it is working. I recently bought a diluent to knock me down to 34.8mg . Still high but alot better than the cigs. I am not going to rush it.
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