Tasty Vapor and Tank/Cartomizer Longevity

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Apr 17, 2012
New Hampshire

I have tried many different e-liquids and only like Tasty Vapor brand mint chocolate chip flavor. I use a dct tank with single coil 3ohm cartomizers containing two laser drilled holes. I get them from madvapes. (DCT Single Coil 510 Cartomizer, Dual Punched, 3.0 ohms) I vape at 4.8 - 5 volts on a Provari with 18650 batteries. The e-liquid is 80pg/20vg. The problem is that the cartomizer only lasts for about 3 days. On the third day, the cartomizer reports a very low ohm rating (1.5 or so) on the provari after a draw. It then burns the filler and I have to throw it out. I know people have reported TV liquids as ruining cartomizers quickly. My question is can anything be done to get a longer life from cartomizers using this e-liquid. Would a dual coil or higher/lower ohm cartomizer work better? I ordered some 100% pg in this flavor, but don't think this will matter as I have seen that sediments are the culprit. I have also tried single and triple hole cartomizers to no avail. Sweetened vs non sweetened does not help either. Topping off does not help. Draws with no power does not help. Would adding distilled water help? If nothing will change the clogging issue, can anyone recommend an e-liquid that tastes extremely similar to the TV brand?



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Jun 22, 2011
Clearwater, MN
I wonder if maybe you're looking at this the wrong way. More on that in a bit though, let's talk about DCTs.

I was a big DCT user about 3 years ago. Like you, I preferred single coils, there wasn't anything special about the dual coils that I liked. Though I tended toward lower resistance, 1.7s were my favorite on a fixed voltage mod, that's irrelevant to the conversation though, since you're using a ProVari. There were a few things about DCTs that drove me away from them:

Filling them wasn't exactly easy.
I had the top of a 5ml tank pop off in my pocket once and spilled it's contents to my pants. Not fun.
Drawing through them was...unreliable. The tightness of the filler could vary from an airy draw to a really tight one...and it was difficult to tell until it was flooded or burnt.

So, how could we look at this differently? There are a few things that you can do to the juice to make it thinner...which may or may not help. Since you're dealing with 80% pg, the viscosity of the juice probably isn't the culprit. If it were 80% VG, then you might be having an issue.

Have you tried any other types of attys for your ProVari? If you're not into rebuildables (And I wouldn't blame you, they're....fidgety), there are several Clearomizers on the market now that are great. I've been using Kanger's mini style toppers for a couple months now. My ProVari and Kayfun are getting a little break now.

I have a Protank Mini 3, Evod 2 and T3D. They all use the same coil heads, so I can use the replacement coils in any of them. The only caveat to that is that they're eGo threaded, so you can't use the minis on a ProVari. Kanger does make bigger Protanks that would look nice on your ProVari though. The tank itself will run you about 20-25 bucks, and then a 5 pack of heads is 8-10ish unless you find a sale somewhere.

Hope this helps,
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