The Clone Wars - Tearing the Vaping Community Apart

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Aug 31, 2013
West MI
Right now it seems the biggest battle ever fought in the vaping Community is the Clone War. Authentic mod makers going to war against the Clone makers and consumers as well. I don't need to get into what each side represents, I think we have all seen, read and heard enough to know what this battle is all about. But there's another side to this war that I believe we are not aware of: It is tearing our community apart.

I've been vaping for around 4 years now and have always been very proud of being a part of the vaping community. It's always been a group of people bound and determined to find a healthy, fun and social way to kick the cigarette habit. Vaping has always been far more then just an alternative to smoking, for many of us it's a hobby and a social network. We love getting together and discussing our new hardware, what flavors we're enjoying and what new deals and steals Joe has for us. Watching our favorite Youtube reviewers tell us what we need to spend our next paycheck on, these people have become our friends. I have met a lot of amazing people through the forums and Vape meets, people I would never have met otherwise.

Recently, our community has taken on a new and dark cloud. Emotions are flaring up and people are losing all respect for one another. Name calling and personal attacks have replaced what once was encouragement and a spirit of kindness and acceptance. People are taking sides and attacking those that may have contradictory opinions.

If I were a conspiracy theorist I would say that the Clone War has been started by the FDA as a way of distracting the Vaping Community from what's really important. Our right to vape!! Fortunately, I neither believe the FDA is intelligent enough to formulate such a ruse and I firmly believe that we indeed did land on the moon.

I won't get into what my personal beliefs are in regards to clone manufacturers and those who purchase and sell said clones. What I am willing to speak out on is how this war is tearing us apart. We are fighting a battle that will have no true winner. Our time and efforts should be spent defending our right to vape and helping others in the community.

As Grimm Green always says "If we're not helping other Vapers we're not doing our job". I think it's quite apparent that too many of us are "not doing our jobs" right now. Trust me, while I have a finger pointed at you there are 3 pointed right back at me.

Let's get this community back on track. The anger and the hatred that is becoming more and more prevalent needs to stop. We all need to voice our opinions in a civilized and respectful manor. Mock me if you will but I will guarantee this: the Vaping Community that once was an amazing thing to be a part of will be destroyed and torn apart, things will never be the same again. Are you ok with that? I'm not.


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I don't see 'the clone wars' as all that significant. I suspect 95% of vapers don't care much and the majority of the noise is coming from the vocal 5%. I certainly don't see this as something that will tear the vaping community apart now or ever. 'Clone wars' have hit most of the other groups out there over the years and as far as I know they have all survived just fine :)

Now, the proposed FDA regulation is something that could really change vaping in the US for a long time to come, depending on what happens with them. That will become big if it's bad and I hope people will come together over that.


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Aug 4, 2014
Houston, Texas
Truth is clones exist because there is a market, not everyone can afford to buy authenic, and in some cases clone manifestations, and revisions have brought on superior preforming devices for a fraction of the cost take the Kayfun as an example, some of the so called clone revisions just simply out preform the authenics, not taking anything away from the original designers, but it is what it is, another that comes to mind is the Magma, I have a known authenic, and a known clone, and I swear to you you can not tell them apart, like identical twins, and vape identical.
That being said I have to wonder sometimes if original designers or those contracted to manufature the original, and the cloners are one and the same, think about it what better way to make money than play both sides of the fence.


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2014
Placentia, CA, USA
The market wouldn't be so crazy for cheap clones if cheap originals were as good as the clones. Try any cheap "authentic" and it's generally more expensive than a clone and not even close to the quality. Case in point, my ~$50 IGO-M V². It's a center post spinning wire cutter. I've got two clone (counterfeit) RDAs which together were half the price yet both are WAY higher quality.

I think the #notaclone thing is just a way for authentic companies to attempt to shame people or cast a dark shadow over people who buy clones. Let's face it, even if you can drop $250 for the latest copper tube, you start to realize, it's not really worth it.

I'm cool with high priced authentic, I've bought a few but if you really want to kill clones, create great products at a reasonable price. If I were given a choice of a $50 authentic that's awesome or a $15 clone, I'll buy the authentic. If I can get an exact replica of a $250 authentic for $30 well, how can you blame a person.

The REAL issue is our government doesn't aggressively attack Chinese counterfeiting. They make counterfeit Gibson guitars, the feds do nothing but raid the Nashville plant because they're not aware how they get their rosewood legally.

How does this affect the vaping community? Aside from web forum or social networking site bickering, it doesn't. I walk into Flawless vape with my authentic tugboat and they never ask if it's real or not. I think it's a non issue in the real world. I'm sure authentic vape-ware makers are doing just fine with or without clones.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 8, 2014
Mooresville, NC, USA
Yeah I agree with you on the not worth it for authentics thing. I have a few clone RDAs and a clone mech mod. The clones perform just as good if not better than the originals. These authenics are priced so ridiculous and you can buy the same thing for less money. I've thought about buying some authenic RDAs to support the makers but I honestly don't want to spend that kind of money. The #notaclone thing does look like a way to shame people that go out and buy a clone but honestly I really don't care about having something authentic that costs half a paycheck when the clone is better.
The market wouldn't be so crazy for cheap clones if cheap originals were as good as the clones. Try any cheap "authentic" and it's generally more expensive than a clone and not even close to the quality. Case in point, my ~$50 IGO-M V². It's a center post spinning wire cutter. I've got two clone (counterfeit) RDAs which together were half the price yet both are WAY higher quality.

I think the #notaclone thing is just a way for authentic companies to attempt to shame people or cast a dark shadow over people who buy clones. Let's face it, even if you can drop $250 for the latest copper tube, you start to realize, it's not really worth it.

I'm cool with high priced authentic, I've bought a few but if you really want to kill clones, create great products at a reasonable price. If I were given a choice of a $50 authentic that's awesome or a $15 clone, I'll buy the authentic. If I can get an exact replica of a $250 authentic for $30 well, how can you blame a person.

The REAL issue is our government doesn't aggressively attack Chinese counterfeiting. They make counterfeit Gibson guitars, the feds do nothing but raid the Nashville plant because they're not aware how they get their rosewood legally.

How does this affect the vaping community? Aside from web forum or social networking site bickering, it doesn't. I walk into Flawless vape with my authentic tugboat and they never ask if it's real or not. I think it's a non issue in the real world. I'm sure authentic vape-ware makers are doing just fine with or without clones.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2014
Meridian, MS
To be totally real it's gotten to the point that I am saving up for authentics, as I've been made to feel like not a vaper anymore simply because I have mostly clones. Out in public or at a vape meet people give the dirtiest looks and the most judgemental comments. Honestly when I read the forums I think that half the people out there consider me worse than a neo nazi or clan member simply for having cloned hardware.


Super Member
Aug 16, 2014
If it wasn't for clone prices and availability how many of us would've never been able to move beyond our innokin and kanger tech gear? I agree that companies like Ehpro are the future of affordable, quality equipment. The pure garbage Chinese companies will be weeded out. Hopefully. Maybe they will even force U.S. companies to step up production and reduce prices. That would be great.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
Seattle area
Isn't it sad, though? While the vapers are busy arguing over "intellectual property" of metal tubes :facepalm:, the prohibitionist forces are making great strides towards securing a crippling and definitive victory against our choice to quit smoking and switch to an alternative 100 to 1000 times safer.

The ANTZ are in full blown attack mode, from the highest levels:
to each and every last village in the nation:

In the meantime, out of an estimated 6.24 million vapers in the US, only a few thousand expressed their opposition to FDA's proposed regulations. :(

If we keep fighting over metal tubes instead of fighting for our right to vape, all of this discussion and all others at the top of this forum will be moot. I urge all vapers to get involved in advocacy and fight back against the ANTZ lies and propaganda. Visit the News forum, comment on articles in the media, write to your congresscritters, state, and local officials, show up and testify at hearings for local ordinances. Don't let them take this life-saving alternative away from us!


Ultra Member
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Nov 16, 2011
New Jersey
Drama. I vape what I like and don't care what other people use. It's nice to buy authentics and reward the people who created them, but not everyone can afford to do that. If the clone works well, why criticize someone for vaping within their budget?

+1 for this. I buy what I buy, and I use what I use. I'm not concerned about what other people think about my gear; it works for me. And I'm not concerned about the type of gear other people buy. Freedom of choice, folks.
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