Ultimate e-juice container?

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Dec 29, 2012
I'm trying to figure out what would be the safest, most pratical container, but am drawing a blank.

Common plastic dropper bottles are the easiest to use but probably the least safe. Rubber bulbs in glass dropper bottles evenually leach into the juice. The innokin UCAN commonly leaks, has rubber seals that can leach, and is likely made from cheap stainless with traces of lead etc. The plastic in euro dropper bottles might not react with e juice, but they drip so slow if at all.

I guess there would always have to be plastic/rubber on a glass jar unless using a cork, so whatever plastic cap is used should be the safest type. With my drip tank, I pour straight from the jar no problem. But how can I fill things with small holes like a clearomizer? The bit of juice left in a syringe after filling would probably react with the plastic/rubber, and i don't want to carry a syringe anyway. I considered a glass jar with a seperate glass eye dropper and not letting the juice reach the rubber dropper bulb when filling, but then it would get e jucie in my pocket and collect lint. If I put the glass dropper in a glass pocket storage case, the bit of remaining juice would react with the rubber bulb anyway. If I take the rubber bulb off the glass eye dropper and keep it in a seperate glass jar (now having to carry two jars), I think juice would be too thick to try and submerge the dropper in the juice and keep the juice in the dropper by putting my finger over the top of the dropper like you can do with a drinking straw. I considered a miniature glass funnel, but it's too many parts to carry and would need a big glass case for it to not react with plastic when stored.

One solution would be to carry a spare filled clearo, but I want the option to be able to vape more than that amount without having a pocket full of clearos.

Anyone have a solution? Out of what I mentioned, besides pouring straight from the jar, I think a glass dropper bottle is best option, but as many have said, they eventually leach into the juice.


Moved On
Nov 5, 2013
Justice, IL
What I've seen many do, and come payday, I'm doing the same, is to use little plastic squeezie bottles with a needle tip. You just transfer some juice from the vendor's bottle into the needle tip bottle, and you can fill just about anything. I've started buying in quantities larger than 10mls, so this makes it much easier carrying around a little 10ml bottle instead of a 50ml or 100ml bottle.

As far as storage, I think the main thing is that the bottle is airtight, and kept in a dark location. I've never had a problem with vendor bottles that aren't airtight, but then I do keep all my juices in a sealed Zombie Ammo Can.


Ultra Member
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Oct 1, 2013
Georgia, USA
Exactly how long are you planning on storing the liquid in the bottles?

If I were planning to store liquid for a long time (six months to a year or more) I would definitely make sure it was all in glass - most of my liquid gets transferred to glass bottles, in fact, because I, too, want to minimize any leeching issues over a long period of time. For long term storage, absolutely, glass bottles with regular (not rubber or dropper) caps.

But for juice you're planning to actually vape, right there and then? I suppose if you have the budget to carry everything around in surgical steel like it's plutonium, or if you're less clumsy than me and want to risk carrying glass pipettes, then go nuts... but I don't bother, because whatever I'm vaping simply isn't in the plastic bottle that long - the bottle is empty before anything significant could possibly leech into the juice. When my plastic bottles have been filled and refilled a handful of times, I pitch them and pick up a few more (and more glass for long term storage).

I can appreciate that you want to be as cautious as possible, but considering we don't even know all that much of the nitty gritty about the long term effects of vaping, and considering I used to *smoke*, I'm not going to make myself crazy about the infinitesimal details in*short-term* juice storage.

Best of luck in your search, but I doubt most folks have thought this issue through as thoroughly as you have.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain
Reagent bottles!!!



Have fun

ETA: Also "Weighing bottles"
Last edited:


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Have you met GoodNews?

Sorry, just to most of the world extremest don't make a lot of sense.
Leaching is a bit overstated. about the only thing I know of that people claim does not leach is glass, but you cannot squeeze glass.
Therefor if you buy into leaching being as big a problem as some do, you will need a Glass Jar with Glass lid milled to seal perfectly so as to not leak. Next you could use a tiny Glass funnel to direct juice into the Clearomizer.(Are you using seal-less Glass clearos?)

I would honestly believe with the time required for an e-liquid to react to any particular plastic, you could safely store your e-liquids in Glass bottles and use smaller 3ml/5ml Bottles only filled as needed. Flush with hot water when done and set aside to dry. Keep out of direct sun light and dispose of as warranted.


Vaping Master
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Sep 11, 2013
Sugar Hill, Georgia
With a User Name like yours, I can See why this is Possible.

Hahaha! I hear ya....in fact, you're right. I tear down buildings for a living. More often than not, we have to remove all of the asbestos containing materials prior to demo. After years and years of smoking, working around asbestos, lead and mold....I seriously doubt my juice bottle is going to be what does me in! I'd be willing to bet asbestos would make a fantastic wick! Kent cigarettes used it in their revolutionary "microfilter". Cutting edge technology, that was. Truth be known, a busy intersection is where you need to hold your breath. There's still a lot of asbestos brake pads floating around out there......every time they hit the brake pedal= fiber release. We're all doomed! Or so the lawyers on TV would have us think!
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Jan 22, 2014
I remember a really small oil can my dad had. I can't remember if it is stainless or coated brass as I haven't seen it in a while. It was a lot like a tiny whiskey flask w a needle tip & a screw-on top. Measured around 2" x 1.25" x .4". The metal was thin enough to squeeze & had dimples on the sides sorta like a milk jug. Something like that with quality sourced materials would be super cool!

I'm also very interested in locating a high quality, out and about, around 5ml, filling container. Something simpler/cleaner than the UCan would be nice. I'll see if I can work some Google-fu magic!
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