Vaping has disabled my ability to seek professional medical advice!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
Cbus, Ohio
So before I started vaping, I would go to the Dr. if I had any type of health issue. Reoccurring headaches, mouth sores, dry throat, sinus infection, toenails stopped growing, erectile dysfunction, herpes breakouts..etc. Ever since I started vaping I turn to the internet for every health concern I have. In my mind, someone sitting in starbucks can offer much better medical advice than any Dr possibly could. I swear when I was smoking analogs I went to the Dr, and it just seems very coincidental that as soon as I started vaping, I stopped going and posting my concerns in forums, and actually get defensive and beligerant when someone tells me to see the Dr.

Im using a Janty Stick and primarily PG 24mg from either Janty or RuyanDirect. I have vaped some IV EcoPure and JC when I get bored. Do you think that PG may be rewiring my brain to think that every health issue I come accross could be diagnosed in a vaping forum? You know that stuff is anti-freeze and the FDA says its bad. Could this combo be altering my genetic structure engineering my brain to the common sense level of a lemming? I mean, I was a fairly rational, logical person before I started vaping, and now all I do is sit at the window watching for the mail, and posting my health issues on vaping forums.

Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, please post your vaping habits, juice and hardware type. There has to be a common thread here...could we possibly need and rely on the extra chemicals in cigarettes, is it good for us? Someone please help! Its been over 3 months since Ive consulted with a health care professional!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 17, 2009
New Jersey
Really? That sounds a little strange actually...

I think it's more that since you're no longer using cigarettes, your mind (not necessarily a rewiring of the brain) is adverse to going to the doctor because subconsciously you believe you've eliminated the culprit of your health problems.

I only go to the doctor when I have a problem, so I can't say. I hated the doctor when I smoked and I still hate going now.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2009
North Carolina

If vaping turns people into Lemmings, then I'm a Lemming now too, I think I like Lemmings:D

Or maybe it just triggered your entry into the 21st century, where you actually CAN get something useful (besides 3 tons of garbage) from the internet....

Just in case this was more seriously meant, I apologize, one should always seek professional opinions for health or other concerns, IMHO. Do not just rely on as you put it "someone at starbucks with a laptop" ... I LIKE that expression!


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hundred Acre Wood
Sounds like you're afraid your doctor is so anti smoking that he'll disapprove of vaping.
Don't avoid your doctor. When you go let him/her exam you and then, at the tail end of your visit, show off your PV. Take printed material with you so he can read while you explain what it is.
I did this and mine was happy as a claim because my BP was so low he had to take me off meds.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 4, 2009
Stow, OH
doctors will **** you up. its their job. if they really fixed health issues, they would be out of a job. so they obviously cant do their job too well. treat them good as kids so they can earn a good living and afford to pay for you to screw them up as adults.
hell look at my crooked ... thumb, i set my own pinky years ago and it turned out fine. e-room doc said my thumb was fine but i knew better. but im getting older and a little less sure of myself so i listened to the dumb ....h. now it looks like my thumb needs a script for ....... they could of course do surgery (more money) but it is functional and surgery has its own set of risks.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2009
Hertfordshire, England
So before I started vaping, I would go to the Dr. if I had any type of health issue. Reoccurring headaches, mouth sores, dry throat, sinus infection, toenails stopped growing, erectile dysfunction, herpes breakouts..etc. Ever since I started vaping I turn to the internet for every health concern I have. In my mind, someone sitting in starbucks can offer much better medical advice than any Dr possibly could. I swear when I was smoking analogs I went to the Dr, and it just seems very coincidental that as soon as I started vaping, I stopped going and posting my concerns in forums, and actually get defensive and beligerant when someone tells me to see the Dr.

Im using a Janty Stick and primarily PG 24mg from either Janty or RuyanDirect. I have vaped some IV EcoPure and JC when I get bored. Do you think that PG may be rewiring my brain to think that every health issue I come accross could be diagnosed in a vaping forum? You know that stuff is anti-freeze and the FDA says its bad. Could this combo be altering my genetic structure engineering my brain to the common sense level of a lemming? I mean, I was a fairly rational, logical person before I started vaping, and now all I do is sit at the window watching for the mail, and posting my health issues on vaping forums.

Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, please post your vaping habits, juice and hardware type. There has to be a common thread here...could we possibly need and rely on the extra chemicals in cigarettes, is it good for us? Someone please help! Its been over 3 months since Ive consulted with a health care professional!

LOL.... and who said American's don't get sarcasm! :D

[EDIT: Actually, reading some of the other posts in this thread.... maybe that's not so far off the mark :oops: ]
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 12, 2009
Lancaster, CA
I think some folks are taking this post seriously and others are seeing sarcasm. I think this conflict arises from the recent addition to vaping in their lives. As one can denote a subtle sense of dry British humor in your post but at the same time be deterred from that conclusion after noticing the startling "Ohio" marked as your location. Of course if you are a Brit in Ohio I apologize for interpreting your post wrong and for you being a Brit in Ohio.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2009
Pinellas County, Fl
Not to cause this thread to digress - but what is wrong with mixing Ohio, sarcasm, Brits, medical issues, dry humor and vaping?

Um. Yeah. Ohio. I remember. Beer, hayrides, cow tipping and beastial... uh nevermind. I left the farm there years ago for the sunny shores of Florida... and you can bet your bippy it had NOTHING to do with all of those arrest warrants.... no matter what you read.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 27, 2009
I was 110% serious, aside from the erectile dysfunction and herpes comment.

I live in columbus, I dont know that Ive ever even seen a cow or a farm in person.

If your serious then I would recommend that you seek professional help and when I say professional help I mean the mental health kind.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2009
Pinellas County, Fl
I live in columbus, I dont know that Ive ever even seen a cow or a farm in person.
No offense meant and I hope none was taken! I really do have a soft spot for Ohioans - I was born and raised in Tipp City and Canton...

On to your post: I never have been a "doctor person" overall. But I will say that I have spent A LOT of time in front of the computer on forums discussing vaping, health, and cost. Never done that before, not to this extent, with any hobby or undertaking.

Here is the funny thing, even though I have drastically cut down my analog intake to almost nil, I hesitate to tell my doctor at my next visit in a few weeks. I think thats odd as well.

Although many will disagree (as you will it seems, self-admittedly):
If you even in passing think that you may be getting despondant, depressed, self-isolating and/or feeling like what you are exhibiting illogical/non-rational thoughts - you need to seek medical/mental health care IMMEDIATELY. These symptoms rolled together are not cool.

Keep in mind I am not a medical professional nor should this be considered medical advice. This is my humble opinion and I offer it as considerately and urgently as possible. I have seen the effects of chemical withdrawal as well as depression (both chemical and situational) and it isn't pretty if not managed and can be worse to fatal if ignored.


Vaping Master
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Aug 18, 2009
Virginia, Well Steeped
I go to doctors only when absolutely necessary. The main reason being that every time I've ever been to the dr. I've been told that cigarettes were the culprit for everything, even a bad knee. Others in my family have sinus problems, if they have a sinus infection (bad cold), they go to the dr they get meds. I catch the same cold, I (used to) go to the same dr in the same week, it's because I smoked, no meds for me. Figure that one out... That's happened at least three times in the last 10 years, they get meds, they don't give me meds but instead blame my bad cold on my smoking.

Well, now that I am a reformed smoker, a vapor person, I wonder what **IT I'll get when that happens again? Any guesses?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 28, 2009
Willamette Valley, PNW
So before I started vaping, I would go to the Dr. if I had any type of health issue. Reoccurring headaches, mouth sores, dry throat, sinus infection, toenails stopped growing, erectile dysfunction, herpes breakouts..etc. Ever since I started vaping I turn to the internet for every health concern I have. In my mind, someone sitting in starbucks can offer much better medical advice than any Dr possibly could. I swear when I was smoking analogs I went to the Dr, and it just seems very coincidental that as soon as I started vaping, I stopped going and posting my concerns in forums, and actually get defensive and beligerant when someone tells me to see the Dr.

Im using a Janty Stick and primarily PG 24mg from either Janty or RuyanDirect. I have vaped some IV EcoPure and JC when I get bored. Do you think that PG may be rewiring my brain to think that every health issue I come accross could be diagnosed in a vaping forum? You know that stuff is anti-freeze and the FDA says its bad. Could this combo be altering my genetic structure engineering my brain to the common sense level of a lemming? I mean, I was a fairly rational, logical person before I started vaping, and now all I do is sit at the window watching for the mail, and posting my health issues on vaping forums.

Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, please post your vaping habits, juice and hardware type. There has to be a common thread here...could we possibly need and rely on the extra chemicals in cigarettes, is it good for us? Someone please help! Its been over 3 months since Ive consulted with a health care professional!

Anyone that doesn't catch the humor in this one hasn't noticed what seems to be on the rise in this forum 8-o

For openers, Nepenthy, thank you. Some funny s**t on this place but that was freaking classic! LOL ROTFLMAO and any others ya want to throw in.

Thrust for me though, huge uptick in the last several days in posts asking about possible physical side-effects from vaping or outright claims that vaping is making them sick. I've read so many recently that I can't help but feel the place is lousy with ASH trolls. And that sucks! I for one am not that accomplished at troll sniffin'.

As for all those members with legitimate health questions, best to see a doctor! Learn how to use the freaking search function for the tremendous number of threads and posts already here that go into great detail on the known effects of PG and VG and flatulance and ........ and coughing and dry throats and most anything else you could wanna know! And then go see a doctor. Ya'll do that perhaps the trolls will be that much more obvious!

Now I breath, rant done

Damn that was funny Nepenthy :D


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 9, 2009
Kansas City, Ks, USA
So before I started vaping, I would go to the Dr. if I had any type of health issue. Reoccurring headaches, mouth sores, dry throat, sinus infection, toenails stopped growing, erectile dysfunction, herpes breakouts..etc. Ever since I started vaping I turn to the internet for every health concern I have. In my mind, someone sitting in starbucks can offer much better medical advice than any Dr possibly could. I swear when I was smoking analogs I went to the Dr, and it just seems very coincidental that as soon as I started vaping, I stopped going and posting my concerns in forums, and actually get defensive and beligerant when someone tells me to see the Dr.

Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, please post your vaping habits, juice and hardware type. There has to be a common thread here...could we possibly need and rely on the extra chemicals in cigarettes, is it good for us? Someone please help! Its been over 3 months since Ive consulted with a health care professional!

Actually, sounds like you're a sarcastic ........
just saying


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 1, 2009
For the last 10 years I have taken many experimental medicines to combat my RA..From methaltrexate ( a cancer med IE chemo) to 1500.00 per month injections in my stomach..and I noticed those chemicals had a strange effect on My skin..was getting so thin I thought I would eventually become invisible . All along smoking 1.5 packs daily of analogs. A major change I have noticed since vaping my skin is no longer thinning I think I will remain visible ..thanks to vaping..Now when I go to Burger King people say can I help you, before I was invisible..I am now seen
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