Vermont Vapor Back Online and Making Changes

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 19, 2009
Not only have we replaced PayPal and are back in operation, we are making big changes...

Between now and Monday, we will be switching over to a new bottle-dropper-shrinkband system (see photos below). This will, we hope, accomplish three important goals:

First - It will protect children and pets (but mostly children). With the new child-resistant droppers we will be rolling out, the likelihood that a young child will ingest e-liquid is decreased significantly. This is especially important as many liquids are labeled with such tasty sounding names as "Maple" and "Blackberry" and a dead or injured child is not only a tragedy that should and could be prevented, it would also be the demise of vaping and would likely result in significant injury to others who resume smoking as a result. Likewise, and I've seen it happen, plastic bottles have fallen from counters and ended up within easy reach of a family pet. With the new glass bottles, the chances that a beloved pet will chew through the container are greatly reduced. Also, as the dropper, itself, is child-resistant, it lowers the likelihood that a customer will forget to replace the child-resistant cap.

Second - Although there could be no real possibility of tampering with Vermont Vapor e-Liquid bought directly through our website, what if others resell our liquid? How can the consumer know for sure that it hasn't been adulterated or otherwise tampered with? That concern has lead us to the conclusion that all bottles should leave our manufacturing facility with tamper evident "shrink-bands". As we grew and received more inquiries into the possibility of reselling our liquid, this has become a "no-brainer".

Finally - The amber glass of the bottles will provide increased protection from light. As light can lead to faster degradation of the nicotine in e-Liquid, this also was a no brainer.

Thus, we hope these changes will provide increased protection for our customers, their families, and their wallets.

While I wish I could say all this is cost neutral, it isn't. Because of this, we will be raising the prices on our 35ml bottles to $20 to partially offset the costs of the improved packaging and the new equipment the packaging required. It isn't a very big increase, and given our commitments to purity, disclosure, and safety, I personally believe that these changes - which will benefit both consumers and the larger vaping community - are more than worth the increased cost to us and hope that our customers feel the same regarding the increased cost to them.

Anyway, enough of that, here are the pics:



Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 19, 2009
You have to push down on it just like a saftey cap for it to twist open?



Though I can appreciate what you are attempting to do, "droppers" are such a pain when on the go - especially if they are glass (gonna need to buy empty 3ml bottles to transfer to).

I agree, and I carry one of the 3ml bottles with me everywhere in my pocket - which is relatively safe 'cause it's with me, in my pocket. We're more worried about the bottle left sitting out on the kitchen counter in between the ketchup and the cookie jar. Honestly, I am surprised that a child hasn't died yet from a glass of chocolate (and nicotine) milk...


Full Member
Jun 4, 2009
I wanted to once again say these people understand customer service. I ordered Thursday night KNOWING that it was the start of a holiday weekend, order arrived today as I knew it would, 2 other orders placed just before this one have not arrived and those companies are closer. EXCELLENT product AND SUPERB CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!!!! Adam and family ROCK!!!!!!!!
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