Woo Hoo! My Xhaler is on its way! Need support!

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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Congrats Ash!!! Great poem!! How about an update when your batts are charged? I saw you mentioned 16340 batts. You know two of those is gonna put you at about 7.4v. Be careful you don't blow a bunch of attys. I run two of the 16340's also. I just do quick button pushes.


    Senior Member
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    Aug 29, 2009
    Pinellas County, Fl
    Congrats Ash!!! Great poem!! How about an update when your batts are charged? I saw you mentioned 16340 batts. You know two of those is gonna put you at about 7.4v. Be careful you don't blow a bunch of attys. I run two of the 16340's also. I just do quick button pushes.

    If I did say 16340s I meant the new 17670's! thats for 3.7v
    I will be using 2x RCR123A's for HV.

    Yes - I will be updating when they charge, believe me. Everyone has hung in this long, you deserve to hear what actually happens when I get to vape on it!


    Resting In Peace
    Mar 14, 2009
    New Jersey
    Okay first I'm SO happy you got it!!! Yeah!!

    Next, the poem was HILARIOUS!! I think you should throw that in the holiday contest thread LOL!!

    Now, I can't wait to hear your tale after you've got up close and personal with it...

    I agree with Laurel, this would certainly be a winner with a picture!!!!

    You are absolutley HILARIOUS!!!


    Senior Member
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    Aug 29, 2009
    Pinellas County, Fl
    Ok. After all the nasty "personal massager" jokes from my wife..

    My daughter thinks its pretty.
    My RCR123a's are charged.
    New atomizer blown out (and vaped off the primer on my old 510batts)
    and loaded with some juice (drewbacco2 24mg)
    Batteries are now IN the Xhaler.
    Screwing everything together....
    End cap tight.
    Ready to vape...

    OMG! WTF? Gasp! WOW!
    I really am speechless! WOW! This tastes like a whole new juice!
    <another hit>

    I was worried about the button placement - now I'm not.

    Vaping at HV on an Xhaler is "all that" Really amazing!
    That is nice. Real nice. I cant believe what I have been missing!

    <2 more hits>

    I really cant hit it like I did before - talk about throat hit! Almost too much, but I like it!...the drewbacco2 really mellows out and is much "fuller" feeling.

    This is friggin' AWSOME! More updates to come.... I will tell you my thoughts on the 3.7 v huge batteries.... they are still charging.

    Those of you waiting for an Xhaler, rest assured you made a good choice!
    Those of you who are debating - stop dilly-dallying and order one!

    I have about 10 juices I need to taste but I dont want to overload myself right now... I am just gonna vape on this and keep some notes.

    I really hope that those of you who are waiting on a delivery get yours because this is a Holiday Gift that is crying to be used!


    Senior Member
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    Aug 29, 2009
    Pinellas County, Fl
    Now that I have calmed down and changed my shorts (and explaining that to the wife), I started to write my XHaler experiences, but my post started to look like War and Peace. It was just too much!

    So I will summarize in brief statements:

    • I did not buy a $75 tube/battery holder. I bought a precision built device, that is multi-functional, and will last a long, long time.
    • I love my Xhaler. Period.
    • I should have bought it sooner.
    • I cannot hit/draw like I used to, even at 3.7v - my 8 second draws would choke me.
    • NO battery swapping! Wow!
    • Not all juices (read: non-Nhaler brand) do well at HV
    • Good quality juices are much more satisfying and seem to have more flavor.
    • Lower nic levels satisfy me better at 5v - I required 24mg or higher at 3.7v but gives me a "rush" and made me a little dizzy at 5v.
    • No battery swapping!
    • At 3.7v it 'feels like' I always have a "freshly charged" battery even 2 hours into vaping.
    • I seem to be losing my "pacifier" habit. I can actually put down my Xhaler (even though I dont WANT to)
    • There is truth to the fact that HV devices use more juice - I am hoping my shorter hits will offset this extra use.
    • No battery swapping - I used to have 4-5 batteries charging at any point in time!
    • I am not tied to my computer.
    • I cant make as much vapor as everyone shows in their pictures. I would choke to death!
    • I still like 3.7v vaping too with quality juices.
    • I cant wait to try other attys.
    • And like a MacBook Air, it fits in a manilla envelope!
    • and guess what? No Battery swapping! Did I mention it fits in a manilla envelope? (only the real geeks will find the humor there.)

    Words really cant express how unbelieveably satisfied I am. This is one of those few investments I have made that I will never regret. It rates up there with the wife's wedding ring, our 50 inch plasma, Midol Extra Strength (for my daughter and wife) and my vasectomy.


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    This is one of those few investments I have made that I will never regret. It rates up there with the wife's wedding ring, our 50 inch plasma, Midol Extra Strength (for my daughter and wife) and my vasectomy.

    I think that says it all right there :D

    I'm so tickled for you!! I swear I would have saved a metric ton of cash if someone had given me a mod like this first!!

    Better order some more juice soon unless you've doomsday stockpiled :)


    Senior Member
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    Aug 29, 2009
    Pinellas County, Fl
    Yes. Other ECF members hinted/suggested/insisted to me in the beginning to move to a mod after my initial 510 success, and I saw many like recomendations to others early on.

    I could not understand why anyone would expect a "noob" to invest 100+ bucks in a mod, so early into vaping. It really does make sense after your first sucesses to move up. It is just so much more convenient and economical in the long run.

    I bought batteries (about 12 in stock now) at $8 a crack. 4 chargers at $6-7 each
    Then a "super charger" for $25. Those alone would have paid for my XHaler!

    The extra performance is just a plus!
    Last edited:


    ECF Guru
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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Ash, I have said the same thing many times. For the money I spent on all of the standard batteries and crap, I could have had a few xhalers. I know you can't go back but I do recommend mods to people that are sure they are going to continue to vape and wish someone would have hit me over the head with an Xhaler in the early days. Not to mention all of the time we wasted changing and charging standard batts.


    Senior Member
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    Dec 14, 2008
    Ash, I have said the same thing many times. For the money I spent on all of the standard batteries and crap, I could have had a few xhalers. I know you can't go back but I do recommend mods to people that are sure they are going to continue to vape and wish someone would have hit me over the head with an Xhaler in the early days. Not to mention all of the time we wasted changing and charging standard batts.

    Sooooo with you on that one!!!! ;)
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