I know big tabacco is behind all the hoopla...grrrrr

Why is it that NY and Cali always seem like the two states that can't wait to ban something or tax something...or ban and tax it like Cali does with weed. You know good well that politicians couldn't give a crap less about the citizens. They are not doing this for our own good but rather for power and money. Nobody can tell me that big tobacco isn't behind 95% of this BS.


NY bill would ban 'e-cigarettes' until FDA action - WSJ.com

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York lawmakers on Tuesday advanced a bill that would make the state the first to ban electronic cigarettes, devices touted on the Internet in ads promising all the pleasures of smoking without the deadly health threat.

Health officials say e-cigarettes are just another addictive habit, one that can hook kids early and legally on smoking. But advocates who have used the devices to quit or cut down smoking tobacco call the battery-operated smokes a miracle.

"E-cigarettes are for some people a tool for enabling them to continue their nicotine addictions when they are someplace where they can't smoke," said Assembly Health Committee Chairman Richard Gottfried, whose panel passed the bill Tuesday. "I don't think that's good for public health."

The Manhattan Democrat said the manufacturers should prove to the federal Food and Drug Administration that e-cigarettes are an effective smoking cessation aid in order to sell them to adults.

Advocates — who say there is a nationwide grass-roots movement to keep e-cigarettes available — say the proof is in their health.

"I find it difficult to believe that my wheezing and productive morning cough would have magically disappeared sometime between March 2009 and now if I had continued smoking, waiting for someone to proclaim e-cigarettes 100 percent safe," said Elaine Keller of Springfield, Va. She is vice president of the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association.

"Why do politicians and organizations that claim to be protecting public health want to take away options that could save smokers' lives?" she said Tuesday.

The bill's sponsor was moved to act by the flood of Internet ads for the products and sales at shopping malls.

"So I did some research," said Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, a Manhattan Democrat and 20-year smoker who quit more than a dozen years ago. "I found what is in the e-cigarettes is a mystery."

She wants to ban them in New York until they are more thoroughly investigated and regulated.

Her bill was approved in the Assembly last year but stalled in the Senate, which was then controlled by Democrats. Senate Health Committee Chairman Kemp Hannon, a Republican, said the bill likely will be considered by his committee and a hearing may be held, but it's too early to predict what will happen with the proposal.

E-cigarettes have prompted debate nationwide since they became widely available in the United States in 2006. But as either a tobacco cigarette substitute or a much more extensively tested and restricted drug-delivery device, the future of e-cigarettes will likely be decided by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA lost a court case last year after trying to treat e-cigarettes as drug-delivery devices, rather than tobacco products, because e-cigarettes heat nicotine extracted from tobacco.

"Maybe it stops some from smoking, but maybe it helps some kid start," said Russ Sciandra, director of the Center for a Tobacco Free New York.

Powerful lobbies are involved. If treated as a tobacco product, e-cigarettes would avoid the research and trials required of competitors in the pharmaceutical industry, including anti-smoking patches and inhalers. As a medical device, e-cigarettes could draw opposition from that powerful lobby as a fresh and less expensive competitor.

The supporters of e-cigarettes are now watching New York "very closely. They kind of snuck up on us," said Keller.

She said she has been tobacco free since March 2009 after 45 years of smoking. She said her group amounts to a grass-roots effort of those who feel the government has blocked this "miracle" product.

"There is no industry support on this thing at all," Keller said of the organization. "We want to keep it this way so no one can say we are a shill for the tobacco, drug or e-cigarette industry."

She also tries to recast the safety question.

"I can't point to anything to say it's 100 percent safe," Keller said. "The thing is, it only needs to be safer. The only standard is that it's safer than smoking."

more on same topic/situation:


In general, current opinion is that the pharmaceutical industry is behind most of the opposition. The reasons for this are that if electronic cigarettes become a mainstream consumer product, no one would need quit smoking drugs any more, which are highly profitable; and the tobacco industry seems to have come round to the view that e-cigarettes could be an alternate product for them, as cigarettes get squeezed harder and harder.

In NY there is also another issue: an exceptionally large amount of tax revenue is derived from cigarettes there, and as e-cigs start to take over, that revenue will fall. The State does not like that idea at all. Heavy smoking is good for NY State. Public health is not the issue here, a far more important problem is the State account balance, which has looked shaky at times as it is.
I am going to put my two cents in here, as well. Nicorette gum comes with coupons in the box, knowing you're going to buy more, not step down, and not quit. I also find it funny that Nicorette mimics a child's candy, but it is e-cigs that they're concerned about. Haha!
rolygate;bt2497 said:
In general, current opinion is that the pharmaceutical industry is behind most of the opposition. The reasons for this are that if electronic cigarettes become a mainstream consumer product, no one would need quit smoking drugs any more, which are highly profitable; and the tobacco industry seems to have come round to the view that e-cigarettes could be an alternate product for them, as cigarettes get squeezed harder and harder.

In NY there is also another issue: an exceptionally large amount of tax revenue is derived from cigarettes there, and as e-cigs start to take over, that revenue will fall. The State does not like that idea at all. Heavy smoking is good for NY State. Public health is not the issue here, a far more important problem is the State account balance, which has looked shaky at times as it is.

That is a really good point, I never thought about big pharma. Question is, why wouldn't big pharma just jump into the game themselves? Not like they don't have the money to research and create an awesome e-cigg product.
Sure, big pharma can and will jump in. But first they'd love to kill off all the opposition. That's simply a good commercial move.

Therefore they are pressing to have electronic cigarettes classed as a pharmaceutical, thus immediately killing off all suppliers in the US. This is because it takes a year or so, and a ton of money, to get the license needed.

In other countries it's slightly different, for example in the UK it would take less funding - about $150k to $250k for the research and license, and only about 6 months. However that would still kill off 99% of suppliers.

The situation now in the US is that big pharma, and their principal agent the FDA, had their .... kicked in court - several times. E-cigarettes as a pharmaceutical has been killed. They are now officially a tobacco product. Once the FDA has given up fighting on that, and resigns itself to the courts' decisions, they'll start out afresh by restricting ecigs as a tobacco product, however they can.

It doesn't cost the FDA a cent to fight for as long as the courts allow them to, or to work on restricting ecigs as much as possible with the objective of killing them off that way if they can. They work for the pharmaceutical industry but they use your money. It's an excellent system for them.

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