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#1 reason to stick with vaping.

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Verified Member
Sep 13, 2011
Alberta, Canada
I've been absent from the forums for a couple months due to my own stupidity of going back to analogs. My husband retired back in June and we moved to a warmer climate in Alberta in August. It became too much pain in the backside to worry about filling tanks, charging batteries, so forth and so on, so I went to the store bought a couple of cartons and let my equipment collect dust.

Fast forward to the middle of September. Only living in our brand new house for just over a month, I developed pneumonia. I couldn't smoke because of the illness but by the end of October I was back in full swing again... again, not looking at any of my vape equipment and only dealing with analogs.

New year, new problems arise. Once again, I found myself sick. Analogs again, made me feel sicker so I was off them once more. 2 weeks of sickness sent me to the family doctor who thought it was simply the flu. Another week passes and I'm still sick! On January 25th (my birthday I might add) my husband after having a night with fever so high he couldn't even touch me, took me to emergency. 3 hours later I'm admitted with pneumonia again but this time complicated by a lung infection. A few more tests later they tell me, in addition to the pneumonia and lung infection I also have a tumor on my right lung!

By now I had cold turkey'd myself off analogs completely due to the fever and constant sleeping. (Great and easy way to quit but one I wouldn't recommend!) Just under 2 weeks of hospital food and boredom later, the biopsy results along with every other test come in. By the grace of God, the tumor was not cancer.

I'm telling you now, the moment the doctor said tumor and lung in the same sentence, life took on a whole new meaning.

I had quit before, 30some years ago, but went back to analogs and was scared to death I'd hit the same hurdle as before, falling back into the old habit. About 3-4 weeks ago, that old familiar craving came back. I'm not sure if it's me or the fact that my husband, despite the C scare, still smokes his analog pipe, either way it was back.

So I dusted off my vape equipment and went back to vaping A few of our retailers have gotten some recent orders from me because my old equipment wouldn't take a charge due to lack of use.:blush: I've managed to convince my husband to try the e-pipe now too!

I have been totally smoke free now since the first week of Jan, and using my PV exclusively without any fall back this time.

The moral of this story is... Don't wait until a doctor tells you, that you have a tumor to go 100% vape like I did, do it now and save yourself the fear and scare!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2013
Thank god it was not cancer, i am very happy for you! my grandmother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer recently after smoking 2 packs a day for around 60 years, since she was a child. For years her words were always "I'll quit when I'm dead!" she is a very hardcore woman, who also survived breast cancer over 30 years ago. when the doctor told her she had stage 4 lung cancer, she never touched a cigarette again, quit cold turkey, and i myself found e-cigs days later. she is currently going through chemo therapy and doing so-so.

so again, thank god the tumor was not cancerous.


Super Member
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Feb 29, 2012
Toronto, Canada
Glad to hear your tumor wasn't cancerous. Vaping in my opinion is a *huge* pain in the !@# at times, but once you mess around for a bit and figure out what works for you, it's more than worthwhile. For me, health wise, switching just helped my breathing, allergies and decreased the amount I got sick 10 fold.

As for your husband, you probably know, but e-pipe mods and jazz carto pipes are good American pipe makers, that both sell e-pipe sauce e-liquid from e-pipe mods if I remember correctly. Mythical Fabrications is good for the crazier pipes.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
Hi Amowyn,
I just posted this comment in another forum in response to lung health, but I'll repost here. Thank you for your story.

After I read some of the research on the sterilization properties of PG http://www.time.com/time/subscriber/...932876,00.html I asked my husband to try vaping. He quit smoking about 20 years ago and he had lung surgery about 15 years ago. The surgery removed 1 lobe of his left lung due to a hamartoma (a begnign growth, probably had since birth but blocking airways and causing him to have severe doubling over type cough attacks and recurrent pneumonia).
Even after this length of time, he still has quite bad cough attacks (scary really because he almost can't breathe). He has seen specialists and had all kinds of testing and inhalers for asthma and soon will go for an MRI.
I was at my wits end, so I made my own DIY (90% PG 10% VG and Tahitian Vanilla from RTS - no nic)and asked him to try it out. If he gets the flu, it's really bad for him. Dr. Robertson did a test with rats where he sprayed 1 cage with the flu and vaporized PG and another with just the flu. The rats from the PG cage all lived and the rats that didn't get the PG all died.

My husband had been vaping about a week or so, a bit almost every day in the evening and he has noticed a difference. I'm no scientist that's for sure but when he used to cough, he'd hack up alot of "crap", not brown crap, just clear crap..and alot of it. Sorry to be gross but he's not doing that as much anymore. I find high PG quite drying and I think that maybe this has something to do with it.
He'll be seeing his specialist soon so when/if he does have some sort of xray or test, I'll let the forum know.


Senior Member
Verified Member
Feb 25, 2013
North Bay, Canada
This is inspiring Amowyn ! I am still young and even though I have only been smoking for 7 years, the damage I have done is still there. Even after only 3 months of no analogs I still feel 10x better! This makes me want to keep vaping even more :) . Cheers to good health and do not give up! Oh...and vape hard! :toast:
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