10 Easy Ways YOU Can Help Fight The Ban!

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Many people feel helpless in the face of proposed bans and negative public sentiment. You are NOT alone - TOGETHER we are a force to be reckoned with! If we all do our part, we are no longer just a fringe group of electronic cigarette users - we are a consumer group worthy of attention. If you don't want to lose what you have so recently gained, do one or ALL of the items below TODAY!

1. IMPORTANT!! Have your name added to the Alliance of Electronic Smokers Amicus Brief to fight the FDA. See this link to find out how:

2. Send an email to the FDA. See this link to find out how:

3. Send a letter to your congressman, representative, governor, etc. Here is a list of contacts:
If your local information is not found - find it yourself and share!
Here is an article link you can send them, if you don't know what to write:
Negative Reactions Mystify Electronic Cigarette Owners - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

4. Write a letter to your newspaper editorial section and/or TV station. If you need help writing, post on the forums and you'll get plenty of suggestions!

5. If you come across an article, news story or online discussion, be sure to take the time to sign up and comment your positive experience. Here is a link to tips for effective advocacy: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/campaigning-discussions/36758-effective-advocacy.html

6. Help when members in other communities call for action. All it takes is a simple email. You can write your own letter, copy a form letter or send a link to a pro e-cig article. Currently there are battles in California, Oregon, New Jersey & Kentucky. This battle WILL be coming to your front door - we need to stick together, regardless of where we live!

7. Join an association and participate:
CASAA - e-cigarette-forum.com • The place for electronic cigarette reviews, news and chat

ECA - e-cigarette-forum.com • The place for electronic cigarette reviews, news and chat


8. Sign the petition:

9. Make suggestions here with ideas how to fight the negative perception of electronic cigarettes, provide links to people to contact, write form letters for others to copy & paste for their own use, find the contact email/addresses/phone numbers of your local reps, etc.

10. Use your personal vaporizer in a polite and consciencious manner, IN PUBLIC, as often as possible. Educate everyone you can on the benefits of it and how it has positively affected you and your loved ones. Gaining public favor and acceptance is the #1 way to beat the ban!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2008
USA and Canada
I wanted to bump and add:

Visit and Participate at RTV: Right To Vape - Index A consumer based organization for activism!


SJ started this section for us: Organizations with the Ability to Listen - e-cigarette-forum.com • The place for electronic cigarette reviews, news and chat These organizations are about freedoms, consumer rights to choose etc. They would be perfect candidates to send letters to for various reasons. If you find an organization in your travels, please feel free to add. If you want to write a letter... they might just hear you (unlike some others) :)


Ultra Member
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Nov 18, 2008
Rochester, NY


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
I wanted to bump and add:

Visit and Participate at RTV: Right To Vape - Index A consumer based organization for activism!


SJ started this section for us: Organizations with the Ability to Listen - e-cigarette-forum.com • The place for electronic cigarette reviews, news and chat These organizations are about freedoms, consumer rights to choose etc. They would be perfect candidates to send letters to for various reasons. If you find an organization in your travels, please feel free to add. If you want to write a letter... they might just hear you (unlike some others) :)
I added RightToVape.com, Lacey!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin


Super Member
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Mar 22, 2009
Arkansas, USA


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 18, 2009
South Jersey USA
Just when I believe everyone is apathetic and have had enough of "doomsday talk" and stocking up for the "Ban." A shining light like this OP comes through. Thanks for being an advocate, an activist and an all around good egg in this big war we are waging to maintain our Right To Vape. Thanks for adding RTV to your list and for being you.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 29, 2009
Just from my experience with petitions, writing an actual letter/snail mail has a much bigger impact. I think government employees know people mean business when they take the time to write/type something out, put it in an actual envelope and buy a stamp. I know it sounds silly but it really really is the truth. Successful petitions in the past came about from actual letters sent to their congressmen. Just my two cents. I'm sending an physical letter.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Just when I believe everyone is apathetic and have had enough of "doomsday talk" and stocking up for the "Ban." A shining light like this OP comes through. Thanks for being an advocate, an activist and an all around good egg in this big war we are waging to maintain our Right To Vape. Thanks for adding RTV to your list and for being you.

Awww, thanks! That's sweet of you to say! I have to admit - it's for purely selfish reasons - I don't want to lose my right to vape!!

Just from my experience with petitions, writing an actual letter/snail mail has a much bigger impact. I think government employees know people mean business when they take the time to write/type something out, put it in an actual envelope and buy a stamp. I know it sounds silly but it really really is the truth. Successful petitions in the past came about from actual letters sent to their congressmen. Just my two cents. I'm sending an physical letter.
AGREED!! That's why I said "write a letter" and not "send an email!!"

Letters DO have more impact, all!! You can also send a fax, if you don't have an envelope and stamp!
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