1st Ecig order and got detain by HSA in SG

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Apr 30, 2013
Tucson, it's a dry heat
I read the stickies on the forum and wow - I understand why ECF is very strict on the topics of discussion. Please go read the stickies - for ECF's sake and your own. Whether or not you agree, at least respect ECF's situation.

I've never been to SG and probably never will - I was just curious.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2011
Winston Salem, NC
You should have the same concerns as the posters that correctly surmised it was not wise to continue their contributions to this thread. My sister and brother-in-law have lived in China for 24 years. They would also advise you not to bring yourself to the attention of the authorities, in any way. Folks in the west do not understand the lengths other governments will legally go to enforce the Law. Unfortunately for you, the authorities already have your name and address or they could not have written you a letter, so I would think that only you can judge the outcome of your actions and the reaction of the authorities in your city. Is it better to show up, explain yourself and take your just desserts for breaking the law and getting caught, or is it better to avoid the minions of the law, letting them come to their own conclusions about why you are importing banned substances. The members this forum are not qualified to offer any advice on your situation. The best batteries, delivery devices and what liquids are the best, surely, but they cannot answer the question you are asking. It sounds like you need to talk to a lawyer rather than a forum on e-cigarettes. Of course, I could be wrong. I have been wrong before, many times.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2011
Winston Salem, NC
guys please no posting about this in the open, if you guys want, please pm each other...

I concur. Has anyone else noticed there seem to be several new members from the same geographic location, all asking similar questions, none of whom appear to have read the SG sticky notes, each seemingly lacking the discretion usually found in members of a social group living in a quasi-totalitarian state and persist in their behavior after having been given what seems to be excellent advice? Failing that, have anyone looked up the French phrase agent provocateur in a dictionary (very old school)? It appears to be an amazing coincidence to me. - but then, I am easily amazed.


Full Member
Oct 1, 2013
Los Angeles
In Singapore, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are currently prohibited under Secion 16 (1) of the Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act, which is enforced by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA). This legislation prohibits the importation, distribution, sale or offer for sale of any confectionery or other food product or any toy or other article that is designed to resemble a tobacco product or the packaging of which is designed to resemble the packaging commonly associated with tobacco products. HSA takes a serious view on any person who contravenes the law. Those guilty of the offence are liable to a fine of up to $5, 000 upon conviction.

Is there a list of places that prohibit importation on these things? I'm curious to find out,

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