20 days analog free!

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This is my first post here... I've been lurking a bit since getting my joye ego-c starter kit, gleaning all the info I can. I finally decided to join up!
In early march, my boyfriend and I visited some friends in SC, who introduced us to the fantastic world of vaping. We jumped on the bandwagon not two weeks later, and fell in love almost immediately.
I'm still looking for a go-to juice, and any suggestions and reviews are welcome. I rather enjoy vanilla and coffee, but it just isn't quite right.
Anywho, I look forward to learning more about the intricacies of vaping and talking with you all! I can't tell you how grateful I am for this site and all you helpful folk! Thanks!


Ultra Member
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Jun 27, 2011
North Las Vegas
Welcome to ECF , but as juice selection , really is subjective , meaning any bodies suggestions are really only their opinion . I may like a juice , and the next guy might hate it . About the only thing you can do is , DIY . Make it yourself , and then you will get exactly what your looking for . Start out with several vendors , vanilla and coffee flavors , and mix your juice , with or without nicotine . Add the flavor , test it out , and so on . I like a real strong flavor myself , so DIY has been perfect for me . I now , no longer use any nicotine , so making my juice is very easy . Good luck , and you can thank your friends for helping to save your lives .


Super Member
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Feb 18, 2013
Welcome to the forum. Congrats on quitting the analogs and keep it up. I have 2 months smoke free in now and have found a wealth of information here that has helped me immensely with my vaping choices. Read, read, read, and ask questions. There are a lot of good, helpful, knowledgeable folks here that are willing to help.


Ultra Member
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Apr 7, 2013
United States
I will make a subjective juice suggestion ;D

My go to juice of choice, for now, is a mix of 2 parts Killa Vanilla 1 part Vanilla Cocoa Mint, both made by High Caliber and both available at myvaporstore.com.

When it's not that mix I'm puffing away on some CinnABun, from the same place.

Those are my favorites for now but I'm definitely still trying all sorts. I'd like to find about 6-10 juices that I can switch between. Of all the juices I've tried so far I did not like probably 70% of them.
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