28 years smoking its TIME...... need some guidence and advice

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New Member
Jan 26, 2014
Barrie ON
hi everyone ..im new here .im looking for some help towards the right purchase of my first E smoke .. ive tried reading up on health concerns ..... anything im finding posted just online is goverments with negative feedback ... can anyone tell me the good vers the bad and does anyone know of any long term issue caused from the E smoke ? id also like to know what is a good e smoke to purchase any comments would really help thanks everyone


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Jan 19, 2014
Warner Robins, Ga USA
Welcome to ECF. Spend some time reading up on this forum is my advice.
Unless you just need something to get you by, then don't even bother with the things they sell in the local gas stations and stores.
I tried them and they did get me by. After I found this place, a few days later and I was over thie cigs.
I smoked them for 45 years, haven't had one since Jan 1.
No matter what little side effects from the e cigs, you're not getting about 4000 other chemicals like you do with cigs.
Good luck.

ETA: I started with a Kanger Evod starter kit and I still like it. Using it right now.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2012
Welcome to ECF. Here is a great starter kit http://www.myvaporstore.com/Vision_Spinner_Joye_Ego_C_Twist_Combo_p/vvs-c.htm

I recommend the joye batteries over the spinners because my joye batts have lasted longer.As far as the the Clearomizers/tanks that come with them I would get one Evod and the mini protank 2.The evod has a tighter draw while the Protank is more open which will allow you to see what works better for you :)

As far as juices go see if you can find a Vape shop in your town where you can try some out to see what types of flavors you like .You can also check out deals and steals thread on here and find great deals on juices .You can check out Mt Baker Vapor and the The Vapor room for cheap juices online .
Mt Baker has cheap juices that ship really fast and they have there own thread on here where others who purchase from them can tell you what they recommend .
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Ultra Member
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Nov 14, 2013
Westbank, BC Canada
Go to 101Vape.com and order an Innokin iTaste MVP2 for $39.99. It includes everything you need except the USB Power plug. If you have an iPhone, you can use the one for it otherwise you can buy one on-site for a couple of bucks. The MVP2 is long lasting compared to the standard ego batteries. It will also allow you to get into variable wattage and voltage when you are ready.

I quit smoking 4 months ago and wasted a lot of money on starter kits and smaller batteries before getting the MVP2. I have 2 of them now. Trust me that it is all you will need to get you started. If they are out of stock put in to be notified when they come back in stock.


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Oct 22, 2013
Denver, CO
Hi and welcome to ECF. Glad you found us and that you've made the decision to switch from analogs to vaping. I also did a bunch of research before trying vaping. Thankfully I found ECF and lurked here a while to learn some things to get started. The kit that Vash recommended is a great way to start. I started with something similar with eGo-t upgraded batteries and Kanger MT3S BCC clearos. I still use them, but have also added Vision Spinner Variable Volt (VV) batteries to my mix of gear. So far the gear has worked great for me and I have been tobacco free since September 30, 2012 (not nearly as long as many folks here).

I feel MUCH better, coughing has gone away and I can breathe again. Way cool !!

The people here offered some great suggestions when I started. A couple of the most important ones have been key to my successful vaping journey. They reminded me to up my water intake...stay hydrated. Also they suggested that I get backups to all of my gear and backups for my backups. I never want to have a dead battery or equipment failure give me an excuse to go back to analogs.

They also reminded me that it would take time for my lungs to clear and suggested patience. Another good suggestion they offered was to be open to trying a variety of juices and that I didn't have to find "the one" special juice for all time. I could have a number of favorite flavors. The suggestions from the folks here have served me well.

I hope your vaping experience continues to grow and that you continue to share that experience. Hearing about people's success keeps me interested and motivated. We don't do this thing alone and we all support one another in one way or another. Namaste.
Welcome to the forum. I've only been vaping for 25 days now but haven't had a stinky tobacco cig the entire time. First 2 days were a bit of a challenge but it's been easy since. I'm 43 was at 2 packs a day pretty much smoked since I was 16 with a few brief breaks in between.

My lips are chapped and I get frequent dry mouth but I have been drinking more water which seems to help. I can breath a hell of a lot easier which says it all for me.

I'd start off with a variable voltage battery like the twist or spinner with a cheap CE4 tank. Won't break the bank and should be more than sufficient to get you going. Find a local vape shop and find a flavor you enjoy. Good luck, you can do this.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
Welcome to ECF. Spend some time reading up on this forum is my advice.
Unless you just need something to get you by, then don't even bother with the things they sell in the local gas stations and stores.
I tried them and they did get me by. After I found this place, a few days later and I was over thie cigs.
I smoked them for 45 years, haven't had one since Jan 1.
No matter what little side effects from the e cigs, you're not getting about 4000 other chemicals like you do with cigs.
Good luck.

ETA: I started with a Kanger Evod starter kit and I still like it. Using it right now.

The evod is a good starter kit. It is a bit larger than a cigarette, but you will get used to it pretty quickly. I was a 40 year heavy smoker...just take it from me...ecigs are a whole lot better than smoking...you will see the good results soon.

Your biggest hurdle when starting is finding a good flavor. If you have a vape shop nearby, try that to sample flavors. If not, lots of small samples fromsome of the vendors on this site. No one can tell you what you will like.

Completely Average

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 21, 2014
Suburbs of Dallas
hi everyone ..im new here .im looking for some help towards the right purchase of my first E smoke .. ive tried reading up on health concerns ..... anything im finding posted just online is goverments with negative feedback ... can anyone tell me the good vers the bad and does anyone know of any long term issue caused from the E smoke ? id also like to know what is a good e smoke to purchase any comments would really help thanks everyone

Well, most of the government stuff is total nonsense. They're loosing tax money so they're trying to demonize it.

The facts are a lot different.

Sticking with US and Canadian made liquids you're basically dealing with just 4 ingredients Propylene Glycol which is use for everything from food preservatives to toothpaste to medicines. Vegetable Glycerin which is used for everything from skin conditioning to vitamin supplements. Third is standard food flavoring, the same stuff you would use to make candies and cakes and such. And finally is nicotine, which is actually an optional ingredient.

3 of those 4 basic ingredients are common food products. You ingest them every day. The only one that has any toxic properties at all is the nicotine. Nicotine by itself is not particularly harmful in low doses. It does increase your heart rate and blood pressure which could put you at higher risk of heart attack or stroke though. Nicotine is NOT a carcinogen, and does NOT cause cancer.

The reason nicotine is so feared is because it is extremely addictive. Elicit drug levels of addictiveness which is really bad when it causes you to be addicted to tobacco which is packed full of thousands of other chemicals and dozens of cancer causing carcinogens.

Nicotine is also extremely toxic and absorbs through the skin. Like I said, in low doses like you'll get from smoking or using an ecig it's not particularly harmful, but in high quantities such as spilling the raw solution on your bare hand while mixing DYI liquids can make you extremely sick or even kill you if it's not quickly washed off. Your typical 18mg or higher eliquid contains enough nicotine to kill if someone if they were to drink it, so always keep it away from kids and pets.

So, the truth is, without the nicotine you could drink your ecig liquid without harm. I wouldn't recommend it, but it's not toxic. The nicotine is the only really harmful ingredient.

As for the good vs the bad, just look up every bad side effect from smoking. Everything from the lung cancer risks down to the reduced sense of taste and smell. Every single one of those bad side effects is exclusive to tobacco with the sole exception of the increased heart rate and blood pressure from the nicotine.

The only real side effects with ecigs are the tobacco, slight dehydration, and some people have PG sensitivities which simply means they have to use a VG heavy or 100% VG liquid.
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Full Member
Verified Member
Nov 13, 2013
I'll add another vote for the MVP2. I started off vaping with the Joye ego twist batteries, they were fine, but I was still not fully ready to quit smoking. The day I opened and fired up my MVP2 was the same day I had my last cigarette. The battery usually lasts me around 4 days on average. My preferred tank has been the mini protank 2 so far. Good luck with whichever you choose to go with!


Vaping Master
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Mar 31, 2013
United States
BabyBoy go to "Forum" above, click and scroll down until you see "The ECF Library". Here you will find a lot of information pertaining to e-cigs and nicotine and how they affect the body. There's some really good information in the library that may answer some or all of your questions.



Senior Member
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Jan 16, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
Welcome to ECF, and congratulations on making the switch! I just quit around 2 weeks ago, and I've noticed I am breathing better, sleeping better, and, the best part, my smell has returned. I can smell things I haven't been able to smell for years. It is truly amazing what a difference it has made. I'm a much happier person now, and it hasn't even been long!


Ultra Member
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Jan 1, 2014
oklahoma city ok usa
Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on taking steps to do something good for yourself. You will get lots and lots of suggestions on what to buy to get started. I'm pretty new, and I started with a Kanger Evod starter kit. It is simple to use, comes with everything you need except the e liquid, works very well, and has kept me from smoking since I got it, a little over 3 weeks ago.

Here is a link to a reliable vendor who shipped mine quickly. If you enter the code ECF at checkout, you get 10% off, which makes it about $30, and it ships free.

Kanger EVOD eGo Full Kit - Vaping Me


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Jan 25, 2014
Miami, FL
I can only second what has already been said. Smoked at least a pack a day for 39 years, finally decided to quit, whatever it took. Started with nicotine gum and Blu e-cigs. What a waste of money, almost went back to smoking. Started vaping, and haven't looked back.

My only advice is to realize that vaping is not going to taste exactly like smoking cigarettes, so don't give up if you don't find the perfect juice right away. After a couple of weeks I am enjoying this vaping thing more than cigarettes, and I simply don't want them anymore.


Ultra Member
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Jan 1, 2014
oklahoma city ok usa
My only advice is to realize that vaping is not going to taste exactly like smoking cigarettes, so don't give up if you don't find the perfect juice right away. After a couple of weeks I am enjoying this vaping thing more than cigarettes, and I simply don't want them anymore.

Great advice, I told myself that a lot in the first week or so. I also kept telling myself: "You are getting the nicotine your body wants. You are not in withdrawal. Keep vaping."
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