2nd attempt @ vaping, opinions on kit I'm looking at.

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Full Member
Jun 28, 2010
NB, Canada
Hi there! How is everyone? Not bad myself.

I tried getting into vaping mid 2010 and it only lasted a few months. I'd started with the joye510 kit. It worked ok but the batteries ended up needing charged multiple times of day and the TH I was looking for wasn't really there, so I kinda fell off the wagon for a bit.

Recently I've decided to give it another honest to goodness try but this time I'm looking to rectify some of the things I found not so appealing last time. i.e. Battery life, TH and Vapor amount.

I've still got the joye 510 kit, but I've decided it'd be best to just start over and after days of reading and reading until I'm not quite sure what to read any more, I've come across what I think can fill the position. I was going to go with an eGo to begin with, which would have solved the battery troubles, but after continuous reading it'd seem like the TH wouldn't change much, then I came across variable voltage solutions like the Lavatube (which I found out didn't ship to canada)
Trying to find a Canadian supplier with actual stock and a reasonable price was the toughest part, but I came across these:

VV Lavatube clone kit

Smoketech EMDCC's

510-eGo adapter

Everything I've read seems to conclude that the combination of a VV PV and the emdcc's should last through the day (personal habits depending), give large TH and a good amount of vaper.
I will miss to portability of the ego/510 but gotta make sacrifices somewhere eh. At least until battery technology takes a huge leap :)

Any comments/opinions/suggestions?

Not quite sure if I'm missing anything, or could use some other things. A carrying case might be useful, might have to just rig something up for it.

I'd also be interested in a VV pass-thru for when I'm sitting at home, to try and extend the life of the 18650 batts a bit. Haven't really found a whole lot on this topic though. Still perusing through websites and forum posts lol.

After further research apparently the DCC's will be limited to 3.6 ish volts anyway. The only way to get around that is by getting a provari v2, but they're way too expensive lol :/ That'd put my order from 150$ to 300$

So here's some other things I've put on the list of possibilities:

Boge 2.7ohm SCC To use on it's own
(do I need a tip or anything?)


smokteck 2.5ohm DCC Tank refill

for this tank.

Any help/opinions would be greatly appreciated.
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Ultra Member
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Dec 28, 2009
East Central Ind
The EMDCC are 1.5v. the lavatube will automatically bump the voltage down so you aren't going to get the full impact. Youre better of using a Kgo battery if your wanting to use the EMDCC cartos. Or you could take the big plunge and get a provari which will work with most everything and be done with having to keep buying PVs everyother week.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2012
Hi there! How is everyone? Not bad myself.

I tried getting into vaping mid 2010 and it only lasted a few months. I'd started with the joye510 kit. It worked ok but the batteries ended up needing charged multiple times of day and the TH I was looking for wasn't really there, so I kinda fell off the wagon for a bit.

Recently I've decided to give it another honest to goodness try but this time I'm looking to rectify some of the things I found not so appealing last time. i.e. Battery life, TH and Vapor amount.

I've still got the joye 510 kit, but I've decided it'd be best to just start over and after days of reading and reading until I'm not quite sure what to read any more, I've come across what I think can fill the position. I was going to go with an eGo to begin with, which would have solved the battery troubles, but after continuous reading it'd seem like the TH wouldn't change much, then I came across variable voltage solutions like the Lavatube (which I found out didn't ship to canada)
Trying to find a Canadian supplier with actual stock and a reasonable price was the toughest part, but I came across these:

VV Lavatube clone kit

Smoketech EMDCC's

510-eGo adapter

Everything I've read seems to conclude that the combination of a VV PV and the emdcc's should last through the day (personal habits depending), give large TH and a good amount of vaper.
I will miss to portability of the ego/510 but gotta make sacrifices somewhere eh. At least until battery technology takes a huge leap :)

Any comments/opinions/suggestions?

Not quite sure if I'm missing anything, or could use some other things. A carrying case might be useful, might have to just rig something up for it.

I'd also be interested in a VV pass-thru for when I'm sitting at home, to try and extend the life of the 18650 batts a bit. Haven't really found a whole lot on this topic though. Still perusing through websites and forum posts lol.

After further research apparently the DCC's will be limited to 3.6 ish volts anyway. The only way to get around that is by getting a provari v2, but they're way too expensive lol :/ That'd put my order from 150$ to 300$

So here's some other things I've put on the list of possibilities:

Boge 2.7ohm SCC To use on it's own
(do I need a tip or anything?)


smokteck 2.5ohm DCC Tank refill

for this tank.

Any help/opinions would be greatly appreciated.

IMHO I think you should do what I did. Order a SLB KGO starter kit from Dark City Vapors and talk to Bill (the owner) on instant chat while you do it. The 1100mah batteries will last you a day or more and you have 2 of them for 44 dollars! On top of that it comes with cartomizers (x5) instead of cartridges. Pick up a second 5 pack of cartos for 4 bucks (i'd get the Boge LR 2.0 ohm cartos or smoktech dual coil cartomizers) when you order the kit. So there you are for 48 bucks with 10 cartos to start. 5 XL Standard Resistance that comes with the KGO and the 5 extra for half price. Now you throw in a 306 Low Resistance (LR) atomizer with a 306 drip tip (the one that comes with the KGO is not compatible with that atty) and you got yourself a long lasting monster that hits like a truck. Get your ejuice on, cross over the 65 dollar mark and its free shipping. Use coupon code ECFDCV for 5% off. Tell Bill that Shoga sent you.

Once you have an empty bottle of ejuice look up KennysManCave on youtube. He has a DIY tank mod that you can easily make out of an old ejuice bottle for free. It works, give it a try and if you like it move up to a CE2 Map Tank situation so you don't look like a loser in public :)

The KGO is a 510 EGO clone but it has 1100mah batters (100 mah is supposedly 1 hour of use but it's usually a little less) but KGO batteries have higher voltage under load than most EGO batteries (4.0v under load with a single coil, 3.8v under load with a dual coil cartomizer) so it will hit harder which is clearly what you want. In short, it outperforms other EGO clones and it even outperforms some of the 18650 mods out there (which cost much much more). I have studied this for months and got the most experienced opinions on this matter. That's my suggestion as to what you should do.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
First of all, congratulations on making a second attempt at vaping. Personally I feel better, smell better, etc., etc. But let's look at this from the basics. Not saying what you are looking at is bad in any way. But if you decide to do VV, dual whatever, etc. later that is fine as this can always be your backup PV if nothing else. Also, bear in mind these items are available from other vendors as they are common items but wanted to also show you a picture of the item.

Crystal Clear Vaping This is a plain jane works every time type PV. Comes with a 18500 1600 mah battery that will last you all day. I'm sure he also will have the charger you will need and an extra battery.

Crystal Clear Vaping I've tried lots of cartos but this is the one everything else is compared to. Since you are looking for more TH these 2.0 ohm ones should help you there. There is also some 1.7 ohm ones available which I also like. Quantity, stainless or black, your decision. When you first fill one of these be sure to flood it and then set it aside for 5-10 minutes so the juice has a chance to saturate everything. Then just before you use it blow out the excess juice. With practice you'll get to where you will not waste juice when you first fill one but for now I just don't want you to burn it and then have that taste to contend with.

Not going to give you a link for juice as taste is so subjective. However, if you are looking for TH, I'd recommend you start with a 24mg. Personally, I use 18 mg but again this will be subjective according to your liking. I want your "second" experience to work for you.

Good luck!! :vapor:


Full Member
Verified Member
Feb 19, 2012
You and I are in the same boat .. sort of, except I never did fall off the wagon. I kind of hopped on the wagon and hit the imaginary accelerator button. I went from blu disposables to blu kit to ego-c to lavatube (should be delivered today!), in a month.

60 dollars for the entire lavatube kit: Apollo VTube

I think you're making the right decision with variable voltage mod. You can get up to a 12 watt setup if you use a 2ohm cartomizer with it at 6 volts (5.5 volts in reality). That would give you plenty of vapor, assuming you filled your cartomizer with a syringe and assuming your cartomizer is well juiced with a nice tank around it, enough holes punched in the cart, and some 100% VG Juice or some 90% VG Juice with whatever nicotine level you prefer for the throat hit.

- Abandon hope for a dual coil setup on a lavatube, it wont hit like it should. You'd have to rock a provari or something else for that. Single carto's are fine though. You wont notice the difference at this point, since this will be your first vv setup anyway. Ignorance is bliss and all that.

That said, I'm going to take a gander at seeing into your future.

Since you're at the same place that I'm at, and seem to be going the same direction, I imagine that you'll end up where I'll end up. And, I think I'm going to ultimately end up skipping the provari setup altogether and going straight to box-mods after I've had my fill of the lavatube.

Box mods, from what I've read, give you the flavor of dripping with the benefit of having a potentially high wattage device. There are also variable voltage versions too. You can rock dual coil setups and all that too.

SO, for now, the lavatube is a very good option. But as soon as you start to think you can afford a provari, just re-consider your options and take a look at this thing: KingK Vv That is a variable voltage bottom feeder box.

By the time you've had your fill of the lavatube, there might be even better mods out too.

BUT FOR NOW, lavatube all the way man. My only concern with the lavatube is which tank is the best tank and which carto is the best carto! So really, those aren't lavatube concerns as much as they are tank/cart concerns.

edit: Oh yeah, forgot to mention what I ordered. I orderd this for my lavatube: http://momandpopvaporshop.com/tanks/

ut I did get some slack from irc chat where someone said the momandpop mini-subs have rubber grommets and make it difficult to insert/remove the cartomizers. That same person said that J-tanks didn't have that problem but ... that's the first I've heard of such an issue. Maybe someone else can shed some light on this - I'll have to do a search and see if someone has already discussed this on the forums. Otherwise, maybe a new thread is in order ...

Oh and if you want a cheap variable voltage mod that works well with dual coils and that's much cheaper than the provari, you could try to find one of these vv splashes: http://invape.com/shan-b-variable-voltage-alumi-mod/ ... http://shop.vapecore.com/main.sc

Not sure where you can find them though, maybe classifieds or something.
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Full Member
Feb 10, 2012
I know how you feel, I started vaping in 2-1- and then fell off the wagon. I needed something that lasted longer and hit a little harder. For me money was an issue, so I looked into modding one for at home. I ended up making a mod that puts out right around 4.8v and with use of adapters, I have been using 510, 808d and 901 attys. Not sure if this was what you were looking for, but it did help me.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2010
NB, Canada
Wow thanks for all the support everyone!

Lot's of good options it seems :) As far as VV goes, I did look at the box mods but I'm just not ready for that yet. I don't find it quite aesthetically pleasing enough to push past. I'd really like to go for a provari v2, just so I wouldnt have to be picky about what I buy to go with it, but 179$ for just the unit with no batteries/tips/charger/case/atomizers.. ^^: I mean it's not like I can't afford it since my finances have opened up a bit due to a recent unfortunate turn of events, but is that really a reasonable price? The disparity between that and the lavatube just seems a little excessive considering it's the same unit but with a bit better build quality. The v2 only just launched @ 3.5amps.

It's not that I really want to use the DCC's anyway. I've never used one so I was just going on popular opinion in the big EMDCC thread here at ECF. I used atom/cart combo on my joye before, so I'm only just getting into the idea of cartos. They just seem more convenient :/

That kgo you listed is quite tempting shoga. It's simple, looks good, nice battery. 4.0 seems around a good number for vaper/TH from what most reviews say. 4.0-4.2 ish. 3.8 would Probably be fine with a DCC.

It seems fair priced as well. Almost thinking of getting both that and the vtube just to play around with and compare. I just don't want to end up finding out that they aren't quite enough and then wanting to upgrade in a short time span :S I understand upgrading over time is the natural order of things, but generally some time should pass first haha.

I'm not usually so indecisive but it seems there's just so much to consider :S

Thanks for the tip on nic mg critter. I never quite caught the relation between mg/TH/analogue per day. I was about 3/4-1 pack of export a blue/du maurier a day. If I were to go with an eGo stye I'll probably get the kGo that shoga suggested. Pretty good price for the whole kit.
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