60 days!!!!

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2009
Kingston, Washington
This is incredible, 60 days free of analogs! :w00t::w00t: This is a fantastic milestone in my life. I have gone 60 days without analogs before but I was miserable. I am amazed at how quickly time has gone by.

It seems like it was just a few weeks ago that I got my first e-cig and was just a naive newbie. :rolleyes: Now I'm hoarding juice and atomizers and I'm going to start a little DIY with some flavorless 36mg as soon as it arrives. :p

I can honestly say THANK YOU to all of you here on the forum! I have learned so much and I feel like I have a lifeline when I am here.

Thanks again to everyone, members, suppliers and modders alike! :wub:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 13, 2009
That's just short of two weeks for me now. Haven't touched a real cigarette since we got our e-cigs. I've had numerous pretty pathetic and short lived quit attempts using just about any method you can think of, yet with the e-cigs I've not felt the need for an analog at all, not at all. I'm already starting to feel the physical benefits of not inhaling all those toxins. I'm not sure which way I'll proceed. I may just work down to a lower, or no nicotine level and continue vaping or I may eventually just quit altogether. I have to say that, right now, my money's on continuing to vape. :)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Wonder what the record for the forum is - who has been vaping longest? and who has been vaping+analoguing longest?


Congrats Ejfan, success stories are always great to hear. And maybe that would be a good addition to the forum, an ongoing list of how long everyone has been off the analogs.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 12, 2009
I'd also like to know about folks that haven't quit analogs and do both, cos I don't like the idea of pressuring folks that did into staying on any wagon, or praising abstinence particularly.

I quit analogs without even intending to, nothing to do with will power, but everyone is different.

So what is the record for a) vaping and b) vape+smoking?



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2009
A very well deserved congratulations and I also hope to be in your shoes someday too! I'm happy to make it to day 5 so far. One day at a time! Bravo!!!


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 28, 2009
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Congratulations! I just completed my first full day of being completely analog free. I've been e-smoking for a little over a week, but was still smoking about 5 analogs a day until yesterday. I was a pack a day smoker for over 20 years and never dreamed I could quit analogs so easily with very little effort. This board has been a great help, and a wealth of great information.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2009
Las Vegas
I quit analogs Jan. 17 after 30 years. It is amazing how fast the time goes by. What's more staggering to me is to see in the banner how many cigarettes avoided. You don't think about that part until you can actually read it. 1250 in 2 months avoided. That's only a for the pack a day I used to smoke. Think of that total X 2 or 3 for more heavy smokers! I've spent about 5X as much on e-cigs the last 2 months but looking at the number of analogs I've avoided makes it worth it to me.
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