A little frustrated need advice

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Jan 28, 2012
I have been off analogs for 96 days since getting my first e-cig. Started with a 510 tank, then purchased an ego with cartridges. I like the carts better then tanks for the flavor and throat hit I get but am tired of constantly filling them and continually fussing with them. Sometimes I don't seem to get any flavor out of the cartridges.

I am thinking about trying the Boge cartomizer with my Ego battery but need advice ad to weather I am headed in the right direction or is there a better solution for me. I also am going to increase the nic from 12 on my next juice purchase.

Thanks for any input.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
Your eGo is a reliable 510 connector battery that can use a lot of different options. Finding the cartomizer or atty you like is a little like finding the right flavor and strength of juice, depends on what you like. :) The Boge are a good option and highly regarded, try ONE pack to see if they fit your style. Then maybe ONE pack of CE2 at about 2.5 ohm, (I like the clearomizers for simplicity and steel for use in tanks), then ONE Vision 2.5 ohm and see if you like it. Then you have a wide range of 306 and 510 attys with drip tips or top feeders, try ONE and see if you like it.

The ones that you find just so-so can go in your stash box for emergencies, when the mailman is slow delivering. :lol:
I prefer waiting for revision 2 on any brand new products, trying to stay on the bleeding edge can be expensive.

You also mentioned increasing your nic, it's a good idea to have a number of different strengths on-hand so you can use the stronger nic when you're stressed or need a big morning hit, the weaker when you just want to blow smoke rings and relax. :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 18, 2010
NE Ohio
+1 on trying the Boge cartomizers and a few others to try and have as emergency backup.

Also, while dripping may sound like more work, you may want to get a drip tip for your current atomizer as well. I find sometimes the flavor is better, less muddled. If you find it's not your thing they can also be used with the cartomizers and some feel it's a more comfortable tip. hth!
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