A quick hello and thanks, and first impressions of vaping

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James Hexter

New Member
Oct 2, 2014
Today I came home to find that my starter kit and first order of juices had finally arrived, so after an evening of vaping thought I would register here and just say a quick hello.

Firstly, I want to thank this forum for being such a great resource for someone looking to start vaping. There is so much knowledge here and everyone seems more than willing to help newcomers.

My first impressions of vaping? Honestly, the first time the harsh throat kick really put me off. But now I've started only inhaling half the vapour into my lungs, I've definitely started to enjoy it more and more. I'll probably order lower nicotine strength juices next time. I was a bit disappointed by the flavour of my first juice considering the rave reviews, but I know they need steeping.

If anyone is interested, I have a Mini Protank 2 kit with a 650 EVOD battery and a selection of Triphammer juices.

That's all really. Hello and thanks ECF!


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf James Hexter. So glad you are here and you are trying to vape. It is the only thing that ever worked for me. I can remember it was a big different at first and I would actually cough a bit. But after a few days it was wonderful and I haven't wanted a cigarette yet.

Here is a great thread to find some good deals on while you are trying to find juice that makes your taste buds dance.


Good luck to you and I look forward to reading about your vaping success. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Always some wonderful people are here that want to help you any way they can. Happy vaping.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2014
I am on day 2 of vaping, discovered a menthol cinnamon mix, love it!!! Still no analog cravings

Congratulations on making the switch and being craving free. When the cravings come, and they will, vape hard to get thru them, you will be happy you did. And if you have to have smoke don't despair, it's the cigarettes you didn't smoke that matter.
Im new here too but welcome anyways :)

I found that vaping was similar to smoking and it really only bothers my throat in the morning but it goes away really quick, and yes the nicotine levels do affect the harshness, I think so anyways.
I started out with 18 mil nic and after a month today I got some 12 mil.
I picked up some juice thats really good tasting over the weekend and have been vaping the crap out of it and in turn getting way too much nicotine, made me sick to my stomach a few times, so lower dosage is called for.

Good luck :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 26, 2014
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Congratulations on making the switch and being craving free. When the cravings come, and they will, vape hard to get thru them, you will be happy you did. And if you have to have smoke don't despair, it's the cigarettes you didn't smoke that matter.
Well said.

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