Abbreviations for Newbies

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ECF Veteran
Aug 30, 2009
Durban - South Africa
My apologies in advance if this appears elsewhere - I was delighted to find the list on another forum which helps me understand what everyone is saying - without having to ask each time.
Please remove if I'm treading on someone's toes - not intentional:oops:

E-cig - Electronic Cigarette
PV - Personal Vaporizer (e-cig)
Atty - Atomizer
Cart - Cartridge
Bat - Battery
E-juice, e-liquid, juice - the liquid nicotine with which you fill your cartridges
Filler - The fiber/fabric found inside your cartridge that holds e-liquid
Nic - Nicotine.
Analog - Regular tobacco cigarette
Mod - A homemade DIY e-cig device, normally a battery replacement
Pull - The act of sucking on the mouthpiece to pull the vapor into your mouth
TH - Throat Hit (The tingling sensation in the back of your throat)
Vapor - The "smoke" emitted from an e-cigarette
Vape, Vaping - The use of an e-cigarette (similar to the term "smoking" when referring to an analog)
Topping Off - Adding a few drops of e-liquid into your current cartridge
Dripping - Vaping by adding a few drops of e-liquid directly into the atomizer (instead of using a cartridge)
Dipping - Sticking the bridge of the atomizer in e-liquid (a less common alternative to dripping that is not suitable for all e-cig models)
PCC - Personal (Portable) Charging Case
PT - PassThrough - a cabled 'battery' (usually from a USB socket)
3-Piece - 3 part e-cigarette. Battery, Atomizer, and Cartridge
2-Piece / Disposable - 2 part e-cigarette. The Battery and a "cartomizer"
Cartomizer - Has an atomizer built into the cartridge; disposable
CutOff - Refers to how long the battery will activate the atomizer before shutting down (a safety measure to protect the battery and atomizer from overheating)
mAh - A measure of battery capacity (how long it will last between charges)
PG - Propylene Glycol
VG - Vegetable Glycerin(e)
PEG - PolylEthylene Glycol
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 30, 2009
Durban - South Africa
LOL! I have done that a million times! The sticky is great isn't it? helped me to the way S.J. which you will see a lot is Smokey Joe, the admin of the board and Lu is SambucaLu a mod.

I think it's the abbreviation in the sticky title that obscured the content LOL
Just wish I had read it first!! :p

Anyway I hope Admin and mods alike will forgive an overenthusiastic newby trying to be helpful!! :rolleyes:

Thanks for the heads up about who is who here :thumb:


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 30, 2009
Durban - South Africa
What is bad is to just copy and paste a complete item from another website.

And not even say where (with link)!

You are quite correct but I got this message when I tried posting it (?)
The following errors occurred with your submission:
  1. You are only allowed to post URLs to other sites after you have made 15 posts or more.

Rogue X2 v2

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ECF Veteran
Apr 27, 2009
  • Deleted by ZambucaLu
  • Reason: unnecessary remark
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