Advice needed: New Vamo Vivi

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ECF Veteran
Jun 10, 2013
Amery, WI
I have been using a eGo 900 with pass through for past year and a half (from a mall kiosk) and recently started using a clearomizer (iClear 16 which I love).
I discovered all the wonderful things I can find online and ordered a Vamo Vivi from fasttech which just shipped today! I also discovered juices online and have a large order coming from VirginVapors (100% VG) and 1 from FuzionVapor.
Reading on here, sometimes I feel like everythign is written in a foreign language, so I am hoping you can help me with the following Questions:
-Can I use iClear 16 clearomizers with this?
-Where do you recommend finding glass clearmizers? (Read that some of the sweet juices can crack plastic)
-Where is the best site to buy clearomizers?
-Is there anything I need to NOT do with my new Vamo when it gets here?
-Is there any set up with the Vamo I need to perform?
-Is the Vamo Vivi the same as the Vamo 2?
-I seem to get headaches and feel sick from some of the liquids I have had....current one I am using (from mall kiosk) is "503: Blackberry 5mg" and am ok with this. I am unsure if it is the PG, the nicotine level, or..? that was causing this so am trying 100% vg. Any thoughts?
-I keep reading about needing better batteries but then someone actually went to the fasttech website and said those batteries are fine. I probably need to order extra batteries and charger? Where is the best place to do this?
-Anything else I need to know or order for these?

I am hoping to be able to understand the responses, lol so can you spell out any acronyms?

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