Advice on a "convincing" gift kit

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Hmm I like where this is going. I agree with tigerlilly - i'll give it to my mom not for the promise of quitting smoking but something to complement it - for smoking in non-smoking areas, keep the house from getting too smoky etc...

for those who have suggested egos + clearomizers, i'll be testing out some vision nanos today (mailman coming any time now) and see if they can work for her. (i'm a dripper myself)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 17, 2013
Scranton, PA
Get her an ego and a good clearomizer in a pretty color, a charger, some e-liquid in a flavor she likes,
and then put it in a gift box with a pretty bow :)

I got my mom to start vaping and she was using those crappy gas station cigarettes.
Finally got her to buy a decent ego kit with cartridges (ugh) because that was most like what she was already using and I didn't want to confuse her. She loves it but she makes my stepfather refill her carts with juice and stuff lol


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 14, 2013
Greenville, SC
FWIW, and to anyone looking to have a ready to go kit for friends or family, check this out at MyFreedomSmokes eGo 650mAh w/ CE4 Clearomizer Blister Pack Starter Kit -

It's normally $14.95 (I think?) but is on sale for under $12. Yes, everything in it is a knockoff. I knew that going in but still bought this to have as a backup and can honestly say it's been a champ. The clearo is going strong after 3 weeks (!!) and though it's my "backup" the battery gets used every day thanks to the low end variable voltage. You can get one 6ml sample juice for $1.95 per order at MFS, so the kit, a juice, and shipping would come out to under $20.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2013
Toronto, Canada
FWIW, and to anyone looking to have a ready to go kit for friends or family, check this out at MyFreedomSmokes eGo 650mAh w/ CE4 Clearomizer Blister Pack Starter Kit -

It's normally $14.95 (I think?) but is on sale for under $12. Yes, everything in it is a knockoff. I knew that going in but still bought this to have as a backup and can honestly say it's been a champ. The clearo is going strong after 3 weeks (!!) and though it's my "backup" the battery gets used every day thanks to the low end variable voltage. You can get one 6ml sample juice for $1.95 per order at MFS, so the kit, a juice, and shipping would come out to under $20.

Sweet starter kit! thanks!!! It seems that many "knock-offs" are the same unit from the same factory, just debranded and less expensive. Though I can't say if that is universally true.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Hi - for a very basic 510 kits, you can't beat this price:

that is a great price indeed! I think I paid at least double that for my starter over a year ago (didn't know better lol). But i'm avoiding the standard 510 setup, it turned me off for a year, too fiddly and messy.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2013
Toronto, Canada
eGo with clearomizer sounds like a good choice to me. Lots of attractive looking choices combined with simple operation. Push button may not be the most instantaneous choice for a fan of cigarettes, but they sure beat the ones you have to pull to get a hit.

I think that most agree here. eGo for good battery life and reliability, good clearo to avoid mess and reloading every 5 puffs.

I have a spinner and a vision nano which I am happy with. So maybe I'm thinking an ego mini with a similar clearo, load it with my fave tobacco juice and leave it at her house.

Its up to her if she does anything with it :) even if it isn't for her I can at least say I gave her a proper try.

Thank you all for great suggestions!
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