All VG "Boutique Juice" question. What does that MEAN?

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Sep 5, 2012
Rochester, NY
Hey gang.

I'm thinking about going into the DIY rabbit hole and had a few questions.

I think I want to do all VG cause anything I have even approaching more than 30% PG gives me a sore throat and the heavy chest thing. I've also seen a few vendors that only make 100% VG juice and they make it sound like they're juice is the finest juice available anywhere at any price. Regardless of the VG content, I was wondering about the whole Boutique thing and how that relates to ingredients.

Are they hand made ingredients that are extracted by hand with their own centuries-old methods passed down through generations or are they purchased at the same damn place everyone else does and put into a glass bottle with a fancy parchment label?

I'd like to make juice with the finest ingredients I can get. Is this a tough road? More expensive? Is there a difference in VG from one supplier to the next when dealing with USP VG?

What would be great is to get opinions about how to begin with the goal of "highest quality" in mind.

My favorite juices are from Heather's Heavenly and they are the tobacco (Purity) line. I'd like to get an idea of how to build a juice with a strong tobacco base and flavor it from there with hints of graham, butterscotch, chocolate, amaretto, cherry etc (not all in one juice).

I hope I'm not too all over the place. Just looking for some initial guidance on where and what to shop for if my goal is for an all VG tobacco based juice with 6mg Nic that's of high quality.

Thanks much.


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Nov 24, 2013
Upstate sc
I did a lot of research before starting DIY. I also do not use pg as IMO it has a chemical taste in the back round. I've been getting everything from wizard labs so far. Their products seem to be high quality, good prices, and they are in the states so I get my order in 2 days unless it has nic. They extract their nic to order so those take an extra day or two. They have a couple dif flavor vendors but I've stuck with TFA and had great results. They have quite a few tobacco flavors. And just my :2c: for the future: both tobacco TFA flavors I got (555, and American red) are very strong. When your making a test batch I'd suggest starting at 2-3% and tinker from there.


Vaping Master
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Oct 2, 2010
USP VG means it meets the pharmaceutical grade quality and purity for VG, it's not "Boutique"

Flavorings are all pure, and vape worthy, or at least the one's recommended here in the DIY forum.
I use Flavor Art (FA), The Perfume Apprentice (TPA) and Capellas for my concoctions, and seldom use tobaccos, so I'll leave that recommendation to someone else.

The tobacco I do use is a own naturally extracted tobacco that I make myself. As close to "Boutique" as I get...:)


Vaping Master
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Dec 15, 2012
I have a friend who when she says she's going to the boutique means she's going to Goodwill.

I was under the impression that HHV made their own NET for their tobaccos and for me that is truly going down the rabbit hole...but then again, so is trying to clone one with flavorings. lol

Here is a list that Levitas put together of VG flavors. It's a sticky now (yay!).


ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
"Boutique" is french for "overpriced".


hehehe... sorry. :lol:


Vaping Master
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Mar 10, 2012
That's a great link to a list that glasseye provided. Not sure if it's been updated lately because I haven't read it for a while.

Wizard Labs sells excellent 100% VG based nicotine. I stocked up back when they had something called "ICE" and haven't needed to order nic lately.

There are some great threads on extracting tobaccos using 100% VG as the base. Lots of reading to do when you start DIY eh? lol

I tend to shop for NaturesFlavours extracts for e-cig use because they are PG-FREE from and I also use the super concentrated alcohol-based flavorings from as well.

Be careful with some flavors that are intended safe for food use but some are not necessarily for vaping because of additives.

Good luck on your quest:)
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