Am I just a "supertaster?" Attached to cartos.

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I finally upgraded to a VV/VW mod and with it, I picked up a hypertank fluid flask from ViperVape. They use protank heads, so I figured it would be easy enough to play with after using a carto-tank for so long. My problem is that I'm CONSTANTLY getting a nasty burnt taste, even with all of my other vape-adept friends saying it tasted fine. I re-wicked the head with cotton instead of the standard polyfill and that helped for a day or so, but then it went straight back to the horrible burnt flavor.

I never have this problem with cartomizers--even if I chain-vape (which I do constantly), it seems to hold enough fluid so I don't run into that issue... that is even if the polyfill inside the carto has anything to do with it. Am I just weird? Or is there a trick to using replaceable atty heads so I don't have this issue?


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Aug 22, 2013
Salem, MA, USA
I'm noticing it even on ce4's and protanks/protank minis on my friends' devices, including smaller fixed-voltage batteries. Does it naturally just vape differently? I'm not sure if I'm the only one that notices such an immense difference between the stock poly-fill and cotton.

I prefer my cartotanks to most everything else. It may just be that the way they taste is your preference *shrug* stick with what you like :)

I think all tanks taste different and my guess on the burning taste would be the wicks as well. Maybe they are just a teensy bit burned and you are more prone to finding that taste than the other folks who tried it. Not really worth stressing over - just switch back to what you know you like.


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Feb 23, 2010
"Burnt taste" with clearomizers comes usually from dry hits--when there isn't enough eliquid on the coil to cool it down. Wicks used in clearomizers are made out of the same silica rope are the wicks in cartomizers--they don't burn. If anything, cartos come with a wad of polyfill that many people strongly dislike...

Try taking gentler draws, maybe lower your wattage a bit as Rick suggested. And make sure that your eliquid is of proper consistency--if it's too thick, it won't travel fast enough to the atomizing chamber.

Wash your clearomizer prior to first use, just in case there are remnants of some Chinese WD-40 inside. Clean and replace your coils as necessary--especially important if you're using dark or sweet juices.

Of course, if your cotton wicks taste burnt, they most likely are.
They don't burn? Weird... when I dismantled my first protank head ever, the polyfill was BLACKENED. Once I switched to cotton I'd get 14-18 hours of good flavor out of it.

I'll probably stick with my carto tank(s)--the only issue is that I don't get quite as much flavor or vapor out of them. Then again, since I double-puff and constantly chain vape I should just accept that compromise. :p
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