An introduction and a question? When is enough enough?

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Aug 22, 2011
Hi all, I'm Mandi. I started smoking full flavor menthol Doral 100's at 15. That was 22 years ago. I was a Pall Mall Menthol 100 girl a week ago. I've never quit only once trying Chantix for 2 weeks, unsuccessfully. I am a super heavy smoker. 2-3 packs a day...At the last tax hike, I tried an alternative (rolling my own using pipe tobacco as it was spared the tax increase.) But the film on my office wall told me something had to change...and I didn't want to quit. I actually enjoying smoking. 5 days ago I made the plunge and purchased a Smoke51 trio. I bought it from a local store for 24 bucks and the kit included 15 cartridges. I charged it and tried it. I am now 5 days without a tobacco cigarette...the only 5 days of the last 22 years that I can say that. It's amazing how well this works. My local store sells a 5+1 pack of refills for 7.99. Six refills for 8 bucks. Amazing! I bought all of the menthol he had.

My question? How do I know when to stop? Is there any way to know how many long draws are equal to one cig? I went through two cartridges on my second day. In my "smoking days" I let most cigs burn in the ashtray or in my hand...This is my only concern...can anyone help? Thanks in advance!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
You need a decent model you can refill with eliquid so you are not going through so many carts and can use many of the hundreds of juices available.

I can get a week's use out of a KR808D-1 cartomizer. I can get 1.5-2 weeks use out of a Boge 510 cartomizer. I use thin clear juices, manual batteries so I don't have to worry about my batteries being damaged or killed by leaks, and I am used to telling when more juice needs to be added to avoid singeing the cartomizer.

How you do know you have had enough? When I started I tried to keep my vaping to about the same number of drags per day as I smoked. I leave my ecigs in another room at home so i am not sucking on them constantly. I tried lots of juices to find ones that really satisfied me with their flavor/aroma and TH. I avoided juices that never said "stop" to me.

Nothing will tell you when you have had enough. But you will know when you have had too much - common symptoms of too much are headache, blood pressure changes, rapid or irregular heartbeat, cold fingertips, lightheaded or just yucky feeling.

There are 3 ways to go with ecigs. Some people put no reins on it and just continue to use higher nicotine and more voltage and lower resistance until they have the highest nicotine and biggest hottest most TH possible. Some find a comfortable level and configuration and stay there. And some eventually work on lowering their nicotine until they are vaping very low or even 0mg levels (0mg can be tough though - no TH).
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Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011
Hi all, I'm Mandi. I started smoking full flavor menthol Doral 100's at 15. That was 22 years ago. I was a Pall Mall Menthol 100 girl a week ago. I've never quit only once trying Chantix for 2 weeks, unsuccessfully. I am a super heavy smoker. 2-3 packs a day...At the last tax hike, I tried an alternative (rolling my own using pipe tobacco as it was spared the tax increase.) But the film on my office wall told me something had to change...and I didn't want to quit. I actually enjoying smoking. 5 days ago I made the plunge and purchased a Smoke51 trio. I bought it from a local store for 24 bucks and the kit included 15 cartridges. I charged it and tried it. I am now 5 days without a tobacco cigarette...the only 5 days of the last 22 years that I can say that. It's amazing how well this works. My local store sells a 5+1 pack of refills for 7.99. Six refills for 8 bucks. Amazing! I bought all of the menthol he had.

My question? How do I know when to stop? Is there any way to know how many long draws are equal to one cig? I went through two cartridges on my second day. In my "smoking days" I let most cigs burn in the ashtray or in my hand...This is my only concern...can anyone help? Thanks in advance!

Hi Mandi! Let me welcome you to forums! I too am new, and had my last analog on 8/10/11 at around 1:30pm! Shortly after that time is when I received my GoGo kit in the mail, and haven't looked back! (OK, I peeked and had a drag the next night, but put it out - not what I wanted! lol).

I'm so happy to hear that you've found something that works for you. There is a LOT of GREAT info on these boards, so plan to spend some time browsing and asking lots of questions! This place is epic, and I only wish I'd have found it years ago. :p Oh well, I've found it now, so that's what matters today! :D

As far as your question, I've seen different numbers tossed around. Some go by 10-15 vapes at a time, some go by 5-10 minutes of vaping at a time. It's your preference I think, but you do have to be careful not to get too carried away and get too much nicotine in your system. Without all the poisons in the e-cigs that the analogs have, it's harder to gauge. I've just been using my judgement. And I try not to get crazy on the awesome tasty juices! :glare:

EDIT: Also, what Dormouse said :)

Timothy Cullen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 29, 2010
Hanson, Kentucky, United States
Well what strength are the cartridges first off? That bring said it really depends on you. I know some vapers that use 36 all day long where as I started out at 24 mg
And pretty much chain vaped all day I mean my e cig was a pacifier. And recently cut my nic to 18mg and below but it's working out for me. Honestly just use it as u need it and if u start to feel really bad or start sweating profusely or light headedness back it off. The main thing is that nicotine in e juice contains nome of the other alkaloids and additives that get nic to the brain faster and make it hit harder so the lift as I call it from an e cig is gradual instead of almost instant like a cig. Hope
That helps im sure others with chime in with helpful advice. Just thought I'd Say congratulations on making the switch.

- Sent from my droid/apple hybrid


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Aug 3, 2011
Amarillo, Tx.
You might consider getting a lower nicotine level for the juices that you really like. Chances are that you will like those juices even more because of less bitter taste. Keep some of your less than favorite juices around at the higher nicotine level to satisfy that specific craving for nicotine. I'm too cheap to do it this way. I just mix the juices that I don't like with enough of the juice that I do like so that I can get it all vaped. But, the first method does make more sense.


Full Member
Aug 22, 2011
SarbanesOxley, thank you and DEFINITELY better than falling off the pony!

Dormouse, thank you as well! I do want to try other things...I've been looking around the forum and see lots of great options/brands! I DID however have a light headache on my second day...this makes sense to me! I am using my current kit as a starter and looking into models I can refill soon!

sonicdsl, awesome and thanks for the info!! 10 seemed like a nice number to me. I have 3 businesses on a computer (spend no less than 10 hours online each day) so being such a heavy smoker, it's hard to keep my cigs in another room. I've tried it and I found I spend way too much time away from my office having a "quick smoke." You are SO right about this forum!

Timothy Cullen, my current strenth is 18mg menthol. The kit contained 10mg non-menthol prefilled filters and for the first day that is all I smoked...second day I went to 18mg. And thanks, I am SO glad I made this switch. Trying to get my parents on board now!

Needo, thanks for your input! I am definitely going to look into a model I can fill myself!

I had wanted to try e-cigarettes for over a year and looked seriously at Greensmoke, even putting in my credit card # to buy it before canceling at the last minute. I seemed to be good to be true and the price was around 150 at the time. When I saw the smoke51 trio at my local cig store for 26 bucks, including 15 refills I figured I had nothing to at least try. I kept telling everyone after day 1 that I couldn't believe I didn't even crave tobacco...I'm amazed and HOOKED!

Thank you everyone for the input!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 23, 2011
I think you've already gotten some great answers, and here's mine. Vape when you're craving a cigarette and try to forget about cigarettes completely. Consider vaping a seriously good thing that you're doing for your health and stick with it. If you get light-headed or dizzy, you've probably vaped too much - or you need to consider lowering your nic content. I smoked 2-3 packs a day for over 40 years and stopped completely with my first PV. I started with 24 mg nic, and I have now lowered that to 18 mg nic. I plan to lower my nic again to 12 soon, but the main plan is to stay away from cigarettes forever. Many people slowly work their way down to vaping 0 mg nic, and that's when you know that you have it totally whipped.

Michael Curry

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ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2011
Panama City, FL
It's really hard to tell how much is the right amount because it varies from person to person.

For example. my wife and I smoked the same number of the same analogs in a day. Switched to vaping at 12mg. It was too much for her, she was getting the standard over-nicced feelings. I'm fine at 12mg, and I even spend some time at 18mg because the one juice I like sometimes doesn't really 'work' at lower nic levels. (Djarum Black clove).

It's also pretty normal to vape pretty heavily at first then settle in as time goes on from what I have seen here. Let yourself fall into your own levels - if it's keeping you off the analogs, be happy. :)


Full Member
Aug 22, 2011
Tom10, GREAT points! Yes, I do consider this to be something I am doing for my health. I have NO intentions of going back to tobacco...there really doesn't seem to be a point. My nicotine craving is totally satisfied by vaping...and even on the day I used two refill cartridges I was only out about 2.60 compared to around 12 bucks a day for 3 packs of Pall Malls. No ashes on my desk. No film on my walls. No more smelling like cigarette smoke on a date. It's a win, win, win, win!!

Edit: I wanted to add that I totally get what you are saying...I'm comparing vaping to smoking in my question...putting smoking all together out of my mind is the BEST idea!
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Full Member
Aug 22, 2011
Michael Curry, thank you for your input! I am using 18mg's now however on day 1, as mentioned, I did 10mg. When I realized after day one this was possibly going to WORK I went back to the store and bought several of his 18mg menthol cartridges. I immediately tossed my 10mg tobacco, non-menthol cartridge replacing it with 18mg's and within a few hours had a headache. I NEVER have headaches. Maybe twice a year. I attributed it to tobacco detox, took a couple of ibuprofen and moved on...I now see that it may have been a bit too much nicotine. Today I used only one cartridge and a bit from a cartridge left over from if I am correct I have not only cut out tobacco, I have also reduced my nicotine intake as well! I'm amazed at this whole vaping thing!!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
Mandi........Welcome!! I hate to tell you this but this website is addictive too!!:laugh: You have made an awesome decision and I am so glad you found this website!! I have heard or read some place that analogs have more nicotine than e-cigs per drag. I use 26 mg's, but if you are satisfied with what you are doing now, I think you have a winner. These folks are more knowledgeable than me, so take their advice.

Again, WELCOME to the board!


Full Member
Aug 22, 2011
This website is worse than vaping but yeah I smoked roll your own American spirit peique blend..... About a pack every five days get about 60 fags per pouch and my juice of choice is 22 to 24 mg but I catch myself getting a headache on occasion then you just put the pv down and walk away but it does settle down as you get off analogs you'll lower how often you vape I like to drink about 4 rockstars a day too that might be where my headaches come from though goodbye cancer hello heart attack


Vaping Master
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Aug 19, 2011
Taos, NM
How do MandyMay? Welcome to Vapors Unanimous, also known as the ECF. As you can see everyone here is more than willing to help you out with advice so that you can find the gear, juices and nic levels that work for you. I'm still pretty new at this myself and I will say that thanks to everyone here I'm really beginning to understand how to get my vape on. I personally have found that I vape 2-3 times as much as I ever smoked but that's just because there are so many more tasty choices that can be delivered to my lungs in so many new and interesting ways than cigarettes and tobacco ever could. Viva La Vape!


Full Member
Verified Member
Aug 22, 2011
sorry, riding on Mandy's question, i'm about to buy my first PV and what are the recommend nicotine levels? From what i've been reading so far, its really different for each individual. problem is my locality makes it hard for me to pruchase these things, so making a informed choice would allow me to cut down on analogs asap =)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Sep 5, 2010
    in a cave, eh?
    Welcome to ECF. Have you considered shopping online? It's less convenient than popping over to the store, but there's so much good stuff out there.

    This isn't going to help you cut down any, but if you spend a lot of time on the computer, you might consider getting yourself a 5 volt USB passthrough and 5 volt USB wall charger (don't plug a passthrough straight into a computer) from MadVapes. Put a SmokTech dual coil or Boge LR cartomizer on your passthrough. And get yourself some really nice juice from or even If you fill your own cartomizers, you can save yourself some money and find way more really good flavors.

    Be sure to ask lots of questions if you get confused. I'll bet you're not used to having so many choices. :)


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
  • Sep 5, 2010
    in a cave, eh?
    sorry, riding on Mandy's question, i'm about to buy my first PV and what are the recommend nicotine levels? From what i've been reading so far, its really different for each individual. problem is my locality makes it hard for me to pruchase these things, so making a informed choice would allow me to cut down on analogs asap =)

    Because you're from Singapore, the New Members forum isn't a good place for advice about getting a PV or e-juice. There are legal issues with e-cigarettes in your country. I don't want to give you advice that might get you a heavy fine or other legal problems.

    If you make 5 good, non-spammy posts, wait for moderator approval and then try the SG Vapers group for advice about e-cigarettes in Singapore.

    Good luck. :)


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 15, 2010
    The Lowcountry
    +1 on the passthrough! I work from my pc most of the day and it's great for not having to change batteries out all the time. If I really need to sit and get a job done, I just fill up a few carts (I use the tank set up with it) and I'm good all day without having to get up for a refill or to change batteries. I also started with a smoke 51 and while it does work, it's at the lower end of the performance scale. I don't know what your set up has but mine was the Trio three-piece unit and the cartridges were so small and only held about 4 drops of juice in the tiny cup inside, so getting a better setup that will allow you to refill with your own juice is much better (and much less expensive) and more satisfying. I only used mine for a week before getting a 510 as I was thoroughly annoyed with trying to refill the carts. I still have the 51 batteries (510 stuff will fit mine) but only keep them for backup purposes.

    This site rocks my socks and without it, I probably would not have been as successful as I am today. I'm sure you will find yourself with new stuff to play with before long! Congrats!


    Vaping Master
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    Aug 28, 2010
    Toronto, ON
    For what it's worth, when I first started I vaped quite a lot. Not marathon sessions or anything but probably 10-15 minutes per session with maybe 5-10 minutes between sessions. I too found it disconcerting that I had no real way to tell when I was "done." I took long drags on my eGo (5-7 seconds each) just to get the kind of satisfying throat hit that I needed.

    Well, ultimately it turned out that what I really needed was a stronger juice -- but I really didn't know anything at the time, and certainly didn't know enough to know that maybe I should ask someone here about it. I just figured, that's the way it is. However, eventually I did up my nic strength (bit of a long story involving bad juice and a relapse to analogs for a while) and when I did things just kind of fell into place. I essentially started vaping whenever I felt the urge and stopped when I felt I didn't want any more at that moment -- which for the 24mg strength I was vaping, usually ended up being a few puffs every 5 minutes or so.

    In general, I think your body will tell you. It might seem like you're overdoing it, and if you have the telltale signs of too much nicotine you may well be. But that's something your body will tell you for sure, and at first the novelty of it and the giddiness of finally being free of cigarettes may push you to that limit. But eventually it'll calm down and you'll just kind of fall into your own rhythm.
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