Any other vapers who could quit smoking on a whim?

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Full Member
Aug 3, 2013
Never had an addictive personality, started smoking when I was like 16. Have quit multiple drugs and alcohol at the drop of a hat from moderate to extreme use. At first only black and milds. Not sure why, then marlboro greens. Then rolled cigs, you know with the machine. Parents and grandparents had them could knick a ....load whenever I wanted and smoke them at home/not in public as not to look like I was homeless or some .....

Anyways point of the post, I smoked on and off for a couple years quitting for months, smoked a year and got bored so I quit for like 2 years and started smoking again. I'm 24 now, this time it was after a breakup - I started smoking to kinda replace that addictive love feeling.

So, I smoked pretty heavy for like 6 months or so and decided to vape. I didn't really want to smoke anymore, in the past I just quit that day if I got tired/bored/sick of smoking. This time I wanted to maintain the feeling of addiction. Somedays I vape .5ml some days I chain vape.

I guess my question is, did anybody else have similar experiences or start vaping for the same reason. I realize how ridiculous or psychotic it sounds, that's part of the reason I prefaced a simple question with not so simple foundation.

Bill's Magic Vapor

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Feb 8, 2013
Can't say that I relate to your experience all that well, unless you're just kidding yourself like the river in Egypt thing, which I've seen all my life (denial). However, if that is the way you are, let's say, and take you at your word, why would you find the need to vape at all? Why not just not smoke or vape? The other question I have for you is what nic level do you vape at? Seems to me that zero nic would be good for you, since you don't need to replace the smoking with vaping and the nicotine. Last question. Very curious as to why you vape very little some days and chain vape other days. What is the difference for you? And does vaping add something for you that helps you in any way, or is it more a hobby thing? Bored? Just curious. Thank you for sharing your story. Very interesting Lord. Best to you!


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Aug 19, 2010
USA - Arkansas
I can't relate to that with reguard to nicotine but, with other, more harmful things yes. I'm sure you've heard some of the tales of what outlaw or wildcat truckers did before we were regulated out of doing it if we wanted a job at all. Well, that was me, 4 days awake, no problem Boss, I'll get 'er there on time. Dropped it like a hot potato when I came off the road and became a desk jockey (dispatcher) No withdrawals, cravings, nothing, just decided I wasn't doing it anymore, didn't need it and that was that.

Probably explains why my fave vapes have a bitter edge to them huh? (Except my Salted Caramel)


Full Member
Aug 3, 2013

No river in egypt, used cokanye for over a year sometimes heavily. I liked it, I was a full time college student and I was only 17. Maybe I'm too stubborn to let myself REALLY stay addicted to something. I could do it as "leisurely" as one can do narcotics. That is, when I choose and how much I choose to do. The same with smoking, the only way I can personally describe it is that I become bored of it. I suppose smoking is more of a replacement for things in my life. Either I'm using smoking to replace something or using it to accompany something. I'm very intelligent, if that means anything when it comes to addiction or your ability to will yourself out of it. It seems to play a role, but that could be arrogant perspective.

Why vape or smoke if I don't need to? As I said briefly, I got tired of smoking and no longer wanted the side effects. I wanted to remain "addicted" to nicotine for the time being, I suppose as a replacement for the chemical connection I had with my ex. I decided to vape. It's cool so far. Additionally, I've always enjoyed smoking or exhaling smoke in peculiar ways depending on my mood. I guess I have a tableaux of interesting character flaws lol.

Difference in how much I vape seems to be dependent on my sleep schedule. Circadian rhythm is linked to a plethora of bodily needs, habits and inclinations. And finally nic level. First bought 18, second week I bought 12. Some I have is 6. I am mostly vaping a halo menthol type flavor at 12 though.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2013
As far as I'm concerned you're very similar to many of us who used to smoke and quit it with ecigs. You want to be addicted to the nicotine, so do we. You started vaping because you didn't want the nasty side effects of smoking. Well, welcome to the crowd.

Vape on!:vapor:

I would adamantly disagree with this. I doubt that the majority of smokers want to be addicted to smoking. ie. addicted to nicotine.


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Aug 19, 2010
USA - Arkansas
Exactly, some of us simply choose to be addicted and, our choice is nicotine. Plain and simple we like it, sure we could quit, we know we have the will power to do it, and it'd probably be pretty easy for us but, we don't want to quit, we just prefer not to kill ourselves any faster than we need to to have our addiction of choice so, we vape.

I mean, I know I can drop stuff a lot harder to kick for most than nic so, nic would be a snap to drop but, I don't want to drop it. My choice same as it's my choice not to drop caffeine even though it doesn't keep me awake or do what others claim it does for them - I like my caffeine.

I think half the hang ups with this for people is that being an addict has so many negative conotations so, it's a bit hard to admit you are one and, harder to admit you WANT to be one. That alone takes a bit of inner strength that many lack so, they spend their lives ashamed of being an addict to a LEGAL substance that isn't harming anyone else and, trying to quit for every reason except wanting to quit simply because they want to.

When that's your primary reason, just because you want to, no matter if it's better to quit, if your partner or lover wants you to, no matter what it costs, you just want to quit for you, then you will. If not, you can try but, I doubt you will actually quit for long.

I don't want to quit vaping nic so, I won't.


Ultra Member
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Jun 30, 2012
The Woodlands, TX, USA
I would adamantly disagree with this. I doubt that the majority of smokers want to be addicted to smoking. ie. addicted to nicotine.

!?! Excuse me?! Sorry, but you don't make any sense. I can see you just want to argue for the sake of arguing. Another debate thread. Bye



Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I don't know if I can relate or not, but I do know that I haven't really heard any stories like mine around here...

I only smoked, on average, about 6 cigarettes per day for 27 years.
Some days I might smoke 3 but when I was drinking I would probably smoke 10 or more.

But on weekends I could easily go an entire day without a cigarette, if I was out for the day and keeping busy.
I wouldn't want one, I would need one, I wouldn't even think about them.

Until I saw someone smoking one, which can be very rare here in California.
But if I did see someone smoking one, I would think to myself it would be nice to have one.

And once I thought to myself it would be nice to have one then I pretty much HAD to have one.

I'm not really sure whether or not I was ever addicted to cigarettes.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2013
I don't know if I can relate or not, but I do know that I haven't really heard any stories like mine around here...

I only smoked, on average, about 6 cigarettes per day for 27 years.
Some days I might smoke 3 but when I was drinking I would probably smoke 10 or more.

But on weekends I could easily go an entire day without a cigarette, if I was out for the day and keeping busy.
I wouldn't want one, I would need one, I wouldn't even think about them.

Until I saw someone smoking one, which can be very rare here in California.
But if I did see someone smoking one, I would think to myself it would be nice to have one.

And once I thought to myself it would be nice to have one then I pretty much HAD to have one.

I'm not really sure whether or not I was ever addicted to cigarettes.

That is very odd lol. Almost like an extremely rare case of OCD. I know weird cases like that occur; sometimes after having stopped smoking for long periods of time I'd be watching a tele show or film and someone smoking a cig would just make me think, yea I should relax and smoke a cig while I watch this haha.

!?! Excuse me?! Sorry, but you don't make any sense. I can see you just want to argue for the sake of arguing. Another debate thread. Bye

Not really sure what the rage is about. Kind of one of those self righteous forum rages that you encounter sometimes. You've invested a lot of time posting, you feel special or unique to the forums and suddenly react to a post like this. It's entertaining but unhelpful; as for arguing quite the contrary I was seeking exchange or discourse in regards to ideals or idiosyncrasies. I grew up in OH, nearly every family member and friend's family smoke. I don't know that more than a single one of them WANT to be addicted to cigarettes, and he's a stubborn drunk ........


Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
My husband smoked when he felt like it, but was never addicted to smoking. He could choose to smoke an entire pack a pack a day and then go for weeks before deciding to buy another pack and might make that pack last 2 weeks and then go for weeks again without smoking and then smoke a pack a day for several weeks. He was like that for 30 some years. About 13 years ago he decided he didn't want to ever smoke again so he just stopped and hasn't had a cigarette since that day.


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Aug 10, 2013
Oregon, USA
I bought an average of 6 cartons a month. If I ever got down to the last pack I would lose sleep knowing I'd be out.
I started with 36mg and will now try 24, but I feel the craving more even on heavy chain vaping.
Heck my goal was to D/C the nicotine the end of this year and just vap for the oral fixation.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2013
I bought an average of 6 cartons a month. If I ever got down to the last pack I would lose sleep knowing I'd be out.
I started with 36mg and will now try 24, but I feel the craving more even on heavy chain vaping.
Heck my goal was to D/C the nicotine the end of this year and just vap for the oral fixation.

That seems quite extreme lol. 14-15,000 cigs a year, say it takes 5 minutes to smoke a cig, thats almost two months worth of days spent smoking haha.

I would recommend finding a strong flavor, for me I smoked menthol, peppermint flavors with a really strong vape are great. I use Kringle's Curse from halo and even at 12mg it has great throat hit. If you like a strong vape, and want to lower your nic and still feel satisfied 18mg halo liquids could be an extremely good idea for you. All the halo I've tried are strong and smooth.


Senior Member
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Jul 30, 2013
I have actually quit smoking on a whim once before. I just decided to... not smoke. It was still hard to quit, but I was so hooked on the idea of being a nonsmoker that it nearly worked. I managed to go 4 months without a puff. Then I hit some horrible life stress and fell right back into it.

That was the only time I was able to do that, haha.

Anywho, as far as the "wanting to be addicted" kerfluffle going on... I don't think anyone wants to be "addicted", exactly... but maybe some find nothing particularly wrong with the use of such a chemical. I mean, I don't want to be addicted to caffeine, but I am. I get wicked withdrawal headaches if I don't have a daily coffee at the very least. But that doesn't bother me, because I'm not bothered by the idea of being hooked on caffeine. I've just become much more selective on intake method - coffee and tea only. Just tea and coffee.

Likewise, I'm cool with nicotine. I've just become more selective about the intake method.
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