Anyone Else Notice A Change in Their Pets?

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ECF Veteran
May 4, 2010
I was a 2-3 PAD Smoker and smoked in the house (yea, nasty, but...). My S.O. does not smoke. Now that I am Analog free for about 2 months, we have noticed our cat is now, well, being more of a -cat.

She is an indoor only cat and I can only imagine the effect smoking had on her. Second hand smoke and all the other crap. Now that I'm vaping, she just seems a whole bunch more cat like. She doesn't sneeze as much or snore as much (Neither do I for that matter).

So, I was just wondering if any other animal lovers here have noticed the same positive effect in their little friends?



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2010
My cat and I moved into a non-smoking household 7 months ago, and I've been smoking outside. When I first vaped inside my cat had the most horrified look on her little face.
She was all ready to run for the hills, but I held her in place. When the "smoke" came out she was soooo confused, so perplexed, like "why it don't stink, ma??!!" I've let her paw and inspect my ecig, but she still has the instinct to run - yet not as often nor as quick.
It's soooo cute and funny. You can just about see her little brain a-turnin' with questions, lol.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2009
Los Angeles Ca. USA
I've noticed my dog does not react to the vape like he did with smoke. If I blew smoke his way he would recoil and move away all disgusted like. With vape he acts like nothings there most times--even sniffs it some times. To me that is the official green light from the world that vaping is ok. Just think; if animals are not bothered by it, then it must be ok. Animals are much more in tune with things than we are
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Hammond Egger

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Feb 8, 2010
Eastern WV
Our den has one of the couches with recliners in both ends and the majority of the time I am watching TV, the cat can usually be found laying between my feet on the footrest. When I was smoking a pack and a half a day, I noticed that the cat started smelling like cigarette smoke. This was one of my biggest factors in quitting.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 25, 2010
Mine's actually a negative side-effect.

I don't go outside anymore. The only time my dogs and I interact these days is when I feed them and let them out for the day. :( I'll have to make some time to start interacting (but they really do stink now lol).

Incidentally, my plants are suffering the same problem. I lost two pots of annuals because I haven't watered them in a couple weeks. Oops.


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Dec 15, 2009
have only had to put flea treatment on my dogs once since vaping (over a year)... and we're in flea hell in our area.

only thing i can conclude is the little bit of juice i wipe off my hands with a wet cloth, leaves enough residue when i pet them to kill the fleas. No adverse effects on my dogs.

that or the vapor. whatever it is, it works for me. i rather have very low nic content on them than the chemicals in Advantage or similar


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 17, 2010
We have noticed that all 3 of our Tots (Turds of Terror = dogs) coats are so much softer and brighter now that we no longer smoke in the house. We give them a bath every 2 weeks which they love, and their coats stay nice and soft until the next bath.

Yes, I and hubby both smoked in our home and cars. I still have an analog smoke, fell off the wagon hard last week, but always go outside with the Tots to smoke. All 3 have always been lap Tots (weigh only 2, 11 and 13 pounds) but since vaping it seems they want on our laps even more.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
My kitty always loved to have her cheeks rubbed, but when I smoked, sometimes she'd sort of pull away.

When you smoke rollies, the smell really gets into your hands. Even with filters (which I used most of the time), I still had a faint nicotine stain on my fingers. She hated the smell.

She seems much happier for me to rub her face now. I know she hated the smell of cigs. But she doesn't seem to mind vaping. I do always try to wash my hands well if I get juice on them - she's a small cat with very short fur, and I really don't want to get nic juice on her at all.
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