Ask IMAGINE & S_Steve - Thread :)

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 19, 2012
Nice place here. You all seem very friendly. I would like to start by saying that if Smokeless Image wasn't on the vendors list and didn't have a forum here, I wouldn't even have looked into the product. I found out about it while looking at new member threads and some folks mentioned the Volt as really good product and customer service.

Warning: Rambling post, but there are questions at the end. Feel free to skip over to them. :)

I currently smoke about 1/2 - 1 pack of Marlboro light 100s per day. I'd like to keep the nicotine (for now) and ditch the other 4000 chemicals. I've been smoking for over 30 years.

I just got introduced to vaping a few weeks ago. My wife and kids wanted me off "analogs" so my wife sent me a link to a vendor (not sure about the etiquette, so I won't mention names) for a $4.95 starter kit trial. Let's just say that the price wasn't all that it appeared to be and leave it at that. However, the actual vaping part appealed to me and I've been doing research ever since (and, boy, am I tired of research). I did wind up purchasing the battery and some carts from them and I still have them. Overpriced, yes, but hey, I didn't know any better. Cost me about $60 bucks for a batt, 7 carts, a nice case, a usb charger, wall adapter and car adapter for the usb charger. Most of the carts were low nic, so it was like sucking pure water vapor. One of the carts had a higher nic content and kept me off the analogs for a couple days, so I felt I was onto something.

Next, I tried a cheaper trial from another vendor. $25 for a 510 battery and two cartomizers. I had requested high nicotine regular flavor. I was sent low nicotene sweet tobacco (nobody seems to want to send me what I asked for. Is that normal in this industry?). Tasted great, but did nothing for my nic cravings. It was from a vendor that has some nice reviews from other posters, but now I'm having trust issues since they didn't send me what I asked for. However, I like the battery style, so I'm hanging on to that too. Probably as a backup. Unfortunately, the threading on the first vendor's cig is fatter than the 510. No idea what type it is.

Now, I'm trying for a third time. Posters in other forums here have had really nice things to say about Smokeless Image and the Volt in particular. After previous experiences I've related, let's just say I'm still skeptical. :) I'm also on information overload and pretty close to just going back to analogs and forgetting all this stuff. This is probably my last shot at vaping. I'm spending money, but not getting what I need.

I've been to the Smokeless Image website (nicely done site, btw) and the prices seem quite reasonable, but I have questions. I did send an email to the support folks, but today is Sunday and tomorrow is a holiday, so I thought I'd post something here and see what happens.

--What type of battery does the Volt use? The website doesn't seem to mention this anywhere and that worries me.

--I now have two incompatible batteries. I'm pretty sure that if I purchase a Volt starter pack, I'm going to wind up with three incompatibles. Any chance that the Volt would fit the carts I have for the 510?

--What are the rates for shipping? The first vendor I mentioned was charging $9 to ship 5 carts. A little bit much.

--Looking for something similar to the taste of analogs. I know there isn't an exact match, but something close. I'm sure that BlueberryCaramelChampagneCottoncandySupreme juice is great, but I'm looking for something closer to tobacco to start, with the throat hit to match. If I decide to order the Volt, I could use a suggestion or two as to what juice to ask for to start with.

--I like the look of the Volt. Resembles a regular cig in it's shape, at least. Like the 510 I already like. Not really interested in the "mods" that look like portable bongs to me. But hey, to each his own!

--I like the battery/cartomizer setups and I'd like to purchase bottles of juice at some point, so I was looking at the blank carts on the website. It says in there that you don't want to fill your own carts if you're using an automatic batt. I thought that the new batts were now sealed so this wouldn't be a problem? I'm confused.

Thanks for reading (you can wake up now). :blink:


Super Member
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Dec 16, 2011
Hollywood, MD
I don't think I've ever paid over $6 for shipping on anything and I've had 3 orders with smokelessimage.. also.. for tobacco flavors.. I'm not sure how how tobaccoey it is.. but I do like the 555's.. you would need an adapter for the cartridges.. can find those here 510-808 adapter - Use 510 on 808/901 or 808/901 on 510!

Nice place here. You all seem very friendly. I would like to start by saying that if Smokeless Image wasn't on the vendors list and didn't have a forum here, I wouldn't even have looked into the product. I found out about it while looking at new member threads and some folks mentioned the Volt as really good product and customer service.

Warning: Rambling post, but there are questions at the end. Feel free to skip over to them. :)

I currently smoke about 1/2 - 1 pack of Marlboro light 100s per day. I'd like to keep the nicotine (for now) and ditch the other 4000 chemicals. I've been smoking for over 30 years.

I just got introduced to vaping a few weeks ago. My wife and kids wanted me off "analogs" so my wife sent me a link to a vendor (not sure about the etiquette, so I won't mention names) for a $4.95 starter kit trial. Let's just say that the price wasn't all that it appeared to be and leave it at that. However, the actual vaping part appealed to me and I've been doing research ever since (and, boy, am I tired of research). I did wind up purchasing the battery and some carts from them and I still have them. Overpriced, yes, but hey, I didn't know any better. Cost me about $60 bucks for a batt, 7 carts, a nice case, a usb charger, wall adapter and car adapter for the usb charger. Most of the carts were low nic, so it was like sucking pure water vapor. One of the carts had a higher nic content and kept me off the analogs for a couple days, so I felt I was onto something.

Next, I tried a cheaper trial from another vendor. $25 for a 510 battery and two cartomizers. I had requested high nicotine regular flavor. I was sent low nicotene sweet tobacco (nobody seems to want to send me what I asked for. Is that normal in this industry?). Tasted great, but did nothing for my nic cravings. It was from a vendor that has some nice reviews from other posters, but now I'm having trust issues since they didn't send me what I asked for. However, I like the battery style, so I'm hanging on to that too. Probably as a backup. Unfortunately, the threading on the first vendor's cig is fatter than the 510. No idea what type it is.

Now, I'm trying for a third time. Posters in other forums here have had really nice things to say about Smokeless Image and the Volt in particular. After previous experiences I've related, let's just say I'm still skeptical. :) I'm also on information overload and pretty close to just going back to analogs and forgetting all this stuff. This is probably my last shot at vaping. I'm spending money, but not getting what I need.

I've been to the Smokeless Image website (nicely done site, btw) and the prices seem quite reasonable, but I have questions. I did send an email to the support folks, but today is Sunday and tomorrow is a holiday, so I thought I'd post something here and see what happens.

--What type of battery does the Volt use? The website doesn't seem to mention this anywhere and that worries me.

--I now have two incompatible batteries. I'm pretty sure that if I purchase a Volt starter pack, I'm going to wind up with three incompatibles. Any chance that the Volt would fit the carts I have for the 510?

--What are the rates for shipping? The first vendor I mentioned was charging $9 to ship 5 carts. A little bit much.

--Looking for something similar to the taste of analogs. I know there isn't an exact match, but something close. I'm sure that BlueberryCaramelChampagneCottoncandySupreme juice is great, but I'm looking for something closer to tobacco to start, with the throat hit to match. If I decide to order the Volt, I could use a suggestion or two as to what juice to ask for to start with.

--I like the look of the Volt. Resembles a regular cig in it's shape, at least. Like the 510 I already like. Not really interested in the "mods" that look like portable bongs to me. But hey, to each his own!

--I like the battery/cartomizer setups and I'd like to purchase bottles of juice at some point, so I was looking at the blank carts on the website. It says in there that you don't want to fill your own carts if you're using an automatic batt. I thought that the new batts were now sealed so this wouldn't be a problem? I'm confused.

Thanks for reading (you can wake up now). :blink:

Wuzznt Me

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 2, 2011
Twilight Zone
Hi Ron and welcome to ECF and the SI sub forum as well. I'm not Imagine but I'll try to answer some of your questions. I'd be skeptical at this point too.

The Volt is KR808-D1 threading and your existing cartos won't fit unless you use an adaptor, which SI doesn't sell. That would work probably work providing they aren't low resistance cartos and the adaptors can be bought at several ECF vendors.

Without knowing what kind you have it's hard to say what will work or what won't but you have to be careful using other chargers as some are reverse polarity and will fry the bats.

The Volt uses Lithium Ion KR 808 D-1 batteries. Two sizes. The smaller one is I believe around 280mah and the 78mm is 320. I usually get between 4-6 hours out of a charge on the 78s.

Shipping is reasonable. I recently ordered a bottle of juice, some carts and some soft tips and I think it was something like $2.65. Could be slightly off but definitly under $3.00.

If SI sends you something wrong it's a given they're going to make it right. They've been known to just send correct replacement on some things and tell you to keep the wrong one. Not in every case but this has happened to a lot of people on their thread. Customer service is top notch.

I'd try their tobacco sampler with the Desert Joe, Cowboy, 555 etc. Everybody's taste is different. I like the Desert Joe another guy on here can't get enough 555. I wouldn't vape Freedom on my worst day but others don't buy anything else. Some say the RY4 is a little sweet. I think it tastes like an ashtray. One thing almost everybody agrees on is the 555. It's like a slightly nutty tobacco.

I've been filling my own cartos since day 1 which was last July. All my batteries are the old not sealed kind and I haven't fried one yet. I think what you may have read is don't fill them while they're screwed on the battery. Take them off and fill them, make sure they're not overfilled and screw em back on.

From what you smoked and describe you probably need aroune 18 - 24 mg of nic for starters. If it's too much order a bottle of lower and dilute. I don't start with blanks. The pre filled are same price and I'm a cheapskate. If I want to change flavors I vape out the old one, rinse it and let it dry for a couple of days and refill. I've heard a lot about people getting dry spots in the new dry ones and a burnt taste.

I'm not affiliated with SI, just a user. Got no dog in this fight just trying to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge. My opinion is you can't go wrong here. Even if you decide on another vendor you can't go wrong with the KR808 as a starter. Me and a lot of others on here have got Egos, mods etc collecting dust. Not sure if that answers all your questions as I'm having to read up and write down but feel free to ask more. You can also trot on up to the Chit Chat Thread and ask. You'll be welcomed.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2011
Queensland Australia
welcome Ron, I would say get yourself a starter kit and put your other stuff in the drawer, you have found your home here lol. I would also suggest you buy the pre filled cartomizers so you can taste for yourself as everyone's tastes are different. I never thought I would enjoy fruit flavours all I wanted was tobacco flavours and now my fav juice is grape at 18mg lol.


* Resident Wood Nymph *
ECF Veteran
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Aug 20, 2009
Raven's Haven, Indiana
I think that we're supposed to wait for Imagine to answer questions, but since she's not around at the moment, I'll chime in too.

Laptop - I feel and understand your frustration. I started vaping in 2009 and tried just about every conceivable e-cigarette before I found the Volt. I don't think that you mentioned the model of your first PV but I spent years using the 510. The 510 is great for people who like to fiddle with foam and tanks and various ways to get the derned thing to cooperate; but I'm not one of those people. It also was unsatisfying to use a mod as big around as a horse's leg, so "good call" on not going that route.

It would've saved me a fortune if the Volt had been around when I first started. The batteries are long-lasting - even the shorter 65mm ones and don't chip up nearly as easily as 510's. If you get the automatic batteries they do not have a hole on the top - so they are sealed in that way, but they still have tiny airflow holes on the sides of the connector. You can fill cartos - no problem! - but it's wise to take them off of the battery first. It is possible to get nicquid into those tiny air holes.

I can't help you on the best nicquid for actual tobacco flavor because personally, I like the BlueberryCaramelChampagneCottoncandySupreme. :laugh: What I recommend is that you purchase a Smooth Sampler carto pack to try all of the tobacco flavors - UNLESS you're a menthol lover. Then go with the Strong Sampler. My personal recommendation is that you try the RY4. It's AMAZING! I'd go with 24mg strength or 18mg, or maybe a box of each.

Good Luck!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2009
Florida, USA
Hi Laptop Ron! I'm coming out of an almost identical situation to the one you describe in your first post here. As the other Voltyeurs already have said, you will not be looking back. I'm very, very happy that I switched (I spent over 240.00-including cartos I had to buy prefilled) on NJoys before finding the VOLT, SI website, and I'll never look back. I love the feel of them, the power of the batt, the forum help (right here), the cartos are easy to fill (which I have only recently mastered) and customer service is very good, from what I hear. I haven't had to use it.
Great, super fast service and super cheap shipping. And I love the points you can accumulate! (now I need to learn how to use them) ;)
I went all out and ordered the biggest starter kit they had right away, and glad I did. The extra goodies are being used.
And the very best thing of all was that my husband (who hated the NJoys) loves the size and feel of the VOLT, and I've got him converting over from analogs as we speak!
I will say it. Try different e-juices. (unless you already have what you consider your fave)
I am, and love many different companie's flavors. With SI, my favorites are cappucino and
their version of Marlboro Red. But like Wuzznt already said, everyone has a personal taste and will find their own.
Good luck, and I hope you stick around! I'm in love with their products and not even interested in the mods and other 'doo-dads' they have out there. I can definitely tell this is a premium product, not even in the same ball field as the crapo sold in 7-11's and Walgreeens. Go for it with gusto! Good vaping, and I hope you end up joining our community here. They've been a great help to me, and answer every silly question I have. And they are quite nice about it too!:)
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