Aspire Atlantis with a HCigar Nemesis clone? (First Mech mod)

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I've been vaping for a few months now and would really like to get a my first mech mod. I don't have too much money to spend so I was looking at the Nemesis clone from HCigar. Would this be a good match with the Aspire Atlantis tank? I was planning to run the mod in 18650 mode, but the only two 18650 batteries are Efest IMR 3100 mAh 20A flat top batteries. Are these batteries good for this setup, or should i get new batteries. My main goal with this is to get some decent sized clouds, so any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!


Full Member
Jan 5, 2015
Memphis, TN
Welcome to the forum!

I am also fairly new. I have the Atlantis for about 10 days now and I love it! If you are not familiar with Ohm's Law, I would suggest reading up on it a lot. This is a sub ohm tank and could potentially be dangerous with the wrong setup.

I am using the Aspire CF Sub Ohm battery made for the Atlantis and it works great and it's like $35. The only downside I have seen with this mod is that it doesn't last all day and I find myelf charging it after 5 hours or so of pretty hard vaping. I am thinking of ordering another one to have one charging at all times. But, I am also thinking of moving into the mech mod world as well since I have done over 200 hours of watching youtube vids and reading forums and learning about safety, I feel I now have some better understanding about the potential dangers of this sub ohm tank.

With that said, if you don't want to do all the research, etc, just get the CF Sub Ohm from Aspire and it is plug and play and you don't have to think about it. Just don't EVER screw that Atlantis onto another device besides that battery unless you know that you know what you are doing.



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Jan 26, 2014
It's windy, USA
Hey mate, sadly I'd avoid that battery. They're doing the same thing they did with their 35A battery, and listing wrong specs that sound impressive but are dangerous. Independent testing has shown it's max continuous discharge to be 6.4A (it's in german):

Since the Atlantis is a 0.5 ohm, unless oatmeal yeti's are messing with my math you'll be pulling over 8A. For a good cheap battery for your purposes, I'd check out the samsung 25R at illumn or elsewhere.


ECF Guru
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Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Hello and welcome to the forum Kfcgodsword. Glad to have you here!:)

I like the Atlantis at +35 watts. A mech mod won't give me that. With a fully charged battery a mech mod will deliver 35 watts on a fresh battery (using a 0.5ohm coil) for few minutes. It performs much better using a high vv/vw regulated mod.

With a mech mod the only way to "fine tune" your vape is to install (or build) a new coil. With a high vv/vw regulated mod (and its buck/boost circuitry) you can "fine tune" with a push of a button. On a mechanical mod your voltage drops as you vape, with a regulated mod this does not happen. Your first hit is just as good as your last hit.
Thanks for all the help everyone, I really do appreciate it! I would prefer a more consistent vape, so maybe I'll check out a few vv/vw mods. Can anyone recommend some that are good for the Atlantis, and also isn't a box mod? I just don't really like how the box mods look (which is part of the reason why I wanted to use a mech mod). Thanks again
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