Atomizer woes please help gaaah

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Full Member
Jul 18, 2009
My atomizers don't last any longer than a week. I'm between 7-8 weeks of no analogs. I use both BE112 and titan 551 or 501 (dont recall the model so whatever it is called)

So here is what happens- I'm new to this experience and need to know if this experience is common, possible remedies, things I'm doing wrong,etc..

Get atomizers

Get tons of smoke and have no problems for about a week an atomizer. I use menthol cartridges at this time and it isn't just a bad batch as this happened with 2 products almost identically. Sometime later I start to get bubbles/leakage much more so with the titan than the Bestecig thing.

I don't clean,wet, store upside down (I lay it down flat) or anything at this period.

I also have several batteries and backups so that certainly aint my prob. I try not to overcharge them either.

So once the flavor starts to reduce and it gives little smoke for lots of suck I start dripping 4-5 drops in the centre of the atomizer. That buys me 2-3 annoying and unreliable days.----they won't draw any flavor at all from cartridges at all from this point and dripping is only way I get any taste-still get just enough smoke.

It gets to a point where they heat up just dandy but will either

A- have a nasty nasty burned taste
B- do squat

At this point I am desperate. Cotton swabbing/ Rinse out/ Blowing from opposite end doesn't help matters any for me I put them in boiling water for 5 minutes, put some in soda pop,put some in boiling soda pop. (dr pepper asim)

So far the boiling/soda the majority remain dead, I had 2-3 that came back to partial life and 1 that wowed me and came back like a ..... Of course I let them have time to dry out real well (I let some dry naturally and others I used an air compressor to dry-which promptly removes any paint)

Please tell me what to do. This experience is repeated over my entire course of using these and is not isolated to one or two. IS THIS WHAT IT ShOULD BE???

I am willing to buy an atomizer every week if I must- it is still cheaper but I was under the impression these were supposed to last in months not weeks. I do chain smoke these as I buy low nic and have completly dropped off 25-40 marlboro red's a day depending on whether I can sleep.

Today or tommorow I am going to have to re-order so is there any atomizers cheaper than the $5-6 (shipping is what kills on that site so it has to be in large orders) for the BE112's for ANY UNIT? I highly doubt I can recover these as I exhausted all I can think of and getting the scoop on the cheapest model to keep atomizers brand new might be my only hope.

Any help is greatly appreciated my patience is severly being tested with these infernal little parts and I can keep away from cigarettes just fine- but only if the e-cigs is there for cushioning. I'd be raped by the marlboro man if my little robot nicotine dispenser wasn't here to protect me :(


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Unregistered Supplier
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Jun 4, 2009
Us 'heavy vapers' only get a week. I've has a few that went 2 or 3 but on average one a week for me. 901's and Ruyan warranty's them. I send them back 12 at a time. The replacements end up costing about $1 a piece with shipping.

I can live with that. For $1 a week I don't bother with all the maintenence. I blow it out once a day just to purge the burnt residual liquid that builds up.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2009
I have RN4081, 510 and M40* atties. Been vaping one year and the only failure is the RN4081 I dropped. Lately I have been vaping almost non-stop in front of computer. So far RN4081 have the most use (about 1 year rotation of 4/3) , followed by 510 (2 months rotation of 2), My M40* are just a few days old and are my fav.

I've heard some attys fail at coil solder joint.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2009
Miami fl.
if you like a real good vaping a new atmy not for more than 2 weeks and I would say that 2 week is a long journey for one atmy, it can works for months but the quality goes down after a week is like smoking old pieces of cigars, you are going to spend in a week what you use to spent in a day for a pack of cigarettes, so a new atmy every week and not more complains


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 17, 2009
Beaver Falls, PA
Just a suggestion... but if you taking shorter, more frequent drags, the metal in the atty won't get as hot, and should dramatically prolong life... that on top of regular cleaning, I'm told by a guy at InnoVapor, an atty can theoretically last 5 or 6 months... worth a shot, anyhow. (Especially for the 510 which burns pretty hot... shorter durations are definitely beneficial.)


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Jan 25, 2009
North Yorkshire UK
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 20, 2009
South Florida
So once the flavor starts to reduce and it gives little smoke for lots of suck I start dripping 4-5 drops in the centre of the atomizer. That buys me 2-3 annoying and unreliable days.----they won't draw any flavor at all from cartridges at all from this point and dripping is only way I get any taste-still get just enough smoke.

It gets to a point where they heat up just dandy but will either

A- have a nasty nasty burned taste
B- do squat

Are you changing your cartridge filler?

If you're just reusing the same filler over and over, it's going to get worn out and stop wicking fluid to the atomizer. So any juice you add will just stay trapped in the cartridge. That, plus flooding your atty when you drip, could be causing some of your problems...


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
My first question would be how much juice do you go through in a day or week?
Need that answer to give some better perpsective.

As others have said, it really does sound like flooded atomizers.
I wonder if you are blowing them out hard enough.
I blow until I'm blue in the face, and lots of juice comes out.
And then I let them sit upright over night and still more juice comes out.

As far as cleaning them, I also have to wonder how long you are letting them dry.
I have found that I need to let mine dry for at least 12 hours or more.
Although it worked REALLY well the one time I put them in the oven at 150 for 20 minutes.

And of course after they have dried you need to put them in contact with the juice.
And then you need to give it time to wick all way up into the atomizer.
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