Atomizers 101?

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Full Member
Dec 10, 2012
I've been vaping for 1 month now and been watching all the youtube reviewers and atomizers are starting to interest me. It wouldn't be practical for my vaping habits but something to have around to try new flavors (as I hear others do), and maybe as an OMG my shipment of carts hasn't come in yet! type of backup.

Are there any differences in atomizers such as the 510, 306, or 901 attys except for the threading?

How do you go about cleaning your atomizer such as in a tasting flavors scenario?

Are drip shields an essential must-have? I would be using it on my ego-C Twist.

What drip tips have you found to be your favorite?

Thanks for the input...


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Oct 16, 2012
Oldsmar, Fl
Just started using attys myself. I use the betterlife 3 hole bridgeless attys from value vapor. 510 threaded, cheap, great vtf IMO. Haven't had any flooding problems and didn't even really notice a learning curve using it on my (also first) bottom feeder. I don't need a drip shield. To change flavors I just add a few drops of pg and vape that off, then feed the new juice.


Resident Miyagi
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Jul 16, 2012
If you want to try dripping, do it right...get a decent atty...I recommend to start of with the io6 from ikenvape, and while you are there grab an ego I'll cone and delrin drip tip for it

As for attys, not much difference in anything but threading on most, the 306 and io6 attys are actually threaded for 510, but you need special drip tips for them, the one atty with a clear difference otherwise is the HH .357, which requires a sharp, stiff draw to get it working properly

Sent from EVOLTEd


Resident Miyagi
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Jul 16, 2012
I was dreading getting a cone, since they are about $13 and I really didn't need one. But I guess that takes care of any leaking from the atty?

Vodka? Really? Guess I'll have to buy a bottle, but I'm more partial to Tequila ;)

The come acts as your drip shield with the I find gives a much cleaner does not eliminate leaking, it simply contains it, which is basically what your standard drip Shields do.

Sent from EVOLTEd


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
I started off getting an atty for testing juice, what I found is sometimes for me anyways just the act of dripping is calming. So even tho I have fancy tanks and nice set ups sometimes I just prefer to drip.

Go to fuzion vapor and they sell this stuff called eraser just put in 10 drops and wait 30 second's then blow out your atty works great but do not try to smoke eraser taste like hell just wait and blow out good as newwwww.

Can do the same thing with a couple drops of vg, and a good burn and not have it taste nasty.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Aug 13, 2011
    My set up for dripping


    #1 sealed shorty extension
    #2 atomizer
    #3 drip shield
    #4 drip tip

    The sealed extension gives good protection from leaking into the PV, and allows for adjusting the draw by moving the drip shield up or down.
    There are a bazillion different good dripping atties, each will change the vaping experience to some degree. So there isn't really a right one or a wrong one. It's just a matter of which vapes the way you like.
    There is also no need to spend 15$ for a drip shield unless you want to. There are plenty of choices for about 4$.
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