(ave 10% sale!) quick ave juice question from teh noob

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I just got bobas bounty from ave and I am really enjoying it. I dont want to wear myself out on it though so I am considering some of their other juices. I really love how smooth my bobas is. Do most bobas fans also enjoy gorilla juice because this is what Im really considering. I want to support ave as much as possible so any suggestions pf theirs would be appreciated.

btw 10% off any 30 or 100 ml bottles. im gonna get some more bobas and would like an add on. ty


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 22, 2011
N.E. Tennessee
does the hype need a flavor bump? i found the strawberry and blueberry to be veru subtle in flavor when compared to the outstanding flavor of bobas and gorilla juice

no i think its pretty strong as is. i doubt i would like it with anymore flavor. its good stuff and im not even a big fan of fruity flavors.


Senior Member
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Verified Member
May 18, 2011
Yonkers, NY
Yep, I bought all three juices and actually rotate all of them constantly!! All 3 are amazing to me. Once again, I agree the hype does not need a flavor bump. As good as these flavors are on 3.7 I found them to be ABSOLUTELY AMAZING on 5v!! In my opinion of course. I'd say just order the gorilla juice and hype, you won't regret it. Hell, if you do I'll buy them off you. :)
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