Best Tank For Flavor

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Licensed Luny

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Oct 22, 2014
United States
Just to add my 0.02... I have 24 tank systems, both rebuildable and non, including pretty much every Aspire and Kanger product.
Ooh, I want to pick your brain! :) I've been fighting the urge to buy all sorts of different systems to try out.
I'll echo most peoples recommendations and say that I really like the taste of the Nautilus - but the airflow is terrible. I actually prefer the Nautilus Mini overall, despite the smaller capacity, as it seems to have better airflow and the same great flavour. It's also very appealing with the replacement sleeved stainless tank as well.

Aerotanks will throw more vapour (on account of better airflow), but I find they don't taste as good. The only place Kanger takes the crown is in the Ego sized category - I like the EMOW tank better than all the others I've tried, including the K1. Unless you can deal with an oversized Nautilus Mini, of course :)
What cores do you use with the EMOW? The brand ones or something rebuildable? Have you tried the mega size mow tanks and, if so, how do they compare? Have you tried the Davide Anyvape tanks and, if so, how do they compare?

Thanks in advance!


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2014
Ottawa, Ontario
Since you have tried a bunch of tanks, how would you compare the Nautilus mini and the K1 flavor wise?
Are the BVC coils for the K1 better or comparable to the Nautilus mini BVC coils?
That's actually a great question! I actually think the K1 is on par with the mini, and sometimes even think it's actually better... They are very similar, though overall the Mini has the edge, particularly for vapour production, which I believe adds to the subconscious satisfaction. The K1 is let down by non-adjustable airflow that is very tight. That said it is quite good for a tiny atomizer!

The coils are similar to the Nautilus BVC coils, but not identical, and not interchangeable. They also overpower easily. The Mini BVCs are good to about 15W, but the K1 BVCs start tasting burnt around 12W. With the 1.6Ω coils on my Vision Spinner II, the K1 is only good to 4.3V, while the Mini tastes great at 4.8V.

Here's a quick side by side with an EMOW, full size Nautilus and an Aerotank Mega:



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Oct 2, 2013
Sharon, ND, USA
Ooh, I want to pick your brain! :) I've been fighting the urge to buy all sorts of different systems to try out.What cores do you use with the EMOW? The brand ones or something rebuildable? Have you tried the mega size mow tanks and, if so, how do they compare? Have you tried the Davide Anyvape tanks and, if so, how do they compare?

Thanks in advance!

Actually, the best way to find out what you like is to try a bunch of different kinds. They all have different characteristics that some people like and some don't.

I bought a Nautilus for my vapeversary, and after using it for a couple of weeks went ahead and ordered two more Davides to go with the two I already had.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2014
Ottawa, Ontario
Ooh, I want to pick your brain! I've been fighting the urge to buy all sorts of different systems to try out.What cores do you use with the EMOW? The brand ones or something rebuildable? Have you tried the mega size mow tanks and, if so, how do they compare? Have you tried the Davide Anyvape tanks and, if so, how do they compare?

Actually, the best way to find out what you like is to try a bunch of different kinds. They all have different characteristics that some people like and some don't.

I bought a Nautilus for my vapeversary, and after using it for a couple of weeks went ahead and ordered two more Davides to go with the two I already had.
It's true - what works for me may not be the same for you. That said, my wife is the primary user of the EMOW, on a matching Vision SpinnerII - she likes the size and simplicity. Must be why she married me :p I use the off the shelf (new style) Kanger 1.8Ω coils which she vapes at 3.8-4.3V for 8-10W, which she really enjoys. I think the flavour is good, but it lacks enough warm vapour to satisfy me personally.

I have not tried the larger EMOWs, but I'd likely suggest going the Nautilus route for a full size, tank, until you decide to rebuild. Remember that you can always buy pre-made coils as a stepping stone to rebuilding. They can be had for pennies at many vape shops. I actually keep a supply of 0.5Ω and 0.8Ω pre-made coils from my favourite online retailer for quick rebuilds. They machine tighten, torch and press the coils when made, so they're superb, and great for a quick rebuild when I need it.

I personally now only use RTAs when out and about, and drippers at home. I have 17 rebuildable tanks, and the ones I use most are the Russian 91% (on a Provari), Eleaf Lemo (on an Evic Supreme), a Big Dripper on my ZNA50, and I swap back and forth between a new Erlkönigin and a Fogger v5 on my box mods. I've all but retired my Taifun GT, Orchid and KFs. I just picked up a Squape Reloaded, but haven't had enough time to run it through it's paces to see if I like it enough to replace one of the others yet. I also have a Russian 91% v2, but don't like it.

I highly suggest checking out the forums for buying advice, then hitting up ebay. I did the research to figure out what was worth buying, what the latest version was, and who made the best clones of each model, then contacted a couple of the large sellers on ebay, and made a bulk purchase deal. Most cost me <$20 and I got primo clones which have all been flawless. I'd say 9/10 were either EHpro or Infinite/SXK. I own zero Hcigars and only a couple Tobeco's and an Acerig. As bad as it sounds, only about 5 of my 45+ atomizers are original - and 2 are the Infinite CLTs!

Licensed Luny

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Verified Member
Oct 22, 2014
United States
Actually, the best way to find out what you like is to try a bunch of different kinds. They all have different characteristics that some people like and some don't.

I bought a Nautilus for my vapeversary, and after using it for a couple of weeks went ahead and ordered two more Davides to go with the two I already had.
Thanks for the reply! My heart says that is fantastic, wonderful and incredibly sage advice! Sadly, my bank account disagrees.:unsure: So, in your experience, you prefer the Davide to the Nautilus? I've already got a good many rebuildable cores that seem to fit just fine in Kanger tanks that use the dual coil heads (the brandname replacements of which don't seem to be rebuildable, not realistically anyway.) I've read that the Davide systems either work immediately or can be made to work with the kind of cores I already have handy. So many folks seem to rave about the Nautilus, but rebuilding those cores seems a lot harder if not impossible. I figure a Nautilus will have a significantly higher cost of ownership for the way I'd use it, but the availability of a metal sleeve for the Nautilus' glass tank adds to its appeal, too.

My first vape was a couple hits on a family member's recently purchased Blu. It gave me the motivation to find a local B&M vape shop ("Hmm, no way. *This* can not possibly be how so many people switch from smoking to vaping. I need to talk to some folks with experience.") They set me up with an EMOW starter kit which was way more to my liking. Within a couple days I went back with my Blu-buying co-quitter to get her a kit of her own. In the next weeks "we" got a couple spare non-mow but still ego batteries, a mini Aerotank, a mega EMOW kit, a couple spare standard and mega mow tanks, and some clonecores that let us use cotton wicks in all these. (Yeah, "we" was me researching and shopping with her agreeing to share costs on what I chose. It's dangerously easy for me to get carried away with new hobbies, especially ones that let my inner geek run wild with tinkering and the gathering of appropriate tools.) Within another week or so I was back at the shop to learn about RBAs and left with a clone Russian 91% and an iTaste SVD. I like the RBA, but I still like the MOW tanks, too. Each has its pros and cons, and I'm sorely tempted to try most everything else if only for comparison's sake.

So politbureau's earlier post left me thinking s/he might've already done a good deal of research I could learn from! :D None of the other non-RB tank systems I've looked at has seemed a clear improvement to what we've got now with the MOW tanks running cotton wicks. (After trying cotton wicks neither of us are keen on going back to silica, no matter the tank.)
It's true - what works for me may not be the same for you. That said, my wife is the primary user of the EMOW, on a matching Vision SpinnerII - she likes the size and simplicity. Must be why she married me :p I use the off the shelf (new style) Kanger 1.8Ω coils which she vapes at 3.8-4.3V for 8-10W, which she really enjoys. I think the flavour is good, but it lacks enough warm vapour to satisfy me personally.

I have not tried the larger EMOWs, but I'd likely suggest going the Nautilus route for a full size, tank, until you decide to rebuild. Remember that you can always buy pre-made coils as a stepping stone to rebuilding. They can be had for pennies at many vape shops. I actually keep a supply of 0.5Ω and 0.8Ω pre-made coils from my favourite online retailer for quick rebuilds. They machine tighten, torch and press the coils when made, so they're superb, and great for a quick rebuild when I need it.

I personally now only use RTAs when out and about, and drippers at home. I have 17 rebuildable tanks, and the ones I use most are the Russian 91% (on a Provari), Eleaf Lemo (on an Evic Supreme), a Big Dripper on my ZNA50, and I swap back and forth between a new Erlkönigin and a Fogger v5 on my box mods. I've all but retired my Taifun GT, Orchid and KFs. I just picked up a Squape Reloaded, but haven't had enough time to run it through it's paces to see if I like it enough to replace one of the others yet. I also have a Russian 91% v2, but don't like it.

I highly suggest checking out the forums for buying advice, then hitting up ebay. I did the research to figure out what was worth buying, what the latest version was, and who made the best clones of each model, then contacted a couple of the large sellers on ebay, and made a bulk purchase deal. Most cost me <$20 and I got primo clones which have all been flawless. I'd say 9/10 were either EHpro or Infinite/SXK. I own zero Hcigars and only a couple Tobeco's and an Acerig. As bad as it sounds, only about 5 of my 45+ atomizers are original - and 2 are the Infinite CLTs!
Thank you for that writeup! You even wound up answering some of my questions I'd not yet asked, particularly when it comes to what companies have reputations for making good clones and how the Squape Reloaded looks to experienced vapers. Your bulk purchase negotiation is awesome - I'd never have thought to try that. The concept of clones seemed bad to me at first, too, for both ethical and quality concerns. But the more I learn about rebuildables, the more it seems like I'll often have to choose between accepting a clone to use now or an original/official that I'd have to preorder and wait weeks or months for. Bummer.

The collection you describe leaves me curious how long you've been amassing it, if I may ask.

I don't know if my clone Russian 91% is V2 or not, as I don't know the difference. Mine has AFC that requires a little allen wrench. I tried taking it out, but it whistled irritatingly. I tried leaving it just barely screwed in, but I started getting dry hits (and managed to burn my wick a few times - yuk!) So now I'm trying to find the sweet spot where it's open enough to give me the vapor I want without being so open that my 70/30 juice won't wick properly. I don't know the maker either, as there's no company logo or info on either the RBA itself or the packaging. I do have good impressions of the shop and staff where I bought it - they don't seem to be running the kind of business that would sell junk either by intention or neglectful ignorance. Anyway, having to siphon off the juice before changing out burnt wicks on this thing a few times had me thinking maybe the MOW tanks were the better solution after all. Then I started reading about the Squapes, and the ability to remove the deck without removing the juice first seems like quite a plus.

Good to know prebuilt coils are widely available, but so far I've actually enjoyed making the few coils that finally seemed to need changing. (I do realize that probably marks me as weird, but I'm used to it.)


Full Member
Oct 22, 2014
I personally now only use RTAs when out and about, and drippers at home. I have 17 rebuildable tanks, and the ones I use most are the Russian 91% (on a Provari), Eleaf Lemo (on an Evic Supreme), a Big Dripper on my ZNA50, and I swap back and forth between a new Erlkönigin and a Fogger v5 on my box mods. I've all but retired my Taifun GT, Orchid and KFs. I just picked up a Squape Reloaded, but haven't had enough time to run it through it's paces to see if I like it enough to replace one of the others yet. I also have a Russian 91% v2, but don't like it.

Polit thanks for the awesome information. I had another question about rebuildables, since I do want to jump on that boat.
I was thinking of getting a KFL+ but yesterday I found out about the Lemo, what would you recommend?
Or since I want to get into rebuildable would it be just better to get the Big dripper?


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2014
Stoughton, MA
+1 for Nautilus w/ BVC heads. It is pretty freakin' awesome. Fill, let it sit 5-10 mins and vape away. I haven't had any leaking, flooding or dry hits since I put it together Monday morning. I'm using something like 40/60 VG/PG at 9-11 watts and flavor is great, big clouds. I'm buying another now that I know how good it is :)
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