Best tobacco/pipe ejuice suggestions

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Mar 5, 2012
Ive been vaping for years and years.
Ive been vaping mt baker juice for the past year or so because of the great prices and found a few good fruit adv juices.

I miss vaping a good tobacco or pipe tobacco ejuice.

I havent been reading about juices for a long time so am out of the loop. It seems there is just thousands and thousands of vendors now. Its hard to know what to try.

Ecf used to have juice of the year polls but cant find one from recently.

Anyway.... heathers heavenly vapes "legend" and "serendipity" were the last good tobacco flavors ive tried.
Before that it was bobbas bounty but preferred the legend.

Based on the above is there any suggestions for a good sweet pipe tobacco juice or should I just go with heathersHV again?


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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 12, 2014
Joshua Tree, CA
One of my favorite sweet tobaccos is Candied Cavendish Candied Cavendish from The Plume Room. You also may find something in the River Bottom Fog Sauce line over at Vaping Watch River Bottom Fog Sauce I've liked all of the NETs I've tried from them (especially Poet & Scholar) but I haven't tried any of the sweeter pipe type blends.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2014
Take a look at MyVapeJuice or NET.Com. Both offer tobacco NET juices.. IMO, the MVP juices are a bit cleaner and the Net.Com a bit more flavorful. Both are excellent. I have a few MVJ juices I use as a base, into which I add similar Net.Com juice. Example is both offer a BALKAN Sasieni, I prefer Clays version.. But it kills my coils, so I mix it 50/50 with MVJ. Go from 4ml per wick to 8-10ml. This way I get the flavor from Clay's juice and the less gunky coil from Diane.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 6, 2014
There are a couple I've tried from Hurricane Vapor that were spot on pipe blends. The first was Vanilla Sky which after a couple weeks steeping, reminded me of what a pipe smelled like. The other was Belgian Simmered Tobacco. Again, after a couple weeks became an awesome tobacco blend. Have not tried the others as I started vaping NET's before I got around to order them. However, they do get a lot of love from people who have tried them. Just throwing it out there cause they don't get much attention on the ECF.
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