best vv mod (evic?)

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Feb 5, 2013
Detroit, Mi
Hi and welcome! You have opened a can of worms with your question. Everyone here has their favorites. Your best bet would be to read the threads under the APV sub-forum where people debate every device available. I'm not sure of any VV besides a Twist or Spinner that a Kanger will fit on without an adapter (I apologize in advance if I'm mistaken), but adapters aren't that expensive.

If you don't mind waiting, there is a sale going on for VAMOs:

ETA: I stand corrected. ;)
ETAA: Maybe I stand corrected :lol:

The T3 works on the newest sigelei Zmax as well. It doesn't on the older ones. They enlarged the drip well on the newest models.

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Feb 5, 2013
Detroit, Mi
I personally would go sigelei smax, for $100 vv and vw, I love mine and it performs great. Accurate readings, compared to my Provari it is damn close. If not sigelei than iTaste MVP is great. The threads fit damn near everything and the battery last me 3 full days at 400+ vapes a day.

The Smax fits Kangors as well.

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Vapoor eyes er

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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
26 bucks if u get it from vaporbreak, takes forever though, and tracking is hit and miss. You might not care though if it's just for a backup. (you have to create and account and log in to see the cheaper price, the one I ordered as a gift for a friend took 3 weeks and tracking never worked, just showed up with the mailman one day)

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Thank you- SS with slow boat from China shipping= $35.71- an amazing price IMO. Thanks again.


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Jan 27, 2013
Wichita, KS
I'm surprised no one really talks about the Knight Rider. So many people think so highly of Ikenvape products that I assume it must be a pretty dependable choice. It is seriously ugly though. The Vamo 3 is on sale much cheaper but I keep reading Vamo's randomly power off throughout the day. So hard to chose when you're not savvy on electronic stuff at all.


Vaping Master
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Jan 30, 2012
United States
my vote goes to the Zmax for best provari rival in your price range.
you can find them with telescoping bodies and/or even some models with flat tops these days.
I own an eVic and I'm about to sell it. Nice device but I need to liquidate and I'd rather just sell everything i have and get another reo or provari.... the more expensive US made mods are great. I'd even recommend a kicked silver bullet.


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Jan 31, 2013
To compare a provari to a vamo is to compare a Honda with a Ferrari... Just sayin. If you haven't owned or tried one you can't understand. I had a sigelei zmax and it worked well. The minute I tried the provari I bought one and haven't put it down since. I also have several high dolor mechanical mods and the provari is still my go to. It's a little more expensive but you will probably buy one anyway at some point so why not save yourself the money of buying 2 or 3 in between mods. Obviously IMO all the mods will do what you want though. It's about how long they will last and how accurate they are after 1,2,3 years.
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