Buckhannon, WV ban -- Petition to remove

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Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
I posted to FB and Dave Goerlitz caught it and signed. For those of you that don't know him, he was the Winston Man in commercials back when they used to make them. Later he became a voice for the anti-smoking movement before he realized how out of whack they were. He's been absent from the e cig scene for about three years after a severe auto accident. He explains it better on FB-

Apparently I have created some confuson with my posts of the last couple of days. For those of you who know me or knew of my 20 years in tobacco control and my disappearance (so to speak) a brief explanation may be in order. Took a break from liife as I knew it, due to a run in with a tractor trailer 3 years ago. Tractor trailer won. Several surgeries, therapy and rehab finally are over and I decded that I was strong enough to do the "fight" that so many of you have carried on while I recovered. Thanks for all your efforts. I was always taught that if you can't do something right, don't do it at all. That was my attitude until this past week. I'm ready to rejoin the fight as I previously stated. I have seen the mass exodus of so-called tobacco control activists all over the country due to the funding cuts and greediness of their superiors in the so called Anti-Tobacco bowel movement. They are calling, writing and whistleblowing many of the same things we have all been saying for the last 4-5 years. I think ( I know) that timing is everything and now is the time for anyone on either side of the great "pond" to come together as one voice to continue this avalanche of new information, research, data, and yes opinions. We may not always agree on details, but there is enough information to help raise the level of awareness on the hypocrisy, lies, denormalizing, and discrimination of tobacco users and at the same time educate the non-caring public about this heinous hoax called tobacco control. Lastly, I truly am above the opinion that other people have of me in the ant-tobacco movement. The majorty who have either defected by fiscal cuts, or default will come forward to explain the inner workings of their former employers and the greed and irresponsible behavor. The anti-tobacco movement should be very careful . Tick off enough people and they will rise up !!!!!!!!!!!

He said he was headed to youtube with a rant on WV.

Alexander Mundy

Ribbon Twister
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Apr 1, 2013
Springfield, MO
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