Business Cards?

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Aug 8, 2010
San Antonio, TX
I am really excited, after reading numerous threads, to get my PV this Monday/Tuesday. One of the threads that struck me the most was the embarassment to vape in public.

Kind of had me wondering. Does this site have, or can they produce business cards? Something to help donate to the site (or a cause) by purchasing a bulk of 50 or maybe 100 cards with phrases like. "Curious About E-Cigs?" or "E-Cig Forum" with the website info and something else catchy? Kind of just something to hand smokers at a bar who are interested in your PV and are bombarding you with questions. Some say they can't stand it, and it'd be a good alternative to shorten it up, and ALSO educated anyone who causes problems in a public place. A bar tender giving you grief? A grocery store manager threatening to throw you out? You could always hand them a card that advertises this site, and at the same time, educating the public, AND donating to the site.

If this is already around, can I get some? :D


Super Member
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May 31, 2010
Well, the company I order from (vapor4life) sends me business cards with every order. They have a brief description of what vaping is on the back and their contact info on the front.

As far as one for ECF, I would run it by the moderators before taking action. That being said, I used to work at Kinko's (FedEx Office) and from what I remember, you can design your own business cards for pretty cheap (20-$25) for 500 or so If you don't mind waiting a week or so to get them.

Here's a link:
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Ultra Member
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Jul 12, 2010
Martinez, CA
cards for here could be a good idea. i was at a bbq last night with my Chuck and had a lot of questions about it from the smokers there (majority of the people). there were two other people there with e-cigs (Volcano Magmas) as well. having a card to give someone would definitely work better than hoping they remember to check here after telling them when they're drunk.

i keep cards i get from vendors in my "kit" just in case i have any problems with cops over this.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 12, 2010
There was a contest a while back to choose a business card design. It's very nice. They've been working on it since. I think they actually have cards now since some were given away in a recent contest. My guess is now they're figuring out how best to let us buy/download them. I'd prefer to just buy some as ones printed on home pc's usually look cheap, but I'll do whatever it takes. I could have given out a bunch this weekend. Instead, I just wrote out this site's address on one of my cards if people were interested.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 8, 2010
San Antonio, TX
I wouldn't mind cheap stock card business cards to pass out. I think that'd be sufficient. Wouldn't have to be fancy. Just an idea to help the website moderator pay for the site. If I had people donating to me, or had some extra cash lying around, I'd do free giveaways every once and a while for people supporting me :p


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
There was a contest a while back to choose a business card design. It's very nice. They've been working on it since. I think they actually have cards now since some were given away in a recent contest. My guess is now they're figuring out how best to let us buy/download them. I'd prefer to just buy some as ones printed on home pc's usually look cheap, but I'll do whatever it takes. I could have given out a bunch this weekend. Instead, I just wrote out this site's address on one of my cards if people were interested.
Here's the link:


ECF Guru
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Sep 24, 2009
MS Gulf Coast
The new business cards have been printed and will be made available to the members very soon. The cards will be available for free, with the cost of shipping the responsibility of the receiving member.

Thanks malyden for posting that link.

Be patient and I'll have all this posted very soon.
I totally agree. One e-cig company (I am not sure I want to endorse them yet) has a great card with a list of questions and answers for people who are curious.
I, for one, would like to see something like that on the back with ECF info and our own personal info - whatever anyone is comfortable with giving out - on the front. This could aid in forming local groups, act as a reference material for newcomers and help bring us into the mainstream.

Or VistaPrint has some great deals on cards.


ECF Guru
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Sep 24, 2009
MS Gulf Coast
I totally agree. One e-cig company (I am not sure I want to endorse them yet) has a great card with a list of questions and answers for people who are curious.
I, for one, would like to see something like that on the back with ECF info and our own personal info - whatever anyone is comfortable with giving out - on the front. This could aid in forming local groups, act as a reference material for newcomers and help bring us into the mainstream.

Or VistaPrint has some great deals on cards.

The cards are already printed and in my hands. Vistaprints quality wasn't as good as I expected. It wasn't terrible but the printer we are using is an ECF member and has passed along an awesome deal to our membership. The quality is awesome!
The cards are already printed and in my hands. Vistaprints quality wasn't as good as I expected. It wasn't terrible but the printer we are using is an ECF member and has passed along an awesome deal to our membership. The quality is awesome!

Good to know and you can count on my order!
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