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Oct 22, 2013
Maybe .. but more likely, it's simply a grab for money .. just like the PACT / Jenkins Act was .. they simply want as large a piece of the tax pie as they can get ..

One of the reasons analogs are continually taxed more and more is they are an easy target .. yet no one is trying to ban them from being sold that I know of ..

Yes, this is a strange thing that I can only look at fairly now that I'm not using the products anymore - one one hand, smokers were so demonized and abused and made to feel guilt and shame, while at the same time we were taxed outrageously, and because we were made to feel shameful, we accepted it by rationalizing it to ourselves. "Oh, well, I need to quit, anyway."

I'm ......, now that I see it!


ECF Guru
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Mar 22, 2011
San Bernardino area, So. Cal.
Let's not panic folks.

HB 1500 isn't that much different than RJ Reynolds sponsored bills in OK, RI, NC and several other states last year, and we'll be facing lot of similar bills this year in different states.

The good news is that there is just on sponsor of HB 1500, and States don't have any legal authority to regulate the Internet or otherwise regulate interstate commerce (its in the Interstate Commerce clause of the US Constitution). So even if the bill is approved and signed into law, it is unlikely to be enforced after someone sues in federal court.

Perhaps the most effective way to kill the bill is to convince an anti porn Assemblyman to offer an amendment to the bill to also ban Internet porn in California.

Thanks for the input Bill.


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Dec 14, 2013
Don't all computer / devices connected online have an "internet ID?"
Identifying the device is not the same as identifying the user.

This internet ID we are talking about would not likely come up on any site you visit except where you are engaging in a transaction to obtain products which some people would rather just be denied for any and all online purchases.
Yeah, and the NSA isn't likely to spy on ordinary Americans either, right? :rolleyes:


Ultra Member
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Oct 22, 2013
A couple of years ago when I first got into vaping, I bought some small batteries from Modern Vapor for the first time. A few minutes after I placed the order, they called me and said I had to verify my age because I lived in California and their website age-verification page wasn't properly in place yet. The nice young lady who called and I figured out that if I couldn't fax my driver's license (I was nowhere near a fax) then I could simply take a phone picture of myself holding my license. I did. It worked.

The age verification page isn't sufficient (Check here if you're over 18)... what underage person is ever going to tick the other one?

The faxing option is slightly better but not foolproof.

The "hold your license next to your face and take a picture and send it to us right now" option was kind of perfect. I wish I knew then what I know now. They deserved a battlefield promotion for that idea and didn't even know about the war yet.

If you had to that, how would verification not work? Or what if you had to Skype all your online orders? There has to be some merit to these options. What am I missing?

Age verification is pretty easy to accomplish, given the resources to do so. Online gaming, like MMOs, which require an account holder to be 18, simply have the customer fax a copy of their ID to them, which is held on file - then if the customer is found to be lying, the customer is dealt with, not the company.

But this isn't about that. The Powers That Be don't want solutions, they want their tax revenue, and we threaten that.

The ONLY way this issue goes away is they get their pound of flesh they think they're entitled to. They projected x amount of tax revenue, and just because they decided that's how much they should get, that's what they are going to demand.

And, they've been selling us a bill of goods for decades, all that money that was supposed to go towards smoking cessation programs, the taxes we paid per pack, the money they forced out of Big Tobacco, the huge amounts of money that the Federal government earmarks for "cessation" programs. Have you ever seen anything like that, other than the occasional low rent PSA, or the idiotic changes like they forced on cigarette packaging, that Big Tobacco pays for anyway?

So, we found a cessation method that works for a LOT of people. What do they do? Everything they can to stamp it out.

It's disgusting, immoral and repugnant no matter how you look at it. We should be getting free gear from them for all the money we've given them, and all the promises of cessation programs from them.


Ultra Member
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Oct 22, 2013
Good post!, is it time for a party change Statewide? If so, how do you get through to the voters in the State to pay close attention to the political arena that directly affects themselves?

If not, how do you get through to the voters in the State to pay close attention to the political arena that directly affects themselves?

Party affiliation is unimportant to me as there many like myself that are unbiased in any political arena although I lean towards being a Traditionalist. I love my guns, I dislike big gub'ment, I support the military, I respect others affiliation, I despise Hollywood and their uneducated stance on any subject, I am against the involvement in the Middle East and still try to make a difference.

I also think it is too late to change as we fight ourselves before we fight for our rights as humans.

Imo - many US Voters have become lazy, uninterested and/or complacent. It is unfortunate but, I see this issue as being just an effect of the lazy American epidemic. No one cares about politics until an issue directly affects them. Whether it is gun control, parental rights, ecigs, etc.. How many lessons need to be taught before many admit, "I need to pay attention to the big picture because together WE can make a difference. A proactive approach is much healthier than a reactive one. History tells the future of what is to come for California and the Nation.

Elitists will continue to make decisions for you until you stand up and say "Enough".

Good Luck California

I gave up on voting and being forced to choose the lesser of two evils a long time ago. If you have any ideas, I'm open to it.


Gone Fishin'
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Dec 8, 2012
Reading Naked
Let's not panic folks.

HB 1500 isn't that much different than RJ Reynolds sponsored bills in OK, RI, NC and several other states last year, and we'll be facing lot of similar bills this year in different states.

The good news is that there is just on sponsor of HB 1500, and States don't have any legal authority to regulate the Internet or otherwise regulate interstate commerce (its in the Interstate Commerce clause of the US Constitution). So even if the bill is approved and signed into law, it is unlikely to be enforced after someone sues in federal court.

Perhaps the most effective way to kill the bill is to convince an anti porn Assemblyman to offer an amendment to the bill to also ban Internet porn in California.

I don't see anyone panicking.
But, your post lends itself to complacency imo. Like, oh no big deal, Lawmakers all over the Country are wasting Taxpayer funds on these bills. Time=Money.

Hence my statement above

Imo - many US Voters have become lazy, uninterested and/or complacent. It is unfortunate but, I see this issue as being just an effect of the lazy American epidemic. No one cares about politics until an issue directly affects them. Whether it is gun control, parental rights, ecigs, etc.. How many lessons need to be taught before many admit, "I need to pay attention to the big picture because together WE can make a difference. A proactive approach is much healthier than a reactive one. History tells the future of what is to come for California and the Nation.

Elitists will continue to make decisions for you until you stand up and say "Enough".

Good Luck California

One of these bills will eventually pass in the future from sheer ignorance, guaranteed. Whether it be Federally or Statewide.

Bill, isnt it time that we look to STOP spending money on issues of matter? Like feeding kids, jobs, healthcare, education, etc.? Meh, no reason to panic it will all be taken care of by the suits in office. Pfft.
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Ultra Member
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Oct 22, 2013
I would like to see nicotine reclassified as something other than tobacco.
And I would also like to know why, in these bills, Cigars and Hookah Shisha is absent from restrictions when they are both closer related to cigarettes/tobacco than anything vaping related currently is.

Even better, why are Nicorette gum and patches not included?


Ultra Member
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Oct 22, 2013
My primary purpose, which I feel ought to be our primary purpose, is to come up with reasonable solutions to the stated problem. I'm not understanding how defeating the bill will work when our take is based on "vaping saved my life."

This bill / issue is obviously bigger than state of CA, and as it is already occurring elsewhere, then perhaps other states won't be so quick to jump the gun by thinking best way to prevent minors from getting eCigs is to ban online sales.

I think our fight needs to be about presenting viable / reasonable solutions to the expressed problems that our opposition feels are legitimate concerns.

Both the issue of kids getting eCigs thru online sales and states not being able to collect taxes are items that can be addressed. And if addressed in a very public way (hopefully someday soon), it'll put opposition on defensive to realize their underhanded tactics could be exposed lest they work with community to enact reasonable solutions that don't impact responsible adults in the process.

They don't WANT solutions. They want taxes.


Vaping Master
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May 6, 2012
Waikiki Hawaii
Bill, you have wings. I'm absolutely sure of it.

Let's not panic folks.

HB 1500 isn't that much different than RJ Reynolds sponsored bills in OK, RI, NC and several other states last year, and we'll be facing lot of similar bills this year in different states.

The good news is that there is just on sponsor of HB 1500, and States don't have any legal authority to regulate the Internet or otherwise regulate interstate commerce (its in the Interstate Commerce clause of the US Constitution). So even if the bill is approved and signed into law, it is unlikely to be enforced after someone sues in federal court.

Perhaps the most effective way to kill the bill is to convince an anti porn Assemblyman to offer an amendment to the bill to also ban Internet porn in California.


Senior Member
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Jan 13, 2014
Welwyn, Herts UK
Yeah I know people don't want to hear it, but especially with the technology we have now....We are facing a pardigm on the planet now, of totalitarinisim like our grandparents and great grandparenta faced in the 1930's.In Europe and America, hell worldwide smiling, handsome, men with expressive eyes, and toothbrush mustaches, are making promises of utopian granduer, and benevolent motives.....all we have to do is hand our freedom over to them....you can trust them.

Its just frustrates the hell out me!!!


Vaping Master
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Mar 11, 2011
Vape Canaveral, FL


Senior Member
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Jan 15, 2014
Toluca Lake, CA
They don't WANT solutions. They want taxes.

THAT is the bottom line!
They will do everything possible to jam the e-cigs, etc with the rest of "other tobacco products" at the current excise tax of 29.82%. And that goes on top of the retail sales tax (as high as 10.00% in some areas).


Gone Fishin'
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Dec 8, 2012
Reading Naked
I don't think Bill would suggest getting complacent. We still need to raise our voices when this kind of thing pops up so they know that we are watching and are ready to act.

This was mentioned in my above post, So only react? Should a proactive approach be more effective? By the time reaction happens $1000s of Taxpayer money has been ...... away if not more.

This has to be erased in the minds of politicians and the opposing herd prior to having to react. how many people do you think now after Bill's post have said "whew, Bill is now on it, now I can relax?" He told us not to panic, I would have chosen my words better if I were him. I do respect him as well. I absolutely am not advising raising the pitchforks...yet, but people need to stay active not only when directly effected. Hence the reason I care. One way I can support fellow vapors is by opposing and facing the trickle down effects of uneducated, overzealous, and overpaid politicians


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
I've had enough of the feds stepping in and telling me e-cigs are bad. What a bunch of complete bull. The system needs to know that we are passionate about this. ...

Did you e-Mail your Rep or Sign a Petition.

You can be Mad as Heck with what is Going On. But if you Don't Tell them, how do They Know?
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