Can't seem to mix up a good throat hit :(

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Ultra Member
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Aug 29, 2009
Columbus, OH
I have just recently started vaping (a week ago) and, as with many things I do, I jumped in with both feet. I have already purchased and tried several models (4081, 510, 901, and waiting on my 401). So far the 510 is the best.

I have also begun mixing up my own juices. The problem is, I can't seem to get a good throat hit from any of my mixes. I can get tons of vapor and tons of flavor, but I just can't feel it hitting my throat. The throat hit was always my main goal when I smoked, and what I need to stay off analogs.
(I should add.. all my mixes have been VG based. I'm still waiting on my PG to arrive.)

At first, I thought it must be the nic level that determined the throat hit, but this doesn't seem t be the case. The reason I say this is because, so far, my best hits have come from Rocky Mountain 18mg juice (cotton candy, pina colada, rasberry). I ordered some coffee 36mg from ecigarcigarette*com and thought, if the 18 hit hard, the 36 will hit harder. This was not the case. It had good flavor, but I couldn't even feel it in my throat. (and oops on vaping the straight 36 BTW, queezy for an hour).

Anyway, my question is... What determines the throat hit in a juice?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Throat hit has three ingredients: strength of nicotine, warmth of vapor and power of the battery. It is no surprise that members who were using 36mg liquid to get a good throat hit have reported consistently on here that they were able to reduce their nic strength once they moved up to a 5 or 6 volt device. Manual batteries allowing you to heat the atomizer as long as you want and more power in heating the coil (5/6 volts) along with nic strenth is what provides throat hit.

It really is just this simple.


Ultra Member
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Aug 29, 2009
Columbus, OH
Thanks for the reply WV. Good info, makes sense. I can see why high voltage would produce more vapor (and better throat hit).
BUT, if the 18mg cotton candy (my fav so far) gives me a great throat hit in my 510 (or 4081 or 901 for that matter). Then why can't I get an equally good hit from a different juice (with higher nic) from the same device?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Thanks for the reply WV. Good info, makes sense. I can see why high voltage would produce more vapor (and better throat hit).
BUT, if the 18mg cotton candy (my fav so far) gives me a great throat hit in my 510 (or 4081 or 901 for that matter). Then why can't I get an equally good hit from a different juice (with higher nic) from the same device?

I don't know. I suspect that whatever they are using for flavoring in that liquid somehow contributes to the hit. Some have posted on here that putting pepper in their DIY juice or 100 proof vodka also increases throat hit. I always suspected it might increase "throat burn" vs "throat hit" but I have never tried it myself.

If you get a Prodigy or GG, then any juice you use will have good consistent throat hit. Hundreds of members can't be wrong.:)

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
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Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
Thanks for the reply WV. Good info, makes sense. I can see why high voltage would produce more vapor (and better throat hit).
BUT, if the 18mg cotton candy (my fav so far) gives me a great throat hit in my 510 (or 4081 or 901 for that matter). Then why can't I get an equally good hit from a different juice (with higher nic) from the same device?

It takes some experimentation. A lot of Zero Nic users are using menthol crystals and mint flavors for a hit, but if your not a fan of the minty taste, it won't be for you.


Ultra Member
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Jun 27, 2009
Smith Mt Lake area, Va, USA
I was frustrated when I started mixing my own because I couldn't get a good throat hit. I started adding about 3 drops of vodka per mil and it made all the difference in the world. I'd try it in a small amount first and see how you like it before trying it with a large amount of juice. You can also use Everclear, but unfortunately I couldn't buy it here. You need less Everclear of course than vodka.

Richie G

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May 15, 2009
Lawn Guyland, NY
Anyway, my question is... What determines the throat hit in a juice?


It seems such an innocuous question. LOL

I have 11mg Winston that hits like a mule and an 18mg Tobacco flavor that I have to look for vapor on exhale to see if my e-cig fired because the hit is so weak. =)

Lots of factors figure here as WV and Jim mention. But, there are certain ingredients in some juices that give an excellent TH that the geniuses on these forums have yet to identify.

I use a tad of Everclear with weak juice. My theory is that the alcohol burns hotter/moister and hence the better TH. Again, it's my opinion that be it alcohol or be it a higher voltage to the atty coil, we are not befriending our atomizers. We are reducing their (already pathetic) life spans. We sorely need beefier atties -- but alas that is a subject for a different thread...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 13, 2009
Rogersville, MO - USA
I think it is a mystical mixing process that must rely on tha lignment of stars and planets...

Case in point: Most of the stuff I been mixing - 0 nic - so no comparrison on mixing.. HOWEVER...

18mg "Full" flavor carts of NJoy were giving me a reasonable throat hit for a long time - stepped down to "Medium" for a long time after that.

I just got an e-cig that uses cartomizers with 11mg Vanilla for a sample - I took a long and slow deep drag and thought I was going to die!! It is absolutely delicious, I am in love with the flavor and especially the lingering nature of the flavor - the vapor is very warm - and the hit is so intense I actually have to let the vapor sit a few seconds before inhaling on this one! I mean - wow.

It has renewed my interest in ordering some factory carts for my 4081 to see if some nice vanilla or chocolate carts I might have been missing something here... the 4081 still has slightly better vapor production I think, but it could just be the fact that I am making the 0 nic juice in the carts on the 4081.

Take care,
- Hap
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