Cartos for volt?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 30, 2011
Thanks to the help of everyone on this site my next order is going to be a bolt starter kit :)
The kit I want is out of stock at the moment so I'm going to continue using green smoke this week.

I had a silly carto question

Are all volt cartos black?
Can I get prefilled ones that look like a analog cig filter some place else? Also want to get blanks

Sent from my Gin-Tazz the end pt 2 using Tapatalk


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 3, 2011
Hi, I don't know where you are from but I have the volt and I got some yellow speckled cartos from vape escape (uk), they aren't prefilled but its really easy to fill them yourself and cheaper too. It is a kr808 and the cartos are 1.29 each .
If you don't mind black or silver you can probably get them a bit cheaper.
I haven't had the volts for long but I love them, even better than my 510 manuals.

edit: just got on to the computer and see you are not uk so i wasnt much help, sorry.
(can't see peoples locations on phone)
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Ultra Member
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Jun 9, 2011
in your house
Yeah, all the KR808D-1 cartomizers will work with the Volt. If you get some that don't the only thing you have to do is raise the post on the battery or lower the post on the carto (easier) by sticking something small (I use a small nail) into the bottom hole on the carto and prying it out a little. As far as the color goes, I've been using my 808 for a LONG time and the only cartos that resemble an analog filter are crappy so I just went with the stainless steel Boge cartos.


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Nov 30, 2011
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
If you want the same horizontal coil cartos as Volt but in colors go to

If you want different cartos that are a bit hotter but hot on the lips, get V4L WOW cartos and use a plastic or delrin drip tip as a mouthpiece to keep your lips cool. I think they also don't absorb as well. But I love V4L manual batteries with their 10-13 second cutoff - allows longer drags.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
The horizontal coil is further from the mouth so the vapor is a bit cooler and the mouth end stays a lot cooler. In additional the stuffing in the Volt and Bloogplanet cartos is especially absorbent and my juice (around 80PG/20VG. just like Volt juices) goes right in. They also have a smaller air channel and seem to have a bit less chance of leaking and also give a big drag more easily (good stuffing, fast wicking, uses juice a bit faster)

The V4L cartos have a coarser stuffing, a bit more tightly packed, that is not quite as good at absorbing/wicking nor letting air flow through it, but have a bigger air channel. They are significantly hotter at the lip end and may be a bit lower ohms. I actually think the flavor is conveyed better by Bloog/Volts cartos but the nicotine hit may be stronger with V4L. I use both. When I was on higher nic I actually preferred the V4L Coolcarts and found the heat/hit of the WOW cartos too much w/ 18mg juice. Now I prefer the V4L WOW carts (with a plastic drip tip for a mouthpiece) and the Bloogs (and I think I like the Bloogs a bit more).

And there are other kinds/brands of cartos too and they are all different. And the hotter ones (below 2.5ohm) are not meant for slim ecigs at all and are only for fat batteries 450mah+ and mods, and the ones above 3 ohm are usually meant for high voltage mods.

One kind that is very similar to Volt/Bloog cartos and may or may not be identical are Kanger KR808D-1 2.6ohm Horizontal Coil Cartos.
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