carts, dripping, cartos, atties, LR atties, 3.7volt, and 5 volt. My two cents, please add yours.

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 8, 2010
Northern Michigan USA
I'm going to just throw out my top five favorite combos. This is all based on the 510. Of course since I'm not a thread nazi you can post about your favorite model or any combo as well.

#1 5 volts/atty/dripping (tons of flavor and an amazing amount of vapor)

#2 3.7 volts/ LR atty / Dripping (very close second)

#3 5 volts / carto (less flavor but convienent, still huge hits)

#4 5 volts / carts (good flavor and hit, if you can keep it going right)

#5 3.7 volts / dripping / atty (good flavor if you can keep it going right)

These are my faves so far. Just curious, what are your faves??


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 30, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
1) Janty Stick v2 / 510 Carto (with adapter of course) / 15 second "Direct to Lung" inhale / 66% PG Strong Mint & 33% VG Creme de Mint RATH

2) 3.7v 14500 Box Mod / 510 atty / PG Strong Mint

3) 3.7v 14500 Box Mod / 510 carto / PG Strong Mint

4)3.7v 14500 Box Mod / 510 carto / VG Creme de Mint RATH

NOTE: 1 produces a MASSIVE cloud of vapor! We are talking one of those clouds that gives you the urge to yell "NINJA VANISH!" lol ok I know Im a dork... its ok.. Iv come to terms with it :p :vapor:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 4, 2009
#1 LR510 on ego-style PV
#2 510 on 2x14500 boxmod regulated to 5v
#3 only if I have to, 3.7v passthru with LR510

all of the above are dripping only with a stainless steel t-tip

standard 510s at 5v are really nice but tends to burn the flavor of some juices a bit more than an LR510. However the 5v regular 510 boxmod gives me a more consistent vape, LR510s can be hit-and-miss, they are touchy and die young but I still prefer using that especially in public

I have other gear but never use it anymore, but if my top 3 were somehow unavailable I'd pull out :

#4 puresmoker protege with LR510
#5 cisco laserpointermod with LR910
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