Charging a PCC with an eGo battery inside?

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Dec 13, 2008
United Kingdom
Should I plug my eGo PCC into a wall/computer to charge it with a battery connected to the charging point inside the PCC? Will the PCC pass the charge on to the eGo battery while it's charging?

I've been using an eGo with 3 batteries in rotation, plus an eGo booster, for awhile. eGo since September 2011, booster since about mid December. Until recently I had no problem, but in the past month I've been on the go a lot, charging batteries and the PCC here and there. My general impression is that things are not charging as fast or lasting as long as they should--like it seems to take FOREVER for the PCC to charge, or even the batteries themselves on a dedicated eGo charger (never mind when I've had to use an old 510 USB charger that just up and died today).

Am I doing something wrong? Is charging off a computer's USB less efficient than from the wall? Does putting a battery in the charging PCC create some endless trickle-off loop?

Thanks in advance!
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