CigEasy and Vapor King

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2009
A fool on the hill in Deposit, NY
Hi, folks,

I've been lurking around for years, and don't normally post, because I sort of gave up vaping for a couple of years. Couldn't handle all the fiddling. :blush:

So now I'm at it again - have been for over a month. Pretty much don't smoke anymore - maybe one or two analogs a day once in a while, but even that is quickly losing it's charm.

I used the 510 before, and still do now, but I'm sort of enamored with KR808D-1 auto right now.

I picked up a CigEasy kit. Well and good, works well. Then I went looking for blank cartos. I liked the multi-colored ones from V4L and got a pack. But they didn't work well with the Easy at all - very hard draw, no vapor and no taste. I thought maybe I got a bad batch or something...

Just to be on the safe side, I got a regular bunch of cartos from a third vendor. Those worked with the Easy.

Then I got two Vapor King batts (the blingy ones - got seduced by the shiny pretty light). Now the regular cartos are burning juice on these, but the ones I got from V4L work. They get rather hot, but at least they don't outright burn the juice - just maybe scorch it a little.

I am confused. I thought both the Easy and the Vapor King are KR808D-1, and so should be able to use the same cartos... Am I wrong here? :confused:

Can someone enlighten me on the differences - obviously something is different here...

Thanks a bunch,


Idiot Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2011
Outside DC
Briar (sir correct?) do you know if the cigeasy batts are gen 1 or gen 2 batts? On the cigeasy cartos do you see a wire coming out of the filler? If not those are horizontal coil cartos which would explain why they were burning juice on the v4l batts... Sorry to answer your question with more questions, but need more info to help. :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2009
A fool on the hill in Deposit, NY
Briar (sir correct?) do you know if the cigeasy batts are gen 1 or gen 2 batts? On the cigeasy cartos do you see a wire coming out of the filler? If not those are horizontal coil cartos which would explain why they were burning juice on the v4l batts... Sorry to answer your question with more questions, but need more info to help. :)

Well, I'm female, actually... :)

The cartos for the Easy don't have the little wire coming out of the filler, nor do the cartos I got from another vendor... The Easy web site says all their stuff is KR808D-1 compatible, but they also say that it's the same as Vapor King.

The V4L cartos all have that little wire sticking out of the filling. I did wonder about that...

So which is generation one and which is generation two - and I take it I basically got myself into two different and incompatible (other than thread-wise) ecigs? (groan)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2009
A fool on the hill in Deposit, NY
Did you get premium or wow blanks from V4L?

I got Premium (Cool Carts) filled with 555 (doesn't taste very good, but at least makes vapor on the VK batts), and an empty pack of WOWs (I think). Neither worked on the Easy...

To be honest, they both taste kinda funky on the blingy batts. Just a tad burnt, and the taste is barely there. And the "cool cart" is so not cool - in fact it gets rather hot.


Idiot Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2011
Outside DC
Cigeasy battery would be gen 2 Ms. Briar, v4l would be gen 1. Vertical coil cartos (v4l ones) work best with gen 1 unregulated batts because of the higher voltage. Horizontal coils should only be used on gen 2 batts depending on the ohms (ones over 3ohm will work at 4.2v without juice burn) which is why companies that sell them sell gen 2 batts with them.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 3, 2011
Cig easy bats are the gen 2 bats, and come from the same place that Bloog/Smokeless Image bats do.

The reason your V4L bats are burning the juice in other vendors carts is NOT because of being horizontal or vertical, but because the ohm rating is different on the cartos compared to the ohm rating on the V4L cartos. V4L bats are also gen 1, not regulated, so they start around 4.2 volts which will really make a warm vape and then slowly work down to around 3.6 or lower.

Gen 2 bats from cigeasy will stay at 3.7 constantly for the most part, maybe a minor fluctuation. Check the ohm rating for cigeasy or Smokeless Image cartos, and stick with that ohm rating for your gen 2 regulated bats. That's the best thing I can tell you.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2009
A fool on the hill in Deposit, NY
Just a quick update:

Once I adjusted my filling method, things got better. I found a cartomizer (white Kanger 2.8 Ohm horizontal coil from Vapor Kings) that work for all my batts.

I find the inconsistency between different vendors bemusing though... My original Easy kit had two batts with really tight draw. Need two strong primer puffs to get a good hit. Then I ordered two spare batts, also from Cigeasy, and they have a looser draw, with only one primer puff needed. Then I ordered the "blingy" batts from Lite Cig USA. These look identical to what's available from V4L site as "white crystal" batts, and also called "white crystal". But I have no idea if those are the same as V4L... All I know is that they work with the above mentioned cartos and have a *really* loose draw - don't need primer puffs with them at all.

V4L cartos don't work with any of these, so, pretty colors an'all, I had to give up on those. Cigeasy cartos come in vertical coil and horizontal coil. Horizontal coil ones work on all my batts. Vertical coil, not so much - they work, but they need a lot of watching.

I came to the conclusion that I don't like vertical coils period. They crackle and spit at me for some reason, and they scare me. :blink:

Anyway, I think I found an acceptable setup, and I am enjoying my auto batts. :toast:

Thanks for replies and help, everyone. :vapor:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2009
A fool on the hill in Deposit, NY
Ms. Briar glad you found your vaping happy place. :)

Those aren't the same as v4l's king diamond batts, the cell they use in them is not of the same quality.

Will my 2.8 hc cartos work with V4L batts? I'm asking because, since you say the ones I got are of lesser quality, it would be nice to have higher quality... And though I'm not a "girly" woman, for some reason I like the blingy batts. lol

Another strange (maybe) thing I noticed is that unless I use drip tips, I get a "papery" taste when I vape... I guess I'm picking up the paper off the outside of the cart. Just an observation. :)

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