Cloudy issue: Experts, users debate electronic cigarettes [Times Herald]

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Placebo Effect

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Sep 19, 2008
Cloudy issue: Experts, users debate electronic cigarettes | The Times Herald |

The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association, based in Mobile, Ala., have called e-cigarettes a promising new smoking alternative.

According to the CASAA, the majority of e-cigarette users treat the devices as an alternate source of nicotine -- one without the harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke -- and not as a nicotine cessation program.

The writer doesn't seem to think much of the local antis, as the only person she contacted who sort of opposes e-cigs is a hypnotist.

Solid article though.


CASAA Activist
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Quite a few years ago, I went to a hypnotist as a "last resort." I described for him what happens when I stop using nicotine: The confusion, inability to concentrate well enough to drive a car safely, the "What did I come in here for?" happening a thousand times a day, the multitude of mistakes I would make. I asked him if he could fix my brain so it wouldn't do that. He told me that it would be very dangerous to get into that.

So instead he gave me all these "aversion therapy" suggestions. Did. Not. Work. Until now! Now when I try to take a puff of real smoke, it takes nasty to me. Go figure. Who knew that hypnosis has such a delayed effect?


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
Funny, I was cleaning up after poker yesterday and someone forgot their smokes. They were even my brand at one point. It didn't even enter my mind to light one up, I just left them with the bartender. I think you might be right, it must take over a decade for the subliminals to kick in.
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