Contemplating buying a Yeti

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2009
SW Florida
I'm talking about 510's in General below, not nesc. Jason's. But would like to hear from those who bought Jason's or your general experience with a 510.


I've read some good things (awesome vapor, manual switch) and some bad things (atomizers dieing first day or shortly thereafter, manual switch sticking) up in the review section.

Any Yeti owners who bought from Jason care to chime in. What has your experience been with the Yeti?



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 13, 2008
Virginia, USA
I bought a yeti from Jason and the first atomizer died in the first hour of use and the second died the next day. Now Jason was VERY fast at responding to my email and I recieved my replacments 2 days later and so far they are working fine but I'm also not using them alot. It would be great except that the battery keeps turning off on me after like 2 seconds so I can't get a very good hit. (wondering if that is just how it is or maybe I've got bad batteries?)


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zep -
i got my yeti from jason about two three weeks ago. it works fantastic. i also got the 901 from him as well... they both work great but i keep favoring the yeti.
i did have battery problems... but jason replaced them asap.
my atomizers have been kicking since day one ( knock on wood ) .. i do make sure i let them drain every night and do a good steam cleaning every other day...
all in all its a great unit.
hope that helps.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2009
Midwest, USA
I've got 2 kits from Jason, also 1 Dura and 3 Dura-C kits. Both the kits I got from Jason I bought with automatic batteries. The 1st kit I lost 2 atoms in 2 days. One with less than an hour on it. I also returned one of the batteries. I don't know why the atoms died, but I don't think it was human error. I'm not new to e-cigs, have several atoms of varying models, all going on months of use.

Not that it matters, but that first kit Jason was nice enough to have shipped from another supplier as I really needed it and he was out, so it wasn't from his stock. He was fast and friendly with replacements. One of the batteries from the second kit may be acting up. Currently I have it out on loan and the person with it says it doesn't seem to be holding a charge. I haven't determined yet if it's truly the battery or human error.

I have also had a Dura-C atom die. About 3 days use on it. Also on loan, so not 100% sure of the death at this point, but it sounds just like the other 2. Basically, you're using, all is well, you disassemble and set to drain. Next time you pick up to use, nothing. It's just cold.

All my carts from Jason have been the new design. I have not had any leaking issues from the carts. I have not had any issues yet with the manual buttons sticking on any of the Dura-Cs.

My Gma has one of the kits I loaned out and has already purchased and received a kit from Jason. Ordered late Fri, received Mon. One of the manual batteries was dead from the 1st charge. Replacement coming soon. So far the atoms both work. Don't know about the auto batts yet. She loves it.

The person with the loaned kit that the batt isn't holding the charge also wants to order. She loves it.

So I think there are definite durability issues with the Yeti/510/Dura-C at this point in time. May be true for all models/manufacturers across the board as they struggle to meet our demand. I haven't ordered any other models lately, so I can't say. Right now I think it's completely hit or miss, but you will know within the 2 weeks if a part is a dud and Jason is fast about getting things up and running again. Once you get solid parts for everything, I think you will like it. If you have nothing else to use at home, I wouldn't even think of ordering less than 2 kits.

Despite the issues they've had, the people I've got loaners out to that have used them all want their own kits. So far they've all decided to order from Jason. :)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2008
Ogden, Utah, United States
Daa, I am sorry to hear about your issues. But to all who are on the fence about ordering a 510.. Just like with any e-cig they go through a lot of revisions. Also, Atomizers are pretty simple devices, nichrome wire, wrapped around a wick and a battery that activates it. now if the nichrome wire gets a short, its stops working, if it gets too hot from a user trying to get the biggest monster rip of the thing.. well it can die.. manual switches are awesome for doing this.. but.. you CAN over do it.. and mess things up. It happens.. a lot, and when i dissect a lot of them, this is normally the case, i have done my best to be able to ship replacements out as soon as possible etc like some of you have said, and some... its a little slower on because i have to wait for things to get here from china. I do appreciate everyone that buys from me and helps me grow, because the more at a time i can get here the better things will be for everyone. I will continue to try and provide good service to everyone as long as i can :) or until everything gets banned.. then we all have to move underground lol.. well have a good one guys off to do some errands!



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 14, 2008
Bradford, Ohio
Hey Zep, I only have 16 Yeti's. Because I love them so much, I just kept ordering from Jason. I bought my first 2 from another supplier, got them on 2/14, and am still using them. I like the yeti because you get 2 complete cigs.. I bought from Jason because the other supplier was unable to carry them. I also got nervous about the possible ban, which prompted me to keep ordering. I'm in ohio, and most times get them in 2 days. I don't think you would be dissappointed in the yeti. The carts do leak a little, but the vapor and the throat hit are awesome!! Battery life is better than my 901, which I don't even use anymore. I have been steering several friends to Jason. He has excellent products, and quick shipping. I don't know about his replacement service, I just haven't had to use it yet.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2008
Ogden, Utah, United States
lol, yeah i thought rick was a little crazy at first, i just kept getting orders from him ;) Though it was a mistake at first, but i figured he would let me know if it was. But Like i said with replacement parts, if i have stuff in stock i try to send them out asap. Been thinking i may have to do something about the shipping charges though.. It really adds up after a while. lol, its the little things ya know? Well off to pack some orders.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2009
Midwest, USA
lol, yeah i thought rick was a little crazy at first, i just kept getting orders from him ;) Though it was a mistake at first, but i figured he would let me know if it was. But Like i said with replacement parts, if i have stuff in stock i try to send them out asap. Been thinking i may have to do something about the shipping charges though.. It really adds up after a while. lol, its the little things ya know? Well off to pack some orders.

Just FYI, I'm good with the 6 sets I have for now, all upcoming ones are for other people. I swear I'm not crazy. ;) Well maybe a little.

On shipping, at least for me, just ask. Even if it's an order I had shipped somewhere else. Always a good chance I'm ordering juice or sets or something else soon that parts can be tossed in with, heading in their direction, whatever. I try to make sure I'm never in any kind of dire circumstances. Even if I wanted whatever sent out right away, priority isn't usually a necessity.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2008
Ogden, Utah, United States
Zep, I understand where you are coming from, but just about everywhere, its about the cost of a carton of analogs lol. And honestly a lot of suppliers may start raising prices soon because of the huge risk/liability we take when we order from china.. Seriously.. I have 5 grand floatin on orders coming into the states, and if one of them gets seized im out over 1,000 bucks. Its so not cool. And it HAS happened.. to quite a few of us.. But as of now im cheaper than just about anyone. and the Parts are cheap, Keep spares.. remember you have to think of these things as consumables think about thermodynamics or whatever its called. its a tiny wire heating and cooling.. bound to break some time lol. not trying to be rude or anything at all. Just stating the fact that most consumers dont appreciate all the risk and countless hours we spend talking to manufacturers in china.. ridiculous amounts of time. And to be honest.. im not even getting paid myself, every penny that comes in goes right back out trying to get more and more product here for as long as i can.. sorry to rant.. but thats my feelings on the matter. I at some point when i can start keeping some stock and not having it fly out the door as soon as i get it will try to put out a longer warranty maybe.. and honestly.. all the warranty parts i send out are out of my pocket. I have to get enough of them together to send back to china to make it worth the freight over there.. because to get replacements. i have to send them back to china.. I guess i could say ok they have a 6 month warranty by the manufacturer lol then people could pay the freight to china and back lol. But i am doing the best i can to please customers.. and i think i am doing an okay job and trying to be honest in my dealings..

I've had my 510 (Dura-c) almost 3wks with no problems. I just lay off it when I get it too hot, & keep the cartridges topped so the atomizer doesn't burn. The carts havent leaked. The only mess i get happens if I over-top the cart and liquid comes out the other side of the atomizer. Even then, no prob, because the manual battery is sealed. Sorry to those who have had problems with theirs, but i'm in love with mine. The consistency of its heavy vapor is incredible!
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