Craveloupe and Gorilla Juice - My Favorites So Far

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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
After reading all the hype about Boba's Bounty several months ago, I ordered a sample bottle. I let it steep and a month later was still a "no go." I just couldn't get into the flavor. Now lets fast forward it to last week. I saw that they were having a new forum sale and decided to give them a go one more time. I ordered a sample of gorilla juice and craveloupe. I actually thought they would be a fail for me also. Boy was I wrong! Both are mouthwatering. I especially love the craveloupe. Melons are my favorite vape. Nice crisp clean flavor. Gorilla juice is not far behind it. I don't like alot of vendors banana flavoring as it's too artificial. This isn't. Thank you AVE for providing the sale.

I already went back and ordered bigger bottles. When this order arrives and my supply dwindles down, I will be ordering 100ml bottles of both of these.

Two thumbs up for AVE for fast shipping, notifications, and great CS. I will be a repeat customer from here on out.

Has anyone tried Hype yet? Can you give a description of what it tastes like...more peach or melon? Also, is their watermelon good? Thanks.


Unregistered Supplier
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Jun 12, 2009
Lancaster, CA
The majority of the feedback I get is that the Peach is the defining flavor and there is a hint of melon in the background. Just enough melon to give it a slightly succulent flavor.

The feedback on watermelon is all over the place. Half say it is a good fresh watermelon flavor the other half say it's jolly rancher candy. Personally, I get a bit of a candy flavor in there. The difference shows in the nic strength. Nicotine will mask sweetness making it seem more natural at high concentrations and sweeter (candy-like) at lower nic concentrations.

EDIT: all of the above observations are based on the same hardware of course. Hardware will always impact your results.


ECF Guru
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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
I received Hype and Watermelon today. Another 2 that I will be ordering in bigger bottles. Hype is outstanding. Watermelon tastes just like watermelon.

I'm using the same setup as I used with gorilla and craveloupe: Ikenvape's LR 510 Mega Cartomizer on my Prodigy V3.1 at 3.7v.

I highly recommend folks to try these out.


Senior Member
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Feb 7, 2011
Brunswick, GA
I absolutely love Craveloupe, but I frequently develop heartburn when I vape it. I plan on ordering a sample of Hype when I place my next order. I started out with the fruit flavors, thinking I would like those most of all, but I soon discovered that I really like AVE's tobacco flavors, Flue Cured being my favorite.

I wonder, just how much coaxing would it take to persuade those flavor scouts at AVE to come up with a rich espresso juice?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 12, 2009
Lancaster, CA
I wonder, just how much coaxing would it take to persuade those flavor scouts at AVE to come up with a rich espresso juice?
I have a(singular) coffee flavor already made but hashing out how to produce it at a cost equal to or lower than what it would sell for is the hard part (yes, it is that expensive to make). Give me until after the first week of June to get details nailed down. My first priority right now is my move coming up, after that I can work on expansion and new lines of flavors. I'm really excited about the move. I'll be doubling my available workspace and I have quite a few plans, perhaps even a bottle to fit the gap between 18ml and 100ml *wink wink nudge nudge*


Senior Member
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Jan 27, 2011
Ausable River
My first order was Havana Gold, Boba's Bounty, and Gorilla Juice in 12 ml bottles. Flue Cured, Blend 4, Craveloupe, Pineapple Pulp, and Hype in the 5 sampler 6 ml size. I really like tobacco flavored juice so I ordered mostly tobacco flavors but I threw in some fruit flavors just in case. Before I ordered from AVE I was disappointed with the fruit flavors I had ordered from all the other vendors because they all tasted too sweet and more like candy. I tried AVE tobacco flavors first including Gorilla Juice and I have to say Havana Gold is my favorite but the others are top notch and I like them all. Other than a couple drops I had not tried the fruit flavors until today. I put about 3 ml's of Craveloupe in my clean Woodvil bottle with a clean Cisco 306 LR atty and jeepers was I pleasantly surprised. I am looking forward to trying the Hype and Pineapple Pulp the same way. The Craveloupe is wild. I made a hurry-up order for 100 ml's of Havana Gold, already got it, because I didn't have time to try all the flavors with me leaving for vacation tomorrow but I will definantly be ordering a ton of AVE juice when I get back home!
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