Curious about snuff and airports

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Mar 18, 2009
I was just curious to see if anyone has ever had any problems with airport security when traveling with snuff, either in your checked bags, your carry-on, or on your person. Even though snuff has been around for hundreds of years, not many people I talk to know much about it, and I know that airport security typically is skeptical about strange brown powders...

I'm sure that a factory-labeled bullet or tub of snuff would be pretty self explanatory when going thru security, but what about the fill-your-own bullets or blank smashboxes?

I bought an empty bullet from nicotinerush and I used it to mix a combination of Dholakia Limited Raspberry and Dholakia swish chocolate. It's a great combination, but there's no labeling on my bullet that says that it's a tobacco product, so airports might be inclined to think that it was some kind of illegal drug.

Any of the veteran snuffers have any input?:confused:

The Wiz

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2009
Whiskeyville USA
I was just curious to see if anyone has ever had any problems with airport security when traveling with snuff, either in your checked bags, your carry-on, or on your person. Even though snuff has been around for hundreds of years, not many people I talk to know much about it, and I know that airport security typically is skeptical about strange brown powders...

I'm sure that a factory-labeled bullet or tub of snuff would be pretty self explanatory when going thru security, but what about the fill-your-own bullets or blank smashboxes?

I bought an empty bullet from nicotinerush and I used it to mix a combination of Dholakia Limited Raspberry and Dholakia swish chocolate. It's a great combination, but there's no labeling on my bullet that says that it's a tobacco product, so airports might be inclined to think that it was some kind of illegal drug.

Any of the veteran snuffers have any input?:confused:
Sly....I just flew Northwest in late October with a tin and two or three bullets in my carry on.....No problems whatsoever.If for some reason they ask.....tell them what it is...Nothing illegal thats for sure.I was surprised they never questioned what my Prodigy was....I was way more concerned about that than the snuff I had with me...LOL:)The Wiz!


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Mar 18, 2009
Sly....I just flew Northwest in late October with a tin and two or three bullets in my carry on.....No problems whatsoever.If for some reason they ask.....tell them what it is...Nothing illegal thats for sure.I was surprised they never questioned what my Prodigy was....I was way more concerned about that than the snuff I had with me...LOL:)The Wiz!

good to know! I had read the thread about taking your e-cig through the airport, and it seems like airport security has literally seen EVERYTHING come through at one time or another, so the same must be for snuff. And now that I think about it, having a bullet or plastic smashbox of snuff in your pocket shouldn't be a problem. As long as there is no metal in your bullet mechanics(mine are all plastic/acrylic), then you shouldn't even have to worry about taking it out of pocket for metal detectors. Good to know that you had a positive experience!
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