custom mods

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Sep 4, 2011
Hey everyone. I want to start building custom mods, but I don't know where to start. I checked out the box mod kit that madvapes has for around 18 dollars and seems like a good place to start, but I want to know what you guys think.

Some basic questions I have are:
How can you tell which parts are high quality as opposed to low quality?
Where can I buy parts?
Are there any other vendors other than madvapes that offer a DIY box mod kit?


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Oct 31, 2011
MVVV is a great start.. It's easy to make and has great pic quides.

Q : How can you tell which parts are high quality as opposed to low quality?
A : Just go with a hunch.. the parts doesn't cost so much that you'd go bankrupt even if buying few "bad" ones.

Q : Where can I buy parts?
A : I myself prefer Ebay.. Most Chinese vendors offer free shippin (it does take a while thou)..
So you could also look around you if you can find a Hobbyking, Radioshack, Digikey etc..

Q : Are there any other vendors other than madvapes that offer a DIY box mod kit?
Not that I know.. But hey, I'm from Finland :p Haven't checked all the US vendors (yet)..


Few good projects to make after your first one...
PoorVari ->
This kit fit's into an 3x AA box easily.. So just check the item list and start ordering :p
(I ordered parts for 50x and the final bill was ~4€/kit)

Dena VV ->
Looks nice ;)

Most of the parts are cheaper in Ebay then @ MV..
So I suggest checking from there when going solo..
Like the volt screens... ~2-4€/piece
High quality switches ~5€/piece (10A 12V fex)
Boxes from 60cent's to 10€ from plastic to aluminium..
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2012
Huntsville, AL
IMAG0094.jpg IMAG0093.jpg
These are the "mods" I've made that have survived my rigorous testing and are still in regular rotation. There were about a dozen others that never made it this far. They are my solution a devastating 15 year smoking addiction. I am proud to say that I'm down to 5mg nic content and ready to wade into 0nic. I no longer make mods for myself but continue to make them for others. They have given me an outlet for my passion for circuit design and taught me volumes about prototyping and manufacturing. I love answering questions about my gadgets so Don't hesitate.

I know from personal experience that one need not be an engineer, genius, or mathematician to design and create custom electronic devices for themselves at very low cost. I love to help empower others to Do for themselves what may seem daunting in the beginning, because I know how rewarding it can be to see you ideas become working gadgets in your hands.
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