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Senior Member
Jun 1, 2010
Oak Harbor WA
I got an adapter for my dse 901 and placed an order for some cartomizers. I've really been wanting to try those.

Well, according to the tracking number, they were delivered on Friday but I didn't get them. I think the mailman put the package in the wrong box.

I called the post office yesterday and today and all they say is we will talk to the carrier and call you back. Yeah right. Haven't heard a word.

Thank you for letting me vent.


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2010
Oak Harbor WA
Oh that's terrible. I've had that happen to me before without resolution. Hope you have a different outcome than I did!

Thanks. I just heard from the post office. The carrier said my address looked funny. Funny?:blink:

Supposedly it was sent back. I have contacted the site I ordered from and we will see what happens.

I don't get it. I have lived here for years and now my address is "funny"? LOL


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2010
Oak Harbor WA
Id ask them to clarify 'funny' as no other deliveries have been affected.
Did the sender put something odd on it?
Did the post office jsut use the 'funny' excuse because it wasn't delivered correctly (or, at all)
Your reasoning for asking (if you need one) is that you dont want a repeat of this.

I will keep on this but BLESS Paul at bluegrassvapor.com. He is sending me a replacement. Awesome!

Still don't know what happened to my package. I really don't trust my local post office. I live across lthe street from a mini storage where they rent space.

I see the doors open all of the time with bins of mail in them and there is no one there watching them. I could walk across the street and grab anything I wanted.

Anyway, I have to give props to bluegrassvapor.com for replacing my order. Their shipping is free so please check them out.
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