Day 1 with no analog

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Jason McRoy

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May 24, 2012
Tampa, FL
So, today starts my first official day without analogs. I am nervous.

I have been weaning myself but I find my most favorite analog is the one first thing in the morning. I have been awake now for about an hour and so far I can feel the nicotine from my PV going into my body and satisfying that craving pretty well. There is still a small part of me that is missing that analog though. I am hoping that it just passes pretty soon.

During the day I have been ok without having an analog for a good period of time, I think it's just these mental trigger moments I am going to have to get used to.

Let's see how it goes today!



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Apr 28, 2012
The Berserkshires, MA
That first one in the morning is the most difficult to skip. I always felt especially weak-willed in the morning, too. That's why I decided it would be best to quit during the middle of the day, when my will power was stronger and more focused. Also, I quit on a Saturday, so I'd have an easy day off on Sunday to not get too stressed out and give in.

Hang in there, Jason, and keep your eye on the prize: Finally being a "non-smoker".. Woohoo!
I had almost no trouble leaving the analogs behind when I started vaping but that first thing in the morning smoke did haunt me! What I found that really helped was varying my routine just a little in the mornings and pep talking myself. I use to light up before my feet hit the ground. So I moved my PV to the night stand instead of the pack and told myself to vape first then get up go to the bathroom/get coffee (keep vaping) and if after 15-30 mins I still *needed* a smoke I could... never did. Might be worth a shot?!


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Oct 15, 2010
Rocky Mount, VA, USA
So, today starts my first official day without analogs. I am nervous.

I have been weaning myself but I find my most favorite analog is the one first thing in the morning. I have been awake now for about an hour and so far I can feel the nicotine from my PV going into my body and satisfying that craving pretty well. There is still a small part of me that is missing that analog though. I am hoping that it just passes pretty soon.

During the day I have been ok without having an analog for a good period of time, I think it's just these mental trigger moments I am going to have to get used to.

Let's see how it goes today!


It's all about logic.

When I first quit cigarettes, before using e-cigarettes, I had a mantra.

"I can't have a cigarette, because I don't smoke."

"I can't have a cigarette, because I don't smoke, I vape"

You don't smoke, you vape. That is what you do now. In every instance where you smoked, replace it with vapor. Let it become your new standard, your replacement. Don't see it as a weaker alternative, see it as a better alternative. This is the real deal that analogs would be the weak replacement to. See analogs as the fake electronic-cigarettes, see them as worse, as weak.

Jason McRoy

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May 24, 2012
Tampa, FL
That first one in the morning is the most difficult to skip. I always felt especially weak-willed in the morning, too. That's why I decided it would be best to quit during the middle of the day, when my will power was stronger and more focused. Also, I quit on a Saturday, so I'd have an easy day off on Sunday to not get too stressed out and give in.

Hang in there, Jason, and keep your eye on the prize: Finally being a "non-smoker".. Woohoo!

I wish I'd thought about that- it seems like a pretty good idea since I have an easier time later in the day. I have always thought it would be easier for me after 8 hours of no nicotine. Oh well, I am in it to win it now!


Jason McRoy

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May 24, 2012
Tampa, FL
I had almost no trouble leaving the analogs behind when I started vaping but that first thing in the morning smoke did haunt me! What I found that really helped was varying my routine just a little in the mornings and pep talking myself. I use to light up before my feet hit the ground. So I moved my PV to the night stand instead of the pack and told myself to vape first then get up go to the bathroom/get coffee (keep vaping) and if after 15-30 mins I still *needed* a smoke I could... never did. Might be worth a shot?!

Perhaps. We will see how today goes. If I just can't go all day, I will keep that in mind. One fortunate thing is that my wife and I never smoke inside the house. We always go out on the back porch. I work from home too so in some ways it's easier but I could always take a quick break and have a quick puff outside. Now I am vaping away in front of the computer! lol


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Apr 30, 2012
If I ever go back to anything after 7 months with no analogs, it will be vaping. It just is the tastier more satisfying alternative to grungy dirty nasty analogs. This has been my motivation, I can always pick up my apv, it will be charged, it will be my totem in the morning, it and my favorite liquid swagger are going to be here for me. If I quit vaping for a couple hours, doesn't hurt me or make me feel guilty to vape my face off, it's refreshing. You got this Jason! Stay calm with vapor confidence! Be proud to be different!

Jason McRoy

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May 24, 2012
Tampa, FL
It's all about logic.

When I first quit cigarettes, before using e-cigarettes, I had a mantra.

"I can't have a cigarette, because I don't smoke."

"I can't have a cigarette, because I don't smoke, I vape"

You don't smoke, you vape. That is what you do now. In every instance where you smoked, replace it with vapor. Let it become your new standard, your replacement. Don't see it as a weaker alternative, see it as a better alternative. This is the real deal that analogs would be the weak replacement to. See analogs as the fake electronic-cigarettes, see them as worse, as weak.

Good idea. I did have the thought in the past when I'd tried to quit before of thinking, "I am not quitting smoking, I am now a non-smoker". Now I can change that to- "I am a vaper".


Jason McRoy

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May 24, 2012
Tampa, FL
Try using a higher mg in the A.M. Your "nicotine bank" so to speak has not had any deposits in 8 or so hrs so you are running on low.

Perhaps. I can definitely feel the nicotine going into my system this morning. It's giving me that same "relaxed" feeling I used to get hitting a cigarette. I seriously think all the other stuff is purely mental.

Jason McRoy

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May 24, 2012
Tampa, FL
I found that following same routine helped me. For example every morning I would make a cup of coffee, walk my dog, and smoke on my front porch when we get back. I still do those steps with vaping. Also a stronger flavor / nic in the morning helps me get going.

Cool. Similar here except smoking on the porch- I did switch this morning from the Original flavor to the Desert Ship flavor which I find to be a bit stronger in general.

Jason McRoy

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May 24, 2012
Tampa, FL
If I ever go back to anything after 7 months with no analogs, it will be vaping. It just is the tastier more satisfying alternative to grungy dirty nasty analogs. This has been my motivation, I can always pick up my apv, it will be charged, it will be my totem in the morning, it and my favorite liquid swagger are going to be here for me. If I quit vaping for a couple hours, doesn't hurt me or make me feel guilty to vape my face off, it's refreshing. You got this Jason! Stay calm with vapor confidence! Be proud to be different!

Thanks! Interesting you mention being proud to be different. That is actually one aspect I like about vaping- it's so different. In my car yesterday I noticed several people looking at me while stopped at lights with a confused look on their face! lol

I also look forward to being approached by anyone in public because I am always happy to explain and educate about vaping.


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Apr 28, 2012
The Berserkshires, MA
Haha, I totally believe in the mantras and self pep talks. For the first week or so, every time I thought I wanted a cigarette, I'd tell myself, "That ain't cool." It's largely a psychological thing, and I dislike anything that isn't "cool" to me.. so it made sense to keep reminding myself that it just ain't cool to smoke, or even think about it.


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Dec 18, 2011
Rochester, NY
Congrats Jason! It will get easier every day. Just remember to drink lots of water and vape as much as you want. I remember being amazed that vaping took away that hard hit cravings and another hour/day/week/month went by. Six months later now I will all of a sudden have a hard craving and realize that an hour or two have gone by and I actually forgot to vape!

Just a little advise. Try not to get lost in searching for the perfect, the latest and the greatest, other people's obsessions. I did that in the beginning and found myself more frustrated than content and almost gave up. It's easy to get overwhelmed with too much equipment, info and opinions. Lot's of great info here but just take it slow. Find a pv and a couple juices that work for you and just stay with that for a few months. There is no holy grail. In the beginning it should only be about staying away from the stinkies and reducing the cravings and frustrations as your body and brain adjust.

If this turns into a hobby for you than searching for the holy grail can be a lot of fun. There is lots of fun stuff out there but for most people nothing will ever be absolutely perfect. It takes some experience to realize you aren't "replacing" cigarettes because it is impossible to. That search is futile and only leads to frustration and possibly failure. Realize you no longer smoke and you aren't going to replicate cigarettes. Now you vape. Two completely different animals.

Good luck and welcome to ECF!!!
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